Chen Fan licked his lips.

The range of death and rebirth is five kilometers.

In the fantasy world where the scope of spiritual consciousness is greatly suppressed, even a master who has just entered the infinite realm may not necessarily be able to spread the spiritual consciousness so far.

But Chen Fan was different.

His own spiritual consciousness is already stronger than warriors of the same level, not to mention, some time ago, he also absorbed the spiritual power of the Sand Clan master "Naru" who was suppressed in the Star God Seal.

His spiritual consciousness can spread almost ten kilometers away, which is almost twice the limit range of death and rebirth.

And with the help of his divine sense, he can use the flying sword technique, or "Nightmare Prayer", to easily and remotely kill other less powerful warriors.

That is to say, if he wants to, he can repeatedly operate and easily kill a martial artist who is not strong enough...

This kind of routine cannot be used by a single person, even if it is Dao Fruit or ordinary longevity.

But that's just the case of that person, if there are many people...

The youth in black said:

"As long as the Seven Saints Alliance locks down a certain master, they will send enough powerful warriors to take down that person, injure them but not kill them, and then bring them back to the base of the Seven Saints Alliance to kill them."

"The number of masters controlled by the Seven Saints Alliance is enough, and there are masters in the base. Within the range of their death, there will be masters who will strictly prevent and control them. After they are reborn, they will continue to be controlled as soon as possible. In place, kill again..."

"The process is repeated until the person is killed below 10,000 points, and then regain control..."

With many people working together, even if the range of spiritual consciousness is insufficient, it is easy to repeatedly kill a person.

The more people there are, the stronger and easier it is!

"Among the seven Dao Fruits, there is a very special master who is good at the 'contract', and makes a contract with these controlled people. If you don't want to be eliminated, you have to promise to pay enough resources after leaving the outside world. exchange……"

The youth in black was speechless:

"Seniors, you may wish to think about it. A tenth-level master could have rushed into the elite sequence of the temple, but he was killed many times, resulting in insufficient points. He was still controlled and unable to collect points. They would pay for the points. What kind of price?"

Chen Fan licked his lips: "Interesting."

No matter how high your own points are, it is actually empty, as long as you can advance to the next level, it is enough.

But what if you can't advance?

Needless to say how important this May meeting is.

The stronger the martial artist, the more unwilling to be eliminated.

Generally speaking, as long as the strength can reach the top ten, it is almost impossible to fail this round of preliminary selection.

And even the treasures of the outside world may not be more important than the opportunity to enter the holy hall...

Especially when many people have reached the upper limit of fifty years old, there is only such a chance...

The young man in black thought of the ordinary tenfold, but what Chen Fan thought of was Dao Fruit and even Longevity.

Daoguo masters will guarantee the third rank, and even have the opportunity to enter the second rank.

But the longevity series is almost always within the second series unless one is very unlucky!

If Daoguo or longevity geniuses are targeted like this, killed too many times, their points drop to the bottom, and they are controlled again, then...

For the sake of their future, they will definitely be able to take out Taoist artifacts and holy medicines!

You must know that even in the pre-selection, there are many peerless geniuses from the hermit sect, and the treasures in the hands of such masters are definitely more than ordinary people!

"Damn it, why didn't I think of this level!" Chen Fan was eager to move.

With Chen Fan's level of spiritual consciousness, he is almost the only one in this fantasy world. If he uses the same method, it is possible to continuously kill opponents at the longevity level!

"Living in Baoshan, I didn't realize it, and I was still foolishly hiding in the dark and practicing on my own? How stupid of me!"

Chen Fan's mind was full of thoughts.

Seeing Chen Fan's attitude, the young man in black thought Chen Fan was surprised, and continued:

"Hey, it's more than that."

"Even if these people agree to sign the contract, they will not really be free, but will join the Seven Saints Alliance, become a member of the Seven Saints Alliance, and start to kill and control the next warrior..."

