My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 809 Luo Yingtian

A illusory aura surged in the old Taoist's hand, but it turned into a huge whisk.

Threads of spiritual light flew out from the dust whisk and wound towards Chen Fan.

Chen Fan stood there with a smile, a flash of spiritual light surged around him.

Chi Chi Chi!

The invisible sword qi shot out, but it smashed the threads of spiritual light into pieces in an instant.

His moves are something even Chen Fan can't do.

The old Taoist backed away quickly, and there was a hint of subtlety on his face. He turned his head to look at the man in brocade: "Master Ban, this person is a bit mysterious, so be careful."

The man in brocade also nodded solemnly, and then waved his hand: "Everyone, let's go together!"

No matter how unwilling the seven people around were, they rushed towards Chen Fan one by one.

But Chen Fan sneered and shook his head.

Boom boom boom!

The figures rushing forward one after another fell to the ground one after another, changing one by one in the blink of an eye to make the phantom light dissipate.

This also shows that several people died in an instant.

But the problem is, neither the group of young masters nor the old Taoist saw Chen Fan make a move.

"What?" The group of young masters also realized that something was wrong at this time.

"It's a soul attack!"

The old Taoist screamed, the Dao domain around him was turbulent, and the surging power rushed towards Chen Fan, but it stopped abruptly in an instant.

The young masters turned around and ran away.

It's just that he didn't run far, but his eyes turned black.

When he opened his eyes again, he was already dead and reborn.

Holding the nameplate, he saw that his points had dropped, but instead of disappointment, he was excited: "I have met a master!"

He looked around, briefly confirmed his position, and then intertwined his hands to form a wonderful handprint, and soon a strange light curtain appeared in his hand.

He said to the light curtain: "I met a master who is good at soul attack, at least the third level of Dao domain, maybe Dao fruit, that person's position is probably..."

This light curtain is obviously some kind of communication method...


"To deal with these warriors, Yan Prayer is just right..." Chen Fan raised his eyebrows.

He didn't even use the advanced method of using Nightmare Prayer at all, just the most common power deployment, these people couldn't bear it.

"The strongest souls of these people are still far from the realm of heaven and man. My spiritual consciousness of the limitless realm can't stop these people without using the 'Dream Prayer'..."

Chen Fan shook his head with a smile, but stayed where he was.

His divine sense covered the surroundings, but it was completely possible to kill these people a few more times, and use the method of the Seven Saints Alliance to force them back.

It's just that these people are too weak, but Chen Fan doesn't like the price they can pay.

After a while, he looked up to the horizon.

The air billowed in the sky, and a majestic figure approached in an instant.

This is a tall man in a black robe, with a mask on his face, exuding a terrifying murderous aura.


Chen Fan also couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and there was a touch of surprise on his face: "It turned out to be a Dao fruit master of the way of killing?!"

The Dao of Slaughter is an extremely powerful type of ordinary Dao, and it is a branch of the Dao "Day of Death", which is extremely rare.

And it is extremely difficult to improve.

Even for Chen Fan now, the Slaughtering Dao Domain is only at the second level, and there is still a terrifying gap from the third level.

There was also a hint of subtlety on the tall man's face: "Huh? You can actually tell my 'way of killing'. It can't be an ordinary person. Who are you?"

Masters who have reached the Dao Fruit level, unless they deliberately conceal their strength, will definitely be able to be listed on the leaderboard, and the ranking will not be low.

Chen Fan smiled hesitantly, with a subtle expression on his face:

"It's you, who condenses Dao fruit by killing the Dao domain, I'm afraid it's not much worse than the real longevity, and you still engage in the 'Seven Saints Alliance' routine?"

As soon as these words came out, a flash of extreme and irrepressible anger flashed across the tall man's face, and a blood-red halo around his body enveloped a radius of nearly a hundred feet, enveloping Chen Fan!

"You want to die, don't you?"

The turbulent killing intent rushed straight into the sky, making people daunting.

Chen Fan showed a delicate face, and he said something casually, but this person's reaction surprised him a bit.

He originally thought that this person was the founder of the "Seven Saints Alliance", one of the "Seven Saints", but now it seems that he is likely to be "forced" to join.

