My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 824: Hidden Worry

After absorbing the blue flower, the "Indestructible Vajra Body" broke through to the seventh stage.

The physique of Chen Fan himself has undergone a qualitative leap.

Even if the supernatural power of "Indestructible Vajra Body" is not activated, his physical strength and defense power are far beyond the past when he is in a normal state.

If it is activated, even if there is no White Emperor Armor, if you stand there by yourself, you will definitely not be able to break through your own defense at the third level of longevity.

Just recalling the Togo he met in the fantasy world, Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly.

When Togo used the extremely cold storm and the ice crystal phoenix, the attack power had far exceeded the limit of the ordinary longevity triple.

If he didn't have the defense of the White Emperor Armor, he might not be able to resist without hindrance if he relied on the "Indestructible Vajra Body" to fight head-on.

And this time Togo has become the first in points, and can also get rewards from the Ice Sect, and it may be possible to improve his strength in a short period of time.

Togo's realm has reached the third level of longevity. If he can take the last step in his cultivation, his strength will also usher in a considerable improvement.

"There is also Nightmare, she got something from Togo, maybe her strength will go further..."

Chen Fan frowned.

In fact, if it is said that the highest strength of the Meihui this time is the two, Chen Fan may not be able to win, but he thinks that the chance of winning is higher.

But these two are just two masters in the third round of preliminaries.

Not to mention the other two rounds of qualifiers, there are also those masters recommended by various majors.

"According to this ratio, I am afraid that Togo's strength may be quite a lot..."

As Chen Qingru said at the beginning, the ten immortals were just displayed on the surface, and there will only be more real masters of Dao fruit and immortality.

"The so-called disciples from the four great holy sects are probably no worse than Togo, let alone other powerful alien races..."

The situation is more serious than I imagined.

Even if he breaks through the seventh level of "Indestructible Vajra Body", it is still extremely difficult to rush into the first sequence.

shook his head.

"It's useless to think so much, while there is still time, I just do my best to improve myself."

The deity sat down cross-legged, but flipped his hands and took out a few more blood seeds.

These are the few blood species left in his hand, but their level is not comparable to his own "Blood Fusion" progress, and there is not much reference for him.

But the blood species is more pure and concentrated than the blood crystals and blood spirit flowers, but it can help him complete the intake of "external blood" in the shortest possible time as the progress of "Blood Fusion" progresses!

His "Blood Fusion Technique" is under the combined effect of three hearts and the idle slot, and the advancement speed is very fast, and only blood species can absorb external blood at the maximum speed.


While Chen Fan still seized the time to practice penance.

With the end of the third round of preliminaries.

The specific list of the top 100 list was also quickly spread.

Even though not all masters care about points, those who can achieve such high points must be masters with certain strength.

Longyuan City, where the Sword Sect resides.

in a courtyard.

Zhan Jianming looked at the list in his hand with a delicate expression.

"Top 20 in the third round of preliminaries...Chen Fan..."

Zong Zhengxiu stood in front of Zhan Jianming, but shook his head, and said decisively:

"It can't be Chen Fan from Jianzong, otherwise, he will definitely be able to enter the direct recommendation of Jianzong! How could he run to participate in some preliminaries!"

The pre-selection list only assigns serial numbers and names, and outsiders naturally cannot pass these to confirm the specific identity of a person.

There are millions of warriors participating in the Meihui, most of them are human races, and the probability of having the same name is very high!

Few people knew that Chen Fan had come to Jianzong's residence, and only some people close to Chen Fan knew that he had participated in the Meihui.

Zhan Jianming and Zong Zhengxiu came to Longyuan City later than Chen Fan, and they didn't know that Chen Fan was secretly cultivating in Jianzong's residence at this time.

Zhan Jianming shook his head:

"Don't you know the news of Chen Fan's disappearance some time ago? A few months ago, there was news from Jianzong that Chen Fan has returned to the sect..."

"After the third round of preliminary selection here, a 'Chen Fan' with such a high preliminary selection score appeared... How could there be such a coincidence in the world!"

"The one who can be ranked in the top 20 in the preliminaries is not the Dao Fruit, but also the third level of the Dao Domain. Such a powerful genius named Chen Fan, is there another one in the world?"