"In the past two and a half months, I don't know how many warriors have been targeted by the Seven Saints Alliance. Most of the fighters they have selected are masters of the tenth level or higher. It is even said that the masters of Dao and Fruit have already mastered the Dao!"

All masters of Dao and fruit have been recruited, and the difficulty is not ordinary, which also shows that the strength of this "Seven Saints Alliance" is extremely strong.

Chen Fan was stunned, and his expression was a little subtle:

"The Seven Saints Alliance is really a cancer."

The gameplay of the Seven Saints Alliance also shocked Chen Fan.

Their methods will eventually transfer the victims into their own strength. The more fighters they deal with, the stronger the Seven Saints Alliance will be and the more difficult it will be to deal with.

As the number of victims increases, the substantial interests involved will also increase extremely terrifying!

The youth in black nodded:

"I got the exact information that the Seven Saints Alliance has already set their sights on this city. With their current number and strength, all the masters in the entire city will suffer!"

Chen Fan once explored the surrounding area with "Shen Xing".

In addition to the swamp area, there is only one Dao fruit around, so naturally it can't stop the Seven Saints Alliance.

Chen Fan shook his head, with a sneer on his face, his eyes sparkling: "Escape? Why do you want to escape?"

The Seven Sacred Alliance is so cancerous, earning a lot of money, Chen Fan made a move, wouldn't it be doing justice for the heavens!

It should be right to defeat them and let them hand over part of their gains by the way!

The young man in black was taken aback.


Half an hour passed.

Chen Fan was still sitting cross-legged in the empty pavilion.

The young man in black had long since disappeared.

He didn't have Chen Fan's confidence, but he had already fled for his life on his own.

"This kid was able to know the news of the Seven Saints Alliance's actions in advance, and he did a good job in intelligence collection, but his courage is a bit too small."

After waiting for a long time, Chen Fan suddenly opened his eyes, and a real light shot out from his eyes.

"Is it finally here?"

His body instantly turned into a stream of light and shot out.

Blinked and left the pavilion.

Standing and looking around, the sky around the city has been completely covered by black clouds, and the figures stirring the Dao Domain and the terrifying atmosphere are gradually surrounded inward.

There are constant roars from all over the city, obviously the battle has reached its limit.

Chen Fan stepped forward calmly, with a subtle expression on his face, and kept moving forward.

Not long after, he stopped walking.

Several figures stopped in front of him.

There were seven or eight people scattered in front of Chen Fan.

The leading man in brocade clothes said with a smile: "My friend, the black sword in your hand looks quite extraordinary. I wonder if you can lend it to me?"

The corner of Chen Fan's mouth curled up: "Are you from the Seven Saints Alliance?"

As soon as these words came out, a smile flashed across the face of the brocade-clothed man:

"I didn't expect that in such a remote place, there are people who already know about our Seven Saints Alliance. If this is the case, then don't waste time. Hand over the sword and go back with me."

Sure enough, he is a member of the Seven Saints Alliance!

Chen Fan's eyes glanced at the figures behind him. Except for the skinny Taoist priest beside the man in brocade clothes, the expressions of the others were not like the man in brocade clothes. They were either numb and helpless, or His face was frosty, and his complexion was ugly.

It is not difficult to guess that these people should be those who have been "controlled".

Chen Fan smiled: "Interesting, since you can realize that the level of this weapon is not low, can't you guess that my strength is not bad?"

This should only be a fighter from an action team of the "Seven Saints Alliance".

Except for the brocade-clothed man and the old Taoist priest who are at the second level of the Dao domain, the others are either at the beginning of the tenth level or at the peak of the ninth level.

In this fantasy world, they are all masters, but they are not comparable to Chen Fan.

The Taoist warrior beside the brocade-clothed man smiled:

"If you are not a master, we will not come to you... I am an old man, I can do nothing else, but I have some skills in terms of hope and survey!"

"Based on my observation, Your Excellency's strength is indeed not bad. You should have reached the tenth level. Presumably, your points must not be low...but you are the master I need in the 'Seven Saints Alliance'!"

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