And to force such a master to join the "Seven Saints Alliance", even if there is a real immortal master among the "Seven Saints", it will be difficult to do so!

"Interesting, interesting!" Chen Fan became more and more interested in the so-called "Seven Saints Alliance".

Seeing Chen Fan walking on the ground in his Dao domain without any fear or suppression, the eyes of the man in black also flashed a look of surprise and caution.

He points straight forward with both hands.


In the Dao Domain, blood-colored auras condensed into dragons and rushed towards Chen Fan in an instant.

These two long dragons entangled and coerced, exuding a strong killing atmosphere.

Chen Fan's eyes were also focused: "Amazing!"

As expected of a master at the level of Dao Fruit Slaughter, this move alone can sweep ninety-nine percent of the true inheritance of the Heaven Splitting Sword Sect to the outside world.

Even except for Zhan Jianming and Rong Ziqi, no one else will be his opponent.

Including Wei Dong, a Dao fruit master who also masters the sword domain.

Wei Dong's swordsmanship is quite special, with more defense than attack, but he won't be defeated by him.

And you must know that being able to appear here also means that this person is less than fifty years old, and the actual talent is beyond the reach of anyone in Jianzong except Chen Fan!

Facing this terrifying move, Chen Fan's eyes were burning, and there was no trace of fear on his face.

He used his spiritual sense to the extreme, but he saw all the details of the opponent's move.

"Slaughter Daoyu actually has such a usage!"

Fighting against such a master is also very useful for Chen Fan's Slaughter Dao domain improvement!

He laughed loudly and swung his sword.

But it also uses the way of killing to fight against the enemy.

However, his Slaughter Dao Domain is only at the second level, and he only uses the fourth style of the Seven Killing Sword. Compared with the current four holy swords, there is a huge gap in power!

But it was no worse than the man in front of him.

Sword energy and blood dragon intertwine and collide.

The air waves rolled.

It took a long while for the majestic momentum to slowly dissipate.

The tall man in black was still standing in the air, but his face was full of surprise and fear.

Doesn't it mean that this is a master who is good at the art of soul attack?

The corner of his mouth twitched: "With such strength, you must not be an unknown person... Who are you?"

The Slaughtering Sword Realm contained in Chen Fan's Seven Killing Sword's swordsmanship is actually quite different from other people, but his Seven Killing Sword has dual blessings of the Sword Domain and the Killing Dao Domain!

Although he is not Dao Fruit, the Sword Domain is much more powerful than the Dao Domain of ordinary Dao Fruit level masters.

It is also because of Sword Domain that his sword is so powerful!

Chen Fan smiled and curled his lips: "Before asking someone else's identity, isn't it better to declare your name first?"

The tall man narrowed his eyes and snorted coldly: "Yuan Mozong, Luo Yingtian!"

Chen Fan also frowned, with a strange expression:

"With your strength, you didn't even enter the direct recommendation list of Yuan Mozong?"

As the head of the top ten demon sects, the Yuan Demon Sect is not as powerful as the Yuhua Sect, but it is far superior to other sects. Its strength is extremely terrifying. It is normal to have such a young master!

Luo Yingtian snorted coldly, and his face became even more ugly:

"Although the Yuhua Sect does not prohibit the Demon Sect from participating in the Meihui, it has not given any direct promotion to the top ten Demon Sects. You haven't revealed your identity yet. Are you... the hidden master of the Yuhua Sect?"

Chen Fan was stunned.

After all, Yuhuamen is hosting the Meihui this time as a representative.

With Momen's way of doing things, Yuhuamen's willingness to give Mozong the qualification to participate in the Meihui preselection is already big enough.

Chen Fan shook his head: "My name is Chen Fan, and I come from the Heaven-Splitting Sword Sect in Shenzhou, Yuan Dynasty."

Now that he has participated in the Meihui and is determined to compete for the top three, Chen Fan does not intend to continue to keep a low profile, nor does he care about being famous.

"Can the Sky-Splitting Sword Sect be able to produce someone like Your Excellency?" The corners of Luo Yingtian's mouth twitched. He naturally didn't know who Chen Fan was, but he knew the Sky-Splitting Sword Sect that Chen Fan answered.

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