My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 823 Breakthrough

After leaving the venue, Chen Fan let the two senior brothers return first.

He himself did not return to Jianzong's residence immediately.

Instead, he stayed for a while and went to another place.

"This is the first branch venue..."

But he came outside the gate of a venue.

The empty venue was sparsely populated.

Chen Fan's eyes lit up quickly, and he saw two figures in the venue, and he stepped forward.

"Nightmare girl, Caiyu girl!"

"Hmph!" When Caiyu saw Chen Fan, a deep depression flashed across her face.

Nightmare still wrapped her body in the thick windbreaker, her face was not exposed.

She waved her hand, and a jade box floated up and slowly fell into Chen Fan's hand, "This is Dao Yuan Pill..."

Chen Fan licked his lips, and found the jade box, his consciousness swept over it, and a look of joy flashed across his face:

"Thank you Nightmare Girl for the gift."

Nightmare shook her head: "It will take a day or two for other people's treasures to be collected before I can give them to you."

Although Nightmare gave Chen Fan the treasures that others needed to pay, but it was Nightmare himself who actually concluded the contract with those people!

So Chen Fan still has to go through a nightmare before Chen Fan can really get those things.

It is impossible to let Nightmare cancel the agreement with everyone, and let Chen Fan sign the contract with those people again. If so, Chen Fan will not have to do other things in the remaining few days...

However, Chen Fan had already given Nightmare a list of exempting some people from paying the price, and reached a corresponding contract with Nightmare.

Because there are too many people, Nightmare will take a certain amount of time to gather.

Chen Fan smiled: "Don't worry, after Miss Nightmare collects everything, send it to the Heaven Splitting Sword Sect's residence."

"Split Sky Sword Sect, I remember this name..."

Nightmare faced Chen Fan, with his head hidden under the hood: "I hope I can meet Brother Chen Fan in the next match!"

After saying this, the man also turned his head and left.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and just smiled.

He put the jade box into the Sumeru Ring, but he didn't stop there, he turned around and left.


Preselection ends.

Most warriors were eliminated, and many warriors left Longyuan City ahead of schedule.

But there are also many disciples who are directly promoted by the big forces, who have just come to Longyuan City until now.

With the end of the preliminaries, the second round of competition will start soon, and these directly promoted disciples will also participate in the competition.

The number of warriors in Longyuan City has decreased a lot, but the quality of warriors has improved even more.

"This is Longyuan City, there is such an exaggerated number of warriors?"

With one side like a crown jade, the very handsome young warrior stepped into Longyuan City, his eyes flooded, and he looked excitedly at the numerous warriors beside the road.

"I don't know if that kid will also come to the 'Meihui'..."

A woman in the distance turned around helplessly:

"Junior Brother Li, what are you looking at, let's go!"

Junior Brother Li smiled and hurried to catch up, "Here we come!"


At the same time, Jianzong is stationed.

Chen Fan returned to his courtyard, but Chen Qingru had been waiting in it for a long time:

"Congratulations to Junior Brother Chen Fan, successfully breaking into the top 20 in the third preliminary selection area!"

Chen Fan smiled and waved his hands. With his superficial strength, it is not surprising that he reached this ranking, let alone his real strength.

He raised his eyebrows, but asked, "Sister, do you know when the second round will start?"

Chen Qingru nodded, and her face became slightly dignified:

"I came to you to tell you some information and precautions for the follow-up competition."

"The second round of the competition will start in a week. At that time, there will be a special qualifying match for the 150,000 people who have passed the preliminaries, plus the disciples directly promoted by various sects!"

"For this competition, a rough ranking will be drawn up, and the top 5,000 martial artists who will enter the elite sequence will be selected. Besides the top 5,000, 10,000 will be able to enter the ordinary sequence!"

"After the second round, the 5,000 fighters who entered the elite sequence can enter the next round, further qualifying, and subdividing different sequences."

Chen Fan nodded.

In other words, this round will select warriors of elite sequence and normal sequence!

