My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 830: Ascension to the Three Sects

Although the current hermit sect was born.

There are countless geniuses.

However, Chen Fan still has a lot of curiosity and anticipation about Yuhuamen, the most powerful sect in this era.

Even from Chen Fan's point of view, apart from the disciples of the Four Great Sacred Sects, the heirs of the Immortals, and the heirs of the Prince of the Demon God, among the hidden geniuses participating in the Meihui, the geniuses of other hidden sects may not be able to reach the Yuhuamen!

Chen Tianqian raised his eyebrows, looked at Chen Qingru: "Didn't you collect a lot of information, just tell your junior brother well."

Chen Qingru nodded with a slightly strange expression when she heard the words:

"The Yuhua Sect is divided into three sects. Among them, the Feather Sect and the Dao Sect are close in strength, and the Heaven Sect is the strongest. Each of the three Sects has 20 direct promotion places, and they have sent out many talented disciples..."

As Chen Qingru said, she also turned her head and pointed at Wu Yan on the jade bi, saying:

"Among them, the strongest genius sent by the Gate of Feathers is Wu Yan's senior sister, Luo Caiwei, the peerless swordsman of the Gate of Feathers."

"Although this Wu Yan is strong, his basic cultivation is a bit weak, and he can barely match the third level of the powerful Dao Domain. He will not be your opponent, Junior Brother. Then Luo Caiwei is really powerful, with a sword skill that is amazing... ..."

"It is said that she once had the combat power to defeat Daoguo when she was at the second level of cultivation in the Dao domain. And she is already at the third level of sword domain, and she is the strongest genius sent by the Feather Gate!"

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows.

"It's her!" He recalled Luo Caiwei's swordsmanship that he had seen twice.

But I couldn't help but feel an itch in my heart.

Luo Caiwei's sword realm should be inferior to her own, but that style of swordsmanship is really strong, and it is still fresh in Chen Fan's memory.

He was able to instantly kill Zheng Zhun, who was in the third level of the Xuantian Gate in the second level of the Sword Domain, with one sword. At that time, his strength was definitely enough to fight against the Dao Fruit!

Of course, compared to so many geniuses from hidden sects and alien races in Meihui, his cultivation level is a little worse...

There are more than 50 Dao Fruits in Mei Huiming. In fact, judging from the Dao Fruits that Chen Fan encountered in the preliminary selection, the number of real Dao Fruits may be much more!

However, the way of comprehension is different, and the difficulty of breaking through is also different. The way of sword is the way of using it, which is stronger than ordinary ways.

The breakthrough of the third level of Sword Domain may not be easier than the breakthrough of some human dao fruits.

Chen Fan reckoned that among the Daoguo geniuses who participated in the Meihui, there might not be many who could beat Luo Caiwei...

Even with Chen Fan's current comprehension in the sword field, he still wants to experience Luo Caiwei's swordsmanship after breaking through...

"With Luo Caiwei's strength, unless she is very unlucky, she will definitely be able to enter the first three ranks, but I don't know if she can enter the second rank..."

Lin Lei licked his lips, and asked again: "The Feather Gate has Luo Caiwei, so the geniuses of the other two gates of the Yuhua Gate will only be stronger?"

Chen Qingru frowned slightly:

"The geniuses sent by the Dao Gate, the strongest one is called Hong Zhengchu, who has already reached the Dao Fruit, and his identity is also very special..."

"He is the prince of the Yuhua Dynasty. He cultivates the spirit of the emperor, and ordinary longevity may not be his opponent. His real strength may be stable in the top 20!"

Chen Fan frowned: "Yuhua Dynasty?"

He has heard of the name of Yuhua Dynasty.

The Yuhua Dynasty is one of the many martial arts dynasties under the Yuhua Sect, and it is also the most powerful dynasty among them, but its scale is comparable to that of the three major dynasties including Dagan combined!

"That's right! With the gathering of geniuses all over the world, how can there be no masters who cultivate the spirit of heaven! Such a character, even if he is not old and his cultivation level is not high, can still achieve extremely powerful strength!"

The way of cultivating Tianzi Qi is not unique to Dagan. The reason why Yuhua Sect allows these dynasties to exist is to cultivate disciples with the help of Tianzi Qi!

Chen Fan was full of anticipation: "What about the Tianzhimen, the strongest of the Yuhuamen?"

