There was only one venue for the contestants in the second round of Meihui to participate, but there were dozens of venues to actually watch the match!

Each venue has at least 100,000 spectators.

Ticket prices are also very expensive.

Those who can afford it must be warriors with strong strength, or some big sect forces.

This moment.

Chen Fan also joined Chen Qingru and came to a viewing venue.

Chen Fan looked towards the center of the venue, where the huge jade bi was shining in the void, his eyes flickered.

Chen Qingru smiled: "There are ten pieces of projection jade in every viewing venue."

"After the start of the competition, the projections of the top ten fighters in the current Tower Breakthrough will appear on these ten projected jade discs."

Chen Fan nodded.

There are no projections on these projected jade discs yet...

Obviously, the tower break has not really started yet.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and pointed to the middle of the jade bi, a vertical golden long list.

"What it is?"

The golden long list is huge, but there is nothing on it.

And although Chen Fan's spiritual consciousness was suppressed and he couldn't find it there, just looking at the long golden list, Chen Fan could feel its extraordinaryness!

The golden long list exudes a strong golden light, giving people a sense of majesty, solemnity and inviolability.

Chen Qingru explained: "That is the ranking gold list. After completing the tower, the warrior's name and other corresponding information will also appear on the golden list..."

"The list will only record the top 5,000 fighters. If you can guarantee your name to enter the gold list at the end of the competition, you will be able to enter the elite sequence of the 'Holy Temple' and successfully advance to the next round!"

Chen Fan suddenly nodded, but narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Eh, that's it?" But before he saw the projected jade bi, there were quite a few people taking notes with projected stones.

"Is that from Jianzong?" Chen Fan couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Chen Qingru who was beside him also smiled when he saw Chen Fan's gaze, and lowered his voice:

"Junior Brother is not mistaken. Our Jianzong and Yuhuamen have reached a cooperative relationship. We paid a lot of money to buy the 'recording' of Meihui. We will fully record the battle of Meihui. It will also be established in Yuhuazhou in the future." Related 'Cinema'—”

Chen Fan's eyes widened and he licked his lips.

Yuhua Prefecture is the center of the Kyushu in the central region, and it is much larger than Yuan Shenzhou, and the proportion of warriors is also the highest in the world.

He seemed to see a steady stream of Yuanjing waving towards him...

Who would think they have too much money?

Even if Yuanjing cannot be used to trade precious treasures such as Dao artifacts or holy elixir, it can still be used to supply Xiaodie and Baihuangjia.

For Chen Fan, the more the better!

Following Chen Qingru to a gorgeous private room at the venue, Chen Tianqian was sitting in front of the window with an old man, drinking tea and chatting.

This old man should not be a member of Jianzong, Chen Fan had never seen him before.

And behind the old man was a young man in white clothes and white hair, full of evil spirits.

Chen Tianqian waved his hand at Chen Fan: "Chen Fan, come here!"

Chen Fan nodded and walked forward.

"Let me introduce you, this is the owner of Longzhuang in Poyuan Villa, and also my old friend."

Poyuan Villa is a big force in Beiyuan State, not a hidden sect.

Because he was not in the same state, Chen Fan had only heard of the name of the villa, but he didn't know some inside information.

Chen Fan stepped forward politely, and clasped his fists together: "I've seen Master Long."

The owner of the Dragon Manor had a restrained aura, like an ordinary old man.

And Chen Fan knew that being able to make himself unaware could only show that this person was extremely strong, at least in the quadruple series of longevity.

After all, someone who can sit and drink tea with Chen Tianqian.

The owner of Longzhuang glanced at Chen Fan, stroked his beard with a light smile, and said, "This is the personal disciple you just accepted and also participated in this Meihui?"

Chen Tianqian smiled and nodded: "Chen Fan has some talent, but he barely ranks in the top five in my true biography of Jianzong, so he is a little arrogant..."

"I hope that this Meihui will give him a little more blow and let him see the geniuses in the world!"

Chen Tiangan seemed to be saying something bad about Chen Fan.

But the pride in his voice couldn't be suppressed.

Hearing Chen Tianqian's words, the owner of Longzhuang and the white-haired young man beside him couldn't help but glance at Chen Fan.

