My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 836 Too Fast!

at the same time.

outside world.

The scene of Chen Fan's battle naturally also appeared on the ten projected jade discs.

The projected jade biscuit shows the scene of the top ten people rushing to the tower. The eightieth floor is already the third level of strength in the Dao domain. Those who can come here can basically enter the jade biscuit screen.

"Junior Sister Yu Jin, look at the third jade bi, it's Junior Brother Chen Fan, he's reached the eightieth floor!"

Xuan Yingying excitedly tugged at the short-haired woman next to her.

Yu Jin also came to Longyuan Island soon after hearing that Chen Fan would participate in the Meihui this time.

Seeing Chen Fan's attack at this time, his expression was also agitated and somewhat complicated.

At this moment, tens of millions of spectators in dozens of spectator venues all saw Chen Fan on the jade.

"Who is this person? The speed is so fast! Another master of the 90th floor."

The audience talked a lot.

in a venue.

Wearing brocade clothes, the young man with pursed lips suddenly widened his eyes, patted a woman beside him with his palm, and pointed to the second piece of jade:

"Senior Sister Cen, look quickly, that person..."

The woman next to her was sitting side by side with another girl in white Taoist uniform, but she frowned deeply and glared at her:

"Wu Tianjiao, don't touch me!"

The woman said a word impatiently, but she didn't save the boy any face.

That's right, the two are Wu Tianjiao and Cen Heyu who were recommended by Dagan to participate in this Meihui.

At this moment, Cen Heyu has already been promoted to the tenth level, although Wu Tianjiao is still only the ninth level, but with "burning soul and frightening fire", his strength is not much worse than Cen Heyu.

Although the two are not the strongest fighters recommended by Dagan, they are also in the forefront.

And they were barely over forty years old.

With the death of the emperor and prince, the seven princes and the thirteen princes fought for the throne in an extremely ugly situation. In the end, the seven princes supported by the Lingshen Dao Sect got their wish...

Cen Heyu, as a member of the thirteenth prince, naturally doesn't like Wu Tianjiao, who is under the command of the seventh prince.

Especially in the eyes of many people, the Seventh Prince, the new emperor who introduced the Spiritual Divine Dao Sect into the main body, is simply a "sell-out emperor"!

The girl in the white Taoist uniform next to her shook her head and laughed when she saw Cen Heyu being so impolite:

"Both of you are top-notch geniuses that I've worked hard for. When you're outside, don't continue the previous conflict..."

Cen Heyu snorted coldly: "I'll give Fairy Ru face, Wu Tianjiao, if you have another time, don't blame me for being rude!"

The girl in white Taoist clothes is the successor of Dagan Tianjiyi, Ru Yueling, Ru Fairy.

His person has also been promoted from the ninefold to the tenfold.

However, he looked young, but he was actually stuck at the limit of fifty years old, so he was able to participate in the Meihui.

As the only descendant of Tianjizi, the meaning of this age also has the reason of "Tianji".

Wu Tianjiao did not respond to Cen Heyu's intention at all, but still pointed at the top of his head in surprise: "Look quickly! The second jade bi, is that person Chen, Chen..."

Both Cen Heyu and Ru Yueling raised their eyebrows, and looked at Wu Tianjiao's fingers, but they couldn't help being stunned.

"That's..." Cen Heyu looked dazed and astonished.

Ru Yueling took a deep breath: "Chen Fan?"

Wu Tianjiao's face was full of confusion and confusion:

"Isn't Chen Fan dead?"

Cen Heyu has only just advanced to the tenth level, and Wu Tianjiao is not yet the tenth level, and he is not yet the backbone of the main force. They don't know the details of Chen Fan's defection and the follow-up.

However, the Lingshen Dao Sect had already heard the news that Chen Fan had been beheaded. Now it seems that everything is false.

"No, I have to report this news to His Majesty!" Wu Tianjiao's eyes flickered, but he immediately took out a jade pendant...

And at this very moment.

On the jade biscuit, Chen Fan's sword field unfolded, and the flames and sword lights rippling, smashing the terrifying murderers in front of him into pieces, and he also successfully rushed to the ninetieth floor.

Cen Heyu swallowed, and a look of confusion flashed across his face: "Did I read it wrong, Chen Fan rushed to the ninetieth floor?"