Chen Qingru continued:

"The second round is no different than the pre-selection. It is said that you will enter the illusion created by a special treasure. The fighters who enter will no longer be suppressed in strength, but they still cannot carry weapons and foreign objects!"

"And it is said that in this round, there will be no fighting between warriors... but a competition to kill the enemy!"

Chen Fan's eyes flashed, he nodded and said, "I understand."

To put it simply, the first round is a form of PVP plus PVE. Players have to kill monsters and compete with each other. The second round is a pure PVE mode.

Because it involves whether to enter the holy church, it is a key assessment for many people.

"There is no need to compete among the contestants, but there is no need to worry. Some special masters will be encountered in advance and they will be eliminated directly..."

Exchange a few words with Chen Qingru.

Chen Qingru bid farewell and left.

Chen Fan also quickly entered the courtyard room.

In the empty room, Chen Fan waved his hand, and a speck of dust floated up, which was the Hall of Stars.

A flash of water-like light flashed in front of him, and Chen Fan's true self appeared in front of him.

"You're back."

Three months later, Chen Fan himself had already refined the Cangshenghua, and the Immortal Vajra Body broke through the seventh level, but he kept hiding in the Star Palace and continued to comprehend the "Blood Fusion Technique".

The avatar nodded, and the avatar floated up and merged into Chen Fan's sea of ​​consciousness.

While memories are intertwined and synchronized.

Chen Fan's eyes flashed, but the on-hook field in front of him was filled with characters.

Chen Fan's avatar has experienced a lot in the "Dream World", especially in the last few days.

He has seen the powerful fighters of the entire Seven Saints Alliance, and almost all of these people are peerless geniuses with more than ten levels.

In the outside world, even if it is Jianzong, only the top disciples can match these people in terms of talent.

Even if their cultivation levels are not as good, these people's martial arts or dao domains all have their own merits.

It's just that Chen Fan's hang-up bar can only be used by himself, or in other words, only his true spirit can use it.

His split spirit didn't touch anything during the battle, but when he returned to his consciousness and shared his memory, his experience of split spirit touched his hang-up talent, making Chen Fan's hang-up progress keep beating.

Comprehend a lot of artistic conception.

And many of the artistic conceptions of Dacheng realm that he had comprehended directly broke through the Dao realm!

His Ice Dao Domain also successfully broke through the second level.

After all, Togo is a master at comprehending the Dao. Although the battle with him was not long, it was of great help to Chen Fan.

in addition.

The constant life-and-death battle with Luo Yingtian also brought him a lot of improvements in the killing field.

His eyes flashed red.

Neither sad nor happy on his face.

"Triple Slaughter Dao Domain, so it turns out..."

When the avatar was fighting in the "Dream Realm", there was still a big gap between his killing domain and the triple domain, but after returning, these comprehensions jumped a lot through the hang-up column, directly breaking through a new level!

And with the breakthrough in the Dao of Slaughter, he can continue to practice the new level of "Eye of Demon Killing" and "Seven Killing Swords".

It's just not to say that he doesn't have a hang-up slot, even if he does, the two of the hang-ups will have no effect on improving his ultimate strength.

"The improvement of other artistic conception comprehension and breakthroughs is not as good as the breakthrough of the killing field... and the breakthrough of the killing field is still not too obvious for my overall strength..."

His Fire, Water, Wind and Sword Realm are too high.

Although it is the same as the Killing Dao Domain, it is also triple.

But the Slaughter Dao Domain has only just broken through.

And these are three levels, not because Chen Fan has not comprehended enough, but because he has not condensed the Dao fruit.

Dao fruit is not only a cultivation stage, but also a special realm stage.

No matter how much you understand, you still need to condense the Dao fruit before you can take a qualitative step.

On the other hand, although Killing Daoyu and "Seven Killing Swords" are powerful, their progress is slightly behind compared to his Four Holy Swords.

It is difficult to catch up with the power for a while.

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