My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 835 Climbing the Tower

Chen Qingru's expression was subtle: "But compared to you, junior brother, there is still a gap...the two of them are only at the third level of the Dao Domain."

She sighed: "Jianzong's background is still too bad."

The third level of the Dao domain under the age of fifty is already extremely exaggerated.

When Chen Tianqian was young, he might not have such strength.

It's just that it's not as good as it is placed on top of Meihui, which is full of geniuses.

Chen Fan had a delicate expression.

In fact, not counting these hidden sects, the forces on the surface can't add up to a few Dao fruits under the age of fifty.

Although at present, the ranking of more than 80 is not too high, but at least it has squeezed into the top 100.

And there are not tens of thousands of people left in the follow-up, and the ranking of the two should not drop too much, and they should be able to be listed at around one hundred.

Chen Fan smiled and looked at Chen Qingru: "If my guess is correct, these two brothers should not have shown their true strength, right?"

How can there be such a coincidence, the two brothers broke into the same floor, it should be discussed.

Chen Qingru nodded with a smile:

"With their strength, they can't compare to Dao Fruit, but in the third layer of Dao Domain, there should be few opponents. If they don't spare any hands, they should be able to break through to the eighty-eighth or eighty-ninth floor."

Then she also said: "When you participate in the assessment, junior brother, it's best not to reveal your full strength, just win against Lian Baishang. You are our sword sect's secret trump card..."

Chen Fan smiled and shook his head:

"Even if I want to use all my strength this round, I won't be able to use it."

It's right not to show your true strength, but the problem is that this round has a maximum of 100 layers, even if Chen Fan doesn't show his true strength, he can easily penetrate it.

Chen Qingru was stunned for a moment, but she didn't realize what Chen Fan was saying.

"By the way, Senior Sister, I have a question to ask you..."

Chen Fan changed the subject: "Do you know... who does the title 'Valentine' describe?"

Chen Qingru's expression froze: "In general, the Venerable is referring to the existence of the fifth or sixth level of longevity..."

"What about unusual circumstances?" Chen Fan raised his brows, his thoughts surging.

However, he thought of a disciple of the Yuan Demon Sect named Su Xingwen who was executed on a mission during the great work. Chen Fan had obtained a golden sword from him, and it was a long-lived man named "Yuanyang Venerable" The key to the tomb of the Fourfold Master.

Although the golden sword has been eating ashes in Chen Fan's ring so far, according to Su Xingwen, he will wait for the right time to open it, but he still remembers the name "Yuanyang Venerable" until now.

If "venerable" generally refers to the fifth and sixth levels of longevity, isn't the "venerable Yuanyang" an unusual situation.

Chen Qingru said:

"Some are extremely powerful, even comparable to the fifth level of longevity, and the fourth level can also be called a venerable, but there are very few such people. Before the birth of the hidden sect, there were very few such figures in history."

"Aren't you master?" Chen Fan raised his eyebrows.

Chen Qingru coughed twice, and glanced at Chen Tianqian, who was drinking tea with the owner of the Dragon Manor not far away: "Father, he is considered to be an upper-middle strength in the fourth level of longevity, far from being worthy of the title of 'sovereign'."

Chen Fan licked his lips. In this way, the Xuanniao and Wenbu should both be called the venerable quadruple existences of longevity.

"However." Chen Qingru's eyes flashed with subtlety: "The Sword Emperor Simos who recommended you to join the Sword Sect was the only venerable of our Sword Sect thousands of years ago, and he was also called 'Sword Master' at that time! "

Chen Fan's eyes flashed suddenly.

"Sword Master..."

If he could be called a venerable thousands of years ago, how strong is Sima now?

Thinking about it, the Sword Emperor means that the way of the sword achieves longevity, and he also practices the "Blood Fusion Art", the degree of liberation of "Blood Against God" is definitely already very high. Will far exceed the same level!


at the same time.

Players backstage.

In a position in front of the gate of the Feathering Tower.

Zongzhengxiu took a deep breath and looked at the nameplate in his hand.

"It's coming to me soon, I'm over forty years old, and I only have this chance to participate in the May Club..."

He was trembling all over, excited and nervous.

"Among the 20 people recommended by Jianzong, apart from me, only the two brothers Luo Shaoyu and Luo Shaofeng who suddenly appeared are unknown, and the others are not as good as me...I must play well and try to break into the top 200. Within the fifth sequence!"

