My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 822: The End

There is no such thing as death rather than surrender, it's just whether the price can be bearable.

When he was killed three times before, Togo hadn't realized the seriousness of the problem.

Until he chose to run away and was chased by Chen Fan and the two of them, although he spoke hard, he felt panic in his heart...

After being killed two more times, he also realized that if this continues, something big will happen.

As a Daoist of the Ice Extreme Sect, he not only has a natural talent and strength, but also is not too stupid.

No matter how angry you are, it is not as important as some real interests.

In the end, the man agreed not only to give what Nightmare needed, but also to give out additional treasures.

Of course, Nightmare promised that as long as there is such an item, the others will naturally be cheaper than Chen Fan.

While Nightmare, Chen Fan and Togo were drafting the deal and communicating the details.

Because they misjudged Togo's strength, Dorodo and Zhu Shan, who were killed once and fled early, also got together, watching the changes in the points ranking at this time in amazement.

Togo kept falling from the first place, all the way out of the top 100 in the rankings. Nightmare ranked first with more than one billion points. Killing Togo mainly depends on his strength.

Chen Fan also entered the top ten with 200 million points.

He didn't kill Togo once, but he did kill Nightmare. In fact, if he hadn't allowed Nightmare to kill himself twice for the sake of recovery, his points would have been much higher.

Zhu Shan watched the ranking change with excitement, naturally he was very happy.

To him, as long as Togo's points drop, it doesn't matter who did it.

But Dorodo next to him had an ugly expression on his face.

He made a deal with Nightmare, and he was tempted by the benefits, so he hunted and killed Togo with Nightmare. As a result, he escaped halfway after being killed once, violating Nightmare's deal, which Nightmare promised Naturally, treasures and benefits have nothing to do with him.

The remorse in my heart flashed through my heart, but more of it was stunned and puzzled——

With Togo's strength, how did Chen Fan and Nightmare manage to kill him so many times?

The rankings of Chen Fan and Nightmare didn't last long, and soon kept falling, while Togo's ranking came back again, and rushed to the first place again.


The corner of Zhu Shan's mouth twitched, his face extremely ugly.

Dorodo next to him narrowed his eyes slightly, shook his head and said helplessly:

"According to the sudden change in points, Togo has killed these two people several times in a short period of time. It seems that they have already made a deal..."

Not only did I work in vain, but I also died once, and I lost a lot of points, which is really a big loss!


Chen Fan and Nightmare returned to the residence of the "Seven Saints Alliance" immediately after reaching a deal with Togo.

time left.

Nightmare gave Chen Fan all the price of treasures that everyone in the Seven Saints Alliance had to pay.

Chen Fan did not waste this power either, he stopped the "Seven Saints Alliance" from continuing to expand.

After all, with less than ten days left, it would be very difficult to get any more experts.

He gathered all the masters with more than ten levels.

Statistics of their respective dao domains, martial arts, and treasures that can be paid, etc.

For some powerful warriors who are useful to him, or warriors with corresponding dao domain comprehension, Chen Fan will use these people to fight him, show martial arts, dao domain, etc., to reduce the price of treasures that these people need to pay.

Of course, with Chen Fan's current comprehension.

The five realms of Earth, Fire, Water, Wind and Sword are the most helpful to his strength. Even if there are fighters in these realms, they can only broaden Chen Fan's horizons at most.

But others, Chen Fan's realm is still low, such as ice, thunder and lightning, and many artistic concepts that have not even broken through the Dao domain level, but the effect is quite large.

The only pity is that the remaining time is too short.

Chen Fan forgot to eat and sleep, and seized all the time to let these people continue to fight to the death, while he observed all martial arts and dao domains at close range.

Time passed by like this.

Although the Seven Saints Alliance has a large radiation range and intelligence channels, Chen Fan did not let them deliberately look for Tao Xi'an and Fan Zhong.