Ninety layers means Dao fruit strength.

In Dagan, he is already at the level of a big boss.

Ru Yueling's complexion was complicated, and a wry smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "If it was him, this layer would be...normal."

As the descendant of Tianjizi, he was also the only one among the three who knew that Emperor Daqian and the crown prince died at the hands of Chen Fan.

If it was said that there was something tricky behind the scenes at the beginning, and there was another man behind the scenes, now seeing the strength displayed by Chen Fan, she sighed, maybe there is a reason for everything...


On the other side, Chen Tianqian is in the private room.

Follow Chen Fan to the ninetieth floor.

The owner of Longzhuang faintly shook his head: "It seems that the little disciple is going to lose."

Chen Tianqian smiled: "Chen Fan has just rushed to the 90th floor, so he may not necessarily rank higher than Lian Xiaoyou..."

The owner of Longzhuang shook his head: "You are a genius in the sword field, but you have never made a sword so far. The secret method of this 'soul' attack is too powerful."

"It's so easy after reaching the ninetieth floor, it shouldn't be difficult to surpass Bai Chang."

Lian Baishang next to him froze his face, looked up at the scene of Chen Fan's battle on the jade biscuit, his eyes were also full of subtlety and loss...

Chen Fan's performance was too relaxed, and he definitely still had a lot of energy to spare.

And as Chen Fan rushed to the 90th floor, the scene of Chen Fan's battle was also transferred to the first piece of jade.

This also means that he is the one with the highest number of floors among those who have broken into the tower.

This also made him attract the attention of more audiences.

"It's so easy to kill the ninetieth floor?"


"Another Dao fruit master under the age of 50! Does anyone know where this genius came from?"

In various venues, countless warriors watching the battle were talking about it.

However, not many people knew the exact identity of Chen Fan.

Chen Fan was not among the nominations for the Meihui, and only his name appeared in the first round of preliminary selection, without any other information about the real person, so no one would pay attention to him.

In the corner, Zong Zhengxiu looked at Chen Fan and his terrifying killing speed up to the 90th floor with twitching eyes, and he still didn't show any signs of injury or exhaustion...

"Not yet fifty years old, so easy to kill the ninetieth floor..."

The corners of his mouth twitched, his face full of bewilderment.

What shocked him even more was that after Chen Fan reached the 90th floor, he was still killing enemies at a terrifying speed.

And he only started to use the sword in his hand so far.

Nightmare Prayer deters the enemy, and then kills with a sword.

Another ten breaths passed, but Chen Fan had already reached the ninety-sixth floor!

"How could it be so fast?!"

Even the Daoguo masters who participated in this plum meeting, most of them stayed below the ninety-fifth floor!

There are not many Dao fruits that can reach the ninety-sixth floor.

Doesn't this mean that the strength shown by Chen Fan has surpassed most of the Dao Fruit geniuses who participated in the Meihui? !

He is not surprised that Chen Fan has the strength of Dao Fruit, but Chen Fan surpasses most Dao Fruits, which makes him feel even more uncomfortable.

He also had a feeling of looking up to Chen Fan and being unable to cross it.

And after this feeling arose, the sourness in his heart became lighter instead.

When a person is a little stronger than you, you will feel unwilling, but when a person is too much stronger than you, you will not even compare yourself with him.

At this moment, Zongzhengxiu felt the current mood in his heart.


Chen Tianqian is in the private room.

Chen Qingru looked at the jade bi in astonishment.

Chen Fan first activated his soul attack, causing all the enemies in front of him to freeze, and then he killed all the enemies in front of him with a fire sword, and reached the ninety-seventh floor.

"How can it be so easy?"

This number of layers can be called the level of strength at the peak of Dao Fruit.

Even among Jianzong, only the top three disciples can achieve it!

From Chen Qingru's point of view, Chen Fan should only be able to use ordinary Dao fruit strength in the "Fathering Illusion" without the ability to use foreign objects. Even if Chen Fan has other cards, the limit she estimates for Chen Fan is Ninety-six and seven floors...

But now, even in the face of opponents on the 97th floor, Chen Fan still behaved very relaxed and freehand, and he definitely hadn't used his full strength...

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