The top 200 are the fifth rank, the treatment is excellent, and they are also the target of Zong Zhengxiu's attack.

It's just that with his current strength, it's somewhat difficult.

And at this moment, Chen Fan's face popped up in his mind inexplicably.

Shaking his head vigorously: "Don't compare with him, don't compare with him!"

Repeating these words over and over again...


"Zong Zhengxiu, the 421st Zongzheng of the Sky-Splitting Sword Sect?"

Chen Fan shook his head and looked away from Zong Zhengxiu's name, shaking his head.

Zongzhengxiu's strength in the second level domain is considered normal here, neither too high nor too low.

It's just that the current name is only temporary, as long as they are ranked in the top five thousand, it will be the same, and many of them will keep and hide their strength.

So in reality, his ranking should be much lower.

"The top 500 is the sixth sequence, and it is also comparable to the top 20 training efforts of Jianzong Zhenzhu. It's not too bad!"

After reconciling with Zhan Jianming, Chen Fan didn't have much opinion on Zong Zhengxiu, a little idiot.

At this time, the nameplate on Chen Fan's hand suddenly began to shine brightly.

"It's my turn, Senior Sister, please forgive me for temporarily leaving." Chen Fan twisted his neck, bid farewell to Chen Qingru, and went to the backstage of the contestants.


Before the magnificent tower.

Zong Zhengxiu walked out in a daze.

It was a sudden stagnation.

He looked not far in front of him in astonishment: "Chen, Chen..."

Chen Fan smiled at him and patted him on the shoulder: "Junior Brother Zongzheng, let's do our best for the next round."

As he spoke, he picked up the nameplate in his hand and crossed Zong Zhengxiu.

Zong Zhengxiu twitched the corner of his mouth: "Sure enough..."

Although it was known that Chen Fan's participation in the Meihui was not small, but when he saw Chen Fan himself in front of the Ascension Tower, the last hope in his heart was completely shattered.

With a wry smile, he turned his head and left the range of the Ascension Tower.


After a quarter of an hour.

"It's finally me."

Holding the nameplate, Chen Fan stepped into the Ascension Tower.

Going forward along the pagoda gate and passing through a corridor, Chen Fan soon entered a wide hall.

He frowned slightly:

"Interesting, although the Yuhua Tower is large, it is absolutely impossible for each floor to have the area of ​​a thousand such halls..."

He raised his eyebrows.


At this moment, he realized that all his weapons and equipment could not be sensed, and Xu Mijie also disappeared.

But his own body is no different from the outside world, and can even activate the power of "anti-god blood", as well as secret methods such as nine-star vitality.

The corner of his mouth twitched: "Have I entered the illusion without realizing it?"

Chen Fan moved his body slightly.

A voice suddenly sounded next to my ear: "Please imagine the shape of the weapon you need in your heart, you have ten breaths to prepare."

The voice was sweet and natural, like a girl next door, with a perfect accent.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows, and almost instantly, a three-foot long sword appeared in his hand in front of him.

This sword is indestructible, but it doesn't have any power or blessing, not even a spiritual weapon.

And as Chen Fan got the sword, the voice next to his ear sounded again: "The weapon selection is complete, and the challenge begins..."

A tall figure in linen cloth appeared in front of him.

"A martial artist at the first level of martial arts..."

Chen Fan's mind moved, his eyes flickered, and he was crushed to pieces by invisible pressure.

Then he immediately rushed towards the stairs that appeared next to him.

Almost everyone can easily pass through the previous layers, let alone Chen Fan.

Although he didn't deliberately pursue speed, the first layers can all be wiped out in just one thought.

Even if a master of divine consciousness doesn't know how to use divine and soul attacks, the pure power of divine consciousness is enough to tear the body of the weak to shreds!

His ascent is extremely fast.

From the first floor to the fifty floors, it didn't even take ten breaths to add up, and the time it took to kill the enemy was not even as much as climbing the tower.

After reaching the fiftieth floor, his speed slowed down slightly.

After another ten breaths, he came to the eightieth floor.

And this level is also the level of the triple master of the Dao domain. Even if the ranking does not improve, Chen Fan can still be ranked in the top 200!

And so far, the sword in his hand is just a decoration, and he has never swung it out...

"Nightmare Prayer" swept out with the consciousness, and the enemies in front of them, no matter how many in number, fell to the ground and died one by one!

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