Looking at the crystal wall projection, Chen Fan easily entered the ninety-seventh floor, Lian Baishang shook his head sadly: "I lost."

Relying on his own physique and hard grinding, he failed to break through to the ninety-seventh floor.

But at this moment, Chen Fan didn't even have any injuries on his body.

And he didn't rest at all on each floor, and went to the next floor in seconds, so relaxed and freehand, his strength was by no means comparable to his own.

The owner of Longzhuang raised his eyebrows slightly, and with a wave of his hand, he took out the Xuyuan grass and handed it to Chen Tianqian: "You have taken in a good apprentice."

"If I read it right, his spiritual consciousness should have reached an infinite level. With the addition of a powerful soul attack secret technique and swordsmanship, it's too easy to deal with these opponents with Dao fruit strength!"

Chen Tianqian took the Xuyuancao with a smile, his eyes were also shining:

"This kid has just started, and I have seldom disciplined him. His strength is not bad, but his temper is still a little bit unsettled..."

The owner of Longzhuang shook his head and said, "It's normal for a peerless genius to be a little bit more energetic. Rather, it's because of his aura that Chen Fan was able to reach his current strength so quickly."

In fact, the longer you live, the more complicated your thoughts become, and your state of mind may not be comparable to that of a young man with a pure heart.

Of course, life is easy to break, young people are too aggressive, and it is more difficult to get rid of setbacks, and they are more likely to breed demons than some old foxes.

Chen Tianqian nodded with a smile, raised his head indifferently, and continued to watch Chen Fan rushing into the tower, but there was a flash of surprise in the depths of his eyes that others could not detect.

To be honest, he had certain expectations and estimates for Chen Fan's strength, but when Chen Fan really showed it, he still made him happy.

"Based on this kid's current state, could it be possible that he can really clear the 100th floor?"

There was a look of anticipation in his eyes.

You know, apart from those hidden sects and alien forces, there is only Shi Yan from Wuxiang Academy and Luo Yingtian from Yuan Mozong who successfully passed the 100th floor.

Even the geniuses of the three gates of Yuhua Sect have not broken through the hundredth floor so far.

Not to mention the Sky Splitting Sword Sect, compared to the Yuhua Sect, Wuxiang Academy and Yuan Mo Sect, there is a huge gap in strength.

If Chen Fan can become the third genius who is not a hidden sect and a foreign race, then the reputation of the Sky Splitting Sword Sect will also be famous because of Chen Fan!

at the same time.

Chen Fan also successfully reached the final hundredth floor.

And this level has to deal with a real opponent of the first level of longevity!

"It's finally over..."

Chen Fan turned his head slightly as he looked at the black-armored figure in front of him.


The black-armored figure danced a halberd in his hand with heavy black light, and charged at Chen Fan with a large amount of heaven and earth vitality.

Facing the surging terrifying power, Chen Fan focused his eyes.

"Nightmare Prayer" is activated again!


A look of blankness flashed in the eyes of the figure in black armor, and the painting halberd in his hand also froze in the process of being drawn out.

Just this moment of stagnation.

Chen Fan's figure was like an arrow that pierced a string, arriving in an instant.

"it's over!"

The sword field and flame field around him spread out, and a six-fold perfect fire sword blasted out, tearing the heavily armