My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 829 Questions

In fact, Chen Tianqian did not hide in front of the Dragon Lord, and Chen Fan was his disciple, so it was enough to see that the relationship between the two was extraordinary.

And for two masters of this level, neither the Golden Dragon Transformation Immortal Pill nor the Void Essence Grass is definitely not such a great treasure!

Although Chen Fan didn't recognize the Void Essence Grass, it was not difficult to judge the value of this thing from the master's tone and attitude.

At least not losing to Jinlonghua elixir.

He immediately smiled and clasped his fists: "I would like to thank Lord Longzhuang for bestowing the treasure."

The tone is indifferent and polite, but it contains a lot of self-confidence.

It was as if the victory had been won for him.

The white-haired young man next to him had twinkling eyes and raised his eyebrows slightly.

The owner of Longzhuang also smiled and stroked his beard: "Young friend Chen Fan, you really are confident."

Lian Baishang also asked: "You will be ranked 23,000th in the second round. I don't know, brother Chen Fan..."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows: "I'm in the eighth place, but I have to wait a few more days."

Lian Baishang smiled and said, "I'll make the first move. Without knowing the exact number of floors Brother Chen Fan broke into, I can't keep my hands."

There is also considerable confidence in the words.

"Hehe." Chen Fan smiled without saying a word.

After exchanging greetings for a while, Master Long got up to bid farewell, and left with his apprentice.

After he left, Chen Tianqian looked at Chen Fan with a smile, and opened the jade box in his hand, but there was nothing inside.

"Master, I got something good for you!"

Chen Fan was taken aback: "Master, you..."

It's just an empty glove white wolf!

Chen Qingru couldn't laugh or cry and said, "Father, if Junior Brother Chen Fan loses, then you..."

Chen Tianqian said indifferently: "Even if I lose, I don't have any extra Golden Dragon Transformation Immortal Pill, and the one named Long can kill me. Besides..."

He turned to look at Chen Fan: "Do you think your junior brother will lose?"

Chen Fan smiled, "Master is really confident in me."

He raised his eyebrows and asked: "What the hell is Xuyuancao? Is it some kind of precious medicinal material?"

Chen Tianqian's eyes flickered: "Xuyuancao is not so much a medicinal material as it is a strange thing. Its effect is very special, and it can make people 'falsely' break through..."

Chen Fan was startled.

Chen Tianqian explained: "You can understand with an example. If you take the Void Essence Herb before breaking through to longevity, you can experience the feeling of achieving 'longevity' in advance within the duration of the medicine's effect..."

"This thing usually lasts between one hour and two hours"

"Unexpectedly..." Chen Fan's eyes also flashed: "There is still this kind of treasure..."

No matter how strong Chen Fan's combat power and strength are, no matter how strong his true energy is, his cultivation is still only at the late stage of the tenth level.

This is not the kind of white emperor armor that increases the combat power of true essence!

Although the cultivation base is "false" and can only be used during the period when the medicine is activated, but for Chen Fan, being able to feel the feeling of breaking through immortality in advance, even if it is only an hour or two, is of great significance to his real promotion. use!

And after knowing its true effect, Chen Fan also made up his mind——

This thing, he wants to order!

At this moment, there was a sudden uproar from the outside world: "It's started!"

"The game has begun!"

Chen Fan turned his head and looked out of the wide floor-to-ceiling windows.

The projected content also appeared on the projected jade discs in the venue.

The projected content is constantly changing.

It was fixed quickly.

Those who can appear on the projection jade are also the ten masters who climbed the tower the fastest, and they must also be some powerful fighters, generally with tenth level cultivation or above...

Chen Fan also quickly saw Bai Zhi on it.

Luo Fangyan did not rank among the top ten jade discs, it seems that his speed of killing the enemy is a bit slow.

Chen Fan turned his attention to the first piece of jade, which is also the person with the highest number of floors in the tower.

In the projection, a strong man dressed in black and wearing a mask holding a big sword is in the wide and bright hall, harvesting the lives of beasts exuding terror in front of him like mowing grass.

His strength is obviously higher than these opponents, and he easily eliminated all the beasts in front of him!

Soon a staircase leading to the next floor appeared in the hall.

After defeating opponents on each floor, there will be a corresponding rest time, but this man in black didn't rest at all, and went directly to the next floor.

His opponents are warriors, monsters, or even alien or elemental beings...

All kinds of opponents also have different combat characteristics.

However, no matter who the opponent is, under his great sword, a large number of people will die.

In the blink of an eye, he had already rushed to the eightieth floor, and his speed did not slow down much at all, and he didn't even use the passage area.

Chen Qingru squinted her eyes: "After the sixtieth floor, you have to face opponents from the tenth layer... The eightyth floor corresponds to the third layer!"

Chen Fan also nodded:

"This person hasn't used all his strength so far, it's not easy..."

One must know that even among the other warriors listed on Jade Bi, the strongest Baizhi has only just broken into the sixtieth floor!

From the beginning of the game to now, it was only a cup of tea time, such a fast speed of killing the enemy, his strength can be seen!

At least it is Dao fruit strength!

Possibly even higher!

He turned his head and asked Chen Qingru beside him, "Senior Sister, do you know... who is this person?"

Chen Qingru's expression froze, but she took out a jade slip, paused for a moment, and said:

"Found it! This person's name is Yuan Ye, and he is the seed player of the "Di Sha Sect" of a hermit sect in the Eastern Region. His Dao Guo cultivation base is a special physique called the "Steel Sha Body"!"

Chen Fan clicked his tongue twice.

Any one is the Dao Fruit of a special physique.

Meihui is really extraordinary.

Chen Tianqian who was beside him also raised his eyebrows slightly: "Chen Fan, what do you think... how is this Yuan Ye's strength compared to yours?"

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows, and said calmly: "With his current strength, he can't be my opponent. But this person should hide part of his strength..."

As soon as these words came out, Chen Tianqian laughed out loud, while Chen Qingru looked at Chen Fan with a strange expression.

Chen Fan was too confident.

Continuing to watch, the speed of killing the enemy did not slow down until he rushed to the 90th floor.

"The ninetieth floor is already an opponent with Dao fruit strength..."

The time it takes for a person to go from the first floor to the ninetieth floor is even shorter than passing through the ninety-first floor.

And the higher you go, the slower the speed.

Chen Fan also noticed that this person has not shown his true strength until now, it seems that he intends to hide his clumsiness.

Chen Fan shook his head and glanced at the other jade bis.

Among the people projected by the ten pieces of jade, Yuan Ye and Bai Zhi are the strongest, both of them are Dao Fruits, and the others are far behind.

Judging from the strength they showed, there are two in the third level of the Dao domain, and the others should be only the double series of the Dao domain.

"Huh? This person..." Chen Fan saw a familiar face on a piece of jade.

It was a boy in black.

Chen Qingru said:

"Junior brother also knows this son? He is Wu Yan, the peerless genius of Yuhuamen, Yuzhimen. You are only in your thirties, and you still have the opportunity to participate in the next Meihui!"

Chen Fan had a delicate expression:

"It really is him! I met this guy twice in the southeast region and the south region a few years ago! When I first met him, he was only in the first level of Dao domain. I didn't expect to be promoted so quickly!"

In fact, when we met for the first time, Wu Yan was in the first level of Dao Domain, and Chen Fan was only in the ninth level.

Now Chen Fan has reached the third level of the Dao domain, and he has broken through the third level of the Sixth Dao domain, but Wu Yan is only in the second level of the Dao domain, and his improvement speed is far behind Chen Fan...

Chen Qingru explained:

"As the organizer of the Meihui, the Yuhuamen, even if they didn't reveal too much about the special reasons for this Meihui, in recent years, they will definitely tend to deliberately cultivate geniuses within the sect..."

Even Zhan Jianming knew how to train Zong Zhengxiu a few years in advance, let alone the Yuhua sect.

Chen Fan nodded suddenly, and asked curiously, "May I ask Senior Sister, do you know who is the strongest genius that Yuhuamen will send this time?"

sorry for the lateness

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