My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 831 News about Li Linliu

Time passed and the competition started. It took about two hours for the gold list to finally gather a thousand names.

Chen Fan roughly calculated.

A maximum of 1,000 people can enter the tower at the same time, and it takes two hours for each person to complete three towers on average.

Chen Fan ranked 120,000.

In other words, it will take about two to three hundred hours to get his turn, which is nearly a month.

It will take a month after everyone finishes the competition.

"The longer the competition system lasts, the more beneficial it will be for me. If it is the same in the future, I will definitely be able to catch up with the breakthrough of the blood fusion technique before the final round..."

shook his head.

Chen Fan looked at the gold list in the distance.

In the end, Yuan Ye reached the ninety-sixth floor, ranking first at the moment, and Bai Zhi was second at the ninety-third floor.

The ninetieth level is equivalent to the level of Dao fruit strength.

Bai Zhi was able to break through to the ninety-third floor, but she used almost all her strength. She is not the weakest person in Daoguo, but she is also of medium strength...

After all, he has just been promoted to Dao Fruit.

It is worth mentioning that Wu Yan finally ranked fifth.

And Luo Fangyan is only the seventeenth, which is not a low ranking.

But compared to Chen Fan's expectations, it was much worse.

After all, only a thousand people have completed the competition so far.

With Luo Fangyan's talent, he has advanced to the second level of the Dao Domain, why can't he skip the level and just go to the third level of the Dao Domain? In fact, he didn't.

"Although Luo Fangyan himself is strong, the real strength of "Hidden Sword Art in the Void" is sneak attack, not frontal combat..."

With Luo Fangyan's cultivation base at this time, if it is an assassination, it is quite possible to kill Daoguo.

Shaking his head, Chen Fan watched the game for a while, then yawned, and said to Chen Tian:

"Master, my secret method is the key to practice, so I won't stay here any longer, please forgive me for temporarily leaving—"

The projected jade discs could not show the real strength of these people. Chen Fan couldn't see the flow of Dao Yun, but simply watched the battle. Watching it for a while, it didn't help him in any way.

It's better to go back to practice!

Chen Tianqian was stunned for a moment, but then he also smiled wryly: "You can go if you want."

He nodded and turned to look at Chen Qingru:

"Senior Sister, please use the projection stone to record the end of the battle with some masters of longevity, and give me a copy later, and I will go back first."

He didn't have much interest in the battles and rankings of these disciples below the longevity cultivation level.

Chen Qingru nodded, and hurriedly said: "Your practice is the most important, Junior Brother, so leave these trivial matters to me."

Chen Fan nodded, and also cupped his fists at Chen Tianqian: "Master, I'm going first!"

Walking to the door, Chen Fan paused:

"By the way, when Lian Baishang comes out, send me a message."

Chen Qingru nodded.


After that, Chen Fan returned to Jianzong's residence to continue his meditation.

After the "Blood Fusion Technique" breakthrough, he only needs a spirit to be responsible for absorbing blood crystals.

The true spirit and the other spirit division are to sink into the sea of ​​consciousness, and continue to comprehend the supernatural scene of the "Hongmeng Sword" in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Although it is only the return of the avatar, with the addition of a split spirit, the efficiency of practice has improved a lot.

Although no matter how high his realm is, it is difficult to make too much progress and fail to break through the Dao Fruit, but the improvement of his own comprehension will not be restricted...

Although it is unlikely that there will be much improvement in a short period of time, it is better than nothing.


A few days later, Chen Qingru also went back to Jianzong's residence, and brought back the challenge projection stone that Lian Baisang.

But the man broke through to the ninety-fifth floor with a triple cultivation base in the Dao Domain!

But it is higher than most Daoguo masters who have broken through the tower!

"No wonder the owner of the Dragon Manor is so confident..."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows, checked his projection stone, and Chen Fan knew it.

The strength of the person itself is not strong.

However, opponents with strong physique, tenacious vitality, and Daoguo strength cannot easily break through his defense.

Relying on his strong physique, he forcibly grinded to the ninety-fifth floor!