The owner of Dragon Villa raised his eyebrows slightly:

"If I read it right, Chen Fan shouldn't be able to condense the Dao fruit yet, right? He can break into the top five of the True Legend of Sword Sect?"

"I remember the top five in the true biography of Jianzong. Why do they need Daoguo strength? Could it be that I haven't paid attention to the news of Jianzong for a long time, and the strength of the disciples of the true biography of Jianzong has declined?"

Chen Tianqian narrowed his eyes slightly:

"Don't you know that the assessment of our Sword Sect does not rely on cultivation, but on realm and martial arts. This kid only managed to break into the top five by defeating a few Dao fruits by relying on the triple-level sword domain. .”

"Hey, it's really too difficult for Jianyu to condense Dao fruit. This kid just gathered three flowers a few days ago, and it will take a few years to really condense the fruit..."

"Hehe." Listening to Chen Tianqian's "complaint", the owner of Longzhuang's expression became more and more subtle.

He coughed lightly, then turned to look at the white-haired boy next to him:

"My disciple and grandson also participated in this plum meeting, but his cultivation is half a step behind this little friend Chen Fan, and he is only at the third level of Dao Domain."

"I don't expect him to break into such a high ranking this time. I only hope that when the next Meihui is held, this kid will have a chance to break through the Dao Fruit!"

Chen Tianqian narrowed his eyes when Master Long said this.

The subtext of Master Long's words is that his disciple and grandson are not more than forty years old, and they still have the opportunity to participate in the next plum meeting.

He couldn't help turning his head to look at the white-haired youth.

The white-haired young man's face was frosty, and he turned his head to look at Chen Fan.

Chen Tiangan smiled and nodded in agreement:

"Although my apprentice also has the opportunity to participate in the Meihui next time, I want him to enter the 'Holy Church' this time..."

"Anyway, after entering the 'Holy Church', if you perform well enough, you will have the opportunity to improve the sequence. Entering the 'Holy Church' training in advance, and waiting another ten years, I still think the former is better!"

The corner of Longzhuang Master's mouth twitched: "Hehe."

Seeing the two old men who had lived for an unknown number of years choking and bickering with each other, Chen Fan had a weird expression, and he also felt unusually subtle in his heart.

But the white-haired young man took the initiative to look at Chen Fan, his eyes flickered, and he smiled and said:

"I don't know, brother Chen Fan dares to compare with me, who can reach a higher level in this round?"

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, and smiled: "I...don't know your name yet?"

The white-haired youth also cupped his fists: "I'm being rude, my name is Lian Baishang."

Chen Fan nodded and cupped his fists: "Brother Lian."

This Lian Baishang dared to say that on the premise that he knew that he possessed the strength of the triple sword domain and Daoguo.

Chen Tianqian smiled and said, "Interesting, for the two of you, this second round is not difficult at all, but adding some tricks is just right."

"Well, I'll also add a lottery. Whichever of you can break into a higher level in this round, I will give this thing to that person—"

He turned his hands over, but took out a jade box.

"There is a Golden Dragon Transformation Immortal Pill in this jade box."

As he spoke, Chen Tianqian turned his head and blinked at Chen Fan.

As soon as this remark came out, Lian Baishang's eyes were excited, and he turned to look at the owner of Longzhuang beside him, expecting: "Master..."

Master Long raised his eyebrows: "Sect Master Chen is willing to take out such a treasure, it's really a big deal—"

His gaze slightly crossed Lian Baishang's, but he was thoughtful, "Then I can't be too stingy."

He also flipped his hands and took out a slightly yellowed grass.

It seems like just ordinary stuff.

Chen Tianqian frowned: "Xu Yuancao, the owner of Longzhuang is willing to take out this thing, it seems that Brother Long has certain confidence in Baishang's victory..."

The owner of Longzhuang smiled: "Whoever wins and who loses is not the same, which of the two of us will divide you and me. If Baishang loses, this thing will be my meeting gift for little friend Chen Fan!"

Chen Tiangan narrowed his eyes.

The owner of Longzhuang said it well, but in fact, if he didn't have a certain amount of self-confidence, he might not be willing to take out such treasures easily.

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