These two are not strong enough, Chen Fan can help them advance to the preliminaries, but it is impossible to help them continue afterwards.

On this day, a magnificent idea suddenly swept across the entire fantasy world.

Beams of light shot up into the sky, feeling the warm feeling like bathing in a hot spring. Chen Fan also realized that the preliminaries were over.


A sense of dizziness came, and Chen Fan only felt the scene in front of him distort and change.

In the blink of an eye, I returned to the sub-venue of the preselection again.

The silent meeting place became extremely noisy in the blink of an eye.

Someone looked excited and laughed.

More warriors were pale and dejected.

Those who can advance are naturally a minority, and most of them are eliminated!

Chen Fan twisted his neck, the state of his avatar hadn't changed any abnormally from before he entered the fantasy world three months ago.

"Here comes the question... In the past three months, where has my avatar gone? Did I stay where I was, and my consciousness entered the fantasy world, or did my body enter a special place..."

After experiencing the fantasy world and his party, his curiosity about the fantasy world has become even stronger.

The fantasy world is too real, but some special rules are obviously divorced from reality.

It's a pity that this fantasy world seems to be provided by a big guy standing behind the Yuhuamen, and Jianzong doesn't know anything about it.

The pale-faced Tao Xi'an and Fan Zhong next to him also came to their senses very quickly. When they saw Chen Fan, they clasped their fists together: "Congratulations, Junior Brother Chen Fan!"

Chen Fan's ranking changed rapidly, and finally stayed in the top 20 of the 100 list. Both of them could see it!

Although there may be cases of duplicate names, the probability is too low...

Chen Fan waved his hand. If he is willing to score points, not to mention surpassing Togo, but it is not difficult to re-enter the top ten. He is just too lazy to waste time:

"How about the two senior brothers, has the ranking ever reached the promotion standard?"

Fan Zhong smiled bitterly: "It's far away."

Tao Xi'an next to him was full of regret and subtlety, and there was an unconcealable excitement in his eyes:

"I was lucky, and I was lucky enough to reach the top 50,000 in the last time!"

Chen Fan couldn't help but startled.

He just asked casually in a polite manner, but he didn't expect that the two of them could really advance.

Fan Zhong was also stunned, with a complex expression, looking at Tao Xi'an with incomparable subtlety.

Forget about Chen Fan, his strength is far superior to them, but Tao Xi'an and Fan Zhong are at the same cultivation level, and their combat effectiveness may not even be higher than Fan Zhong's. Fan Zhong's heart is inevitably a little complicated.

"It's impossible to rely on my own strength!" Tao Xi'an explained with a wry smile:

"It's like this. Not long after I entered the fantasy world, I formed a temporary alliance with others. We formed a team together to hunt and kill monsters..."

"If someone kills a teammate of our alliance, we will work together to get it back."

"Relying on this alliance, I haven't died a few times in the past three months. I have accumulated about 300,000 points by killing monsters and other warriors. It would take a lot to advance..."

"As a result, at the last moment, many people in the alliance did not have enough points, so chaos began, and some people started to attack others..."

"The entire alliance quickly fell apart and fell into chaos. I killed two people by accident. When I was seriously injured and dying, the game ended, but the final points broke through a million!"

Tao Xi'an saved 300,000 points with the help of the alliance in three months, and reached one million in the last day. It can only be said that opportunities are really important!

In fact, if the time is longer, Tao Xi'an may not reach the top 50,000 if he dies once and loses half of his points.

Chen Fan also had a delicate expression on his face, and shook his head:

"The world is really wonderful."

Normally speaking, martial artists with normal fighting strength and normal luck at the eighth level of martial arts may not be able to advance to the next level after three months of hard work.

Stronger, some unlucky Kunou may not be able to advance.

Tao Xi'an, who has not been promoted to the seventh level for a few years, can reach one million points and enter the top 50,000...

It can only be said that he is very lucky!

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