Chen Fan smiled and threw the projection stone aside casually, and continued to meditate.

Another few days passed.

Suddenly, the communication stone beside Chen Fan lit up.

"Huh? It's less than half a month, my game should be early?"

Chen Fan waved his hand, and the communication stone floated into his hand.

Soon the projections of Chen Fan's senior brothers and sisters appeared on it.

Several people crowded together.

Yun Wei blushed and looked extremely excited, and spoke first: "Junior brother, you must not have imagined, who did we see—"

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows, and then his heart moved: "Could it be Uncle Master?"

The one who can make these people so excited must be someone who has a relationship with the master Dong Guzhi!

In the Meihui, the only person Chen Fan could think of that he might meet was Li Linliu, his uncle.

After Li Linliu achieved the seventh level, he seemed to have entered the spiritual realm of the Lingshen Dao Sect to practice, and he could only come out after ten years of practice!

Counting now, ten years have already passed...

With his physique, and the upcoming Mei Hui, the Lingshen Dao Sect should also vigorously cultivate him, and his cultivation base should not be low.

Yunwei nodded heavily, excited:

"It is indeed the uncle! We saw the name of the uncle on the ranking list. The sect is from the Lingshen Dao Sect, and the age is also right. It is definitely the uncle... He has already reached the ninth level of martial arts!"

Yunwei and Li Linliu have the best relationship and are also the most excited.

When Chen Fan heard this, the joy on his face froze slightly, but there was a touch of disappointment in his heart.

"Is it only Kunou?"

In the early days of his martial arts training, he always regarded Li Linliu as one of his goals.

It also put Li Linliu in a special position.

But if you think about it carefully, even with the special spirit of the gods, even with the vigorous cultivation of the spirit and Taoism, Li Linliu is still only in his thirties.

Being able to reach the ninth level is already quite an exaggeration!

If you don't count the hidden sects and alien races, he is the number one genius in the entire continent.

You know, even after experiencing the full training of such a richer than ordinary Changsheng, as well as a more superior environment, my three senior brothers and sisters are all older, but they are only seven-fold, and I don’t know what Time to be promoted to the next level...

Li Linliu's environment is not bad, but the resources he can obtain with his strength may not be as much as Chen Fan can provide to his brothers and sisters!

Chen Fan took a deep breath, and put aside his miscellaneous thoughts: "I'll go right away, you guys wait a moment!"


A viewing venue.

Chen Fan quickly joined Yun Wei and the others.

"Look, Junior Brother."

Following the direction Yunwei pointed, he soon saw Li Linliu's name at the position of more than 2,000 on the ranking list.

At this time, 70,000 to 80,000 warriors have completed the challenge.

The two thousand members that Li Linliu was in were already the highest ranked among the ninth-level warriors, and there were quite a few tenth-level warriors up and down.

It's normal.

Although Li Linliu's cultivation level is not yet tenth level, it is normal for him to be comparable to the general tenth level with his talent in human law and body and Taoist training.

Although there are still half of the fighters who have not completed the competition, I dare not say that they will definitely break into the top 5,000 in the future, but the probability is not low, and the top 15,000 is a must.

In other words, his entry into the Holy Church is already stable, but it is only a question of whether he can enter the elite sequence.

There is no problem comparing names, cultivation bases, sects and ages.

Excited, Chen Fan took a deep breath and asked again, "Have you found Master?"

Yunwei smiled wryly and shook her head: "There are too many contestants, it was too late when we saw it, he may have left..."

When Li Linliu entered the Spiritual Realm, Chen Fan and the others lost contact with him.

At that time, Chen Fan didn't have a communication stone or anything like that, but now it's extremely troublesome to reconnect.

"Uncle Master may still be watching the battle at a certain venue, or he may have already returned to the residence of the Lingshen Dao Sect..." Several people were also helpless.

There are too many venues and even more audiences, and even Chen Fan's consciousness is greatly restricted. Finding someone in such an environment is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes:

"In that case, then I... just go to the Lingshen Dao Sect's residence."

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