Chen Qingru's expression was slightly subtle:

"Although Tianzhimen is the strongest of the three, but among those who are recommended, there is only one person named Zhou Bolan who is worth mentioning."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly:

"Oh? What is this Zhou Bolan's cultivation level? But has he broken through immortality?"

Chen Qingru shook her head and smiled wryly:

"This Zhou Bolan has not left the Heaven's Gate for several years. No one knows his cultivation level at this time, but five years ago, he just broke through the third level of the Dao domain, and now he is able to have a cultivation base of Dao Fruit..."

"Oh?" Chen Fan raised his eyebrows with a strange expression: "Is he the only one who is the strongest genius sent by Yuhuamen Tianzhimen?"

"Could it be that his Dao Domain is also a special Dao Domain?"

Chen Qingru shook her head again:

"Judging from his record a few years ago, the way he practiced is just the ordinary way of elements...Of course, although the way he cultivated is not strong, his combat effectiveness is quite strong. Back then, he had defeated opponents who were at the peak of the third level of the Dao Domain..."

"However, a few years ago, he was also defeated by Luo Caiwei, who only had a double sword domain..."

Chen Fan was taken aback, with a delicate expression: "Isn't there a stronger genius in Tianzhimen?"

The triple dao domain under the age of fifty is naturally extremely powerful and talented, but it doesn't match Chen Fan's impression of the strongest gate of the Yuhua sect.

The Yuan Demon Sect has the Dao Fruit of the Slaughtering Artistic Conception, which is comparable to Luo Yingtian who can live forever, and the Yuhua Sect is firmly seated at the top of the top ten sects, and is even called the number one sect on the bright side.

The Tianzhimen, which is the first among the three gates of the Yuhuamen, can only be obtained in the triple realm?

Of course, a few years have passed, under the careful cultivation of Tianzhimen, this Zhou Bailan has the possibility to break through the Dao Fruit...

It's just that even if he really breaks through the Dao Fruit, he is far from Chen Fan's inner expectations.

In his opinion, it is totally unreasonable for Tianzhimen not to send out a peerless genius with a long life cultivation base!

Chen Qingru also smiled wryly:

"How should I put it, although Tianzhimen is the most powerful among the three Yuhuamen..."

"But judging from the information on the list recommended by Tianzhimen, the most noteworthy person in Tianzhimen is Zhou Bailan who may have broken through the Dao Fruit..."

Chen Fan couldn't help but asked: "Could it be that the real seed player of Tianzhimen hides his strength and cultivation?"

Chen Qingru spread out her hands: "This possibility cannot be ruled out."

Chen Tianqian beside him also narrowed his eyes slightly, shook his head and said:

"The Gate of Heaven is the real core of the Gate of Yuhua. The Gate of Heaven is much stronger than the Gate of Feather and the Gate of Dao combined. I can be sure that the Gate of Heaven is definitely hiding something."

"Chen Fan, if you meet a disciple of the Heaven's Gate in the next match, you must be very careful regardless of the opponent's cultivation level and skills!"

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and nodded heavily.

Only people like Chen Tianqian who have lived long enough and are old enough to know the true background and strength of Yuhuamen.

At this moment, there was an uproar from the outside world.

"Look, there are names on the gold list!"

Chen Fan turned his head to look at the gold list in the sky.

However, on the originally bare gold list, several people's names appeared one after another.

Corresponding to the name is the serial number, the number of levels to pass through, and a brief introduction of the cultivation level and the sect to which it belongs.

The cultivation base is calculated by the feathered tower spirit, and it may not be accurate.

The people whose names appeared first didn't have too many floors, generally thirty or forty floors.

Chen Qingru shook her head:

"The ranking on the gold list is calculated from the end of the checkpoint. The 30th and 4th floors correspond to the eighth or ninth level. These people are the weakest ones..."

"A real master has not finished breaking through the level yet!"

Chen Fan nodded, raised his head again, and looked at the projected jade.

At this moment, Yuan Ye, who was the fastest, broke through to the ninety-fifth floor, and Bai Zhi reached the ninety-second floor. The speed of the two of them dropped sharply, almost reaching the limit.

Wu Yan's son has also rushed to the eightieth floor, but with his strength, it may be difficult to rush to the ninetieth floor.

Among the dozens of people, these three are the strongest, and the others are only at the third level of the ordinary Dao domain, which is much worse than Wu Yan.

Time passed by, and soon someone used up the three assessment opportunities, gave up the vacancy, and another newcomer entered the field.

All the 5,000 places are not enough, so no matter how weak the warriors participating in the competition are, they can still be on the list after the settlement!

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