"Nine times out of ten, this Chen Fan is Chen Fan of the Sword Sect!"

Zhan Jianming's tone became weirder the more he said it.

The corner of Zongzhengxiu's mouth twitched:

"But Chen Fan, with his strength, can be ranked in the top five in the true biography of Jianzong, how could it be possible that he is less than fifty years old...impossible..."

Zhan Jianming shook his head, "Hidden sects and foreign races can have peerless geniuses of this level, why can't my sword sect?"

Soon he seemed to think of something, and his face was subtle: "No wonder, Chen Fan will be..."

He didn't go on.

What he wanted to say was, no wonder Chen Fan was accepted as a disciple by Chen Tianqian.

It's just that this news is still kept secret by Jian Zong, even if he knew it in a special way, it's hard for him to say it publicly.

Zongzheng Xiu had a complex expression.

Chen Fan is better than him, he admits it, but he still has his own pride in his heart, that is, he is still young.

But now, when he found out that Chen Fan might have also participated in the Meihui, he also realized that he didn't even have the last advantage over Chen Fan...

Of course, before he actually met Chen Fan, he would not or would not admit that this Chen Fan was that Chen Fan.

Zhan Jianming waved his hand at Zong Zhengxiu: "You go down first, the next round of competition will start soon, you should adjust your state well and continue."

As he spoke, his tone paused: "You...don't compare yourself with Chen Fan, it's unnecessary."

With a complex expression on Zong Zhengxiu's face, he clasped his fists and said, "Farewell, Junior Brother!"

Seeing Zong Zhengxiu leave.

Zhan Jianming took another deep breath, with an unusually delicate expression:

"Since Chen Fan entered the sect, everything has gone wrong for me. I tried to cultivate Zongzheng, but I failed. Heisei and Yinguang died one after another. At the critical moment, I failed to get the Golden Dragon Transformation Immortal Pill. Now, that idiot Luo Yunfei murdered and escaped in Jianzong for no reason. , don't know what to use..."

"That guy Canghai is fine, as a senior, he is really disgusting, and he will not really do anything to me if he squeezes me out!"

"But this Chen Fan is not a good character to get along with. He will definitely soar into the sky this time, and he will enter the third rank of the 'Holy Church' steadily. With the resources of the 'Holy Church' to cultivate, it will not take many years. Man must live forever..."

"With his character and his status after entering the "Sacred Hall", I'm afraid he won't care about Jianzong's old-fashioned tunes, then I..."

Canghai Sword Emperor is the Sword Emperor of the Sword Sect after all, and he is not young. Even if he has objections to Zhan Jianming, he will not really kill people.

But Chen Fan has only joined Jianzong for a few days, how much sense of belonging will he have, and he is young and energetic. When he becomes stronger in the future, his status will be there, so he will not care about Jianzong's face.

Zhan Jianming's eyes flashed with extreme sharpness:

"I can't... go on like this."


In the secret room.

Chen Fan, who was thinking about the blood fusion technique, suddenly opened his eyes, and picked up the token of the True Inheritance of the Sword Sect next to him.

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes slightly, and picked up the Inheritance Token.

The last news came.

"Chen Fan, if you are free, come and see me quickly."

This is Chen Tianqian's voice.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows:

"Huh? Didn't I tell the master that I don't need to find Cangshenghua for me? What else does the master need to ask me?"

He was surprised in his heart, but shook his head, waved his hand, and the body of the clone appeared in front of him.

The person split another spirit into the clone again, and left the room.

Chen Fan's avatar soon came to the place where Chen Tianqian lived.

"Master, are you looking for me?"

It's just that when he arrived, Chen Fan's expression turned cold when he saw the person next to the master.

Chen Tianqian was sitting on the chair, but standing beside him was a man with a gentle smile on his face, who was none other than Zhan Jianming.

Chen Tianqian coughed and cleared his throat, "It's like this, Jianming came to see me today and said he wanted to talk to you, you two young people should have a good chat—"

Thank you for the rewards of ginger lemon tea, magic fog, memory covered by time, and book friends 20201130233854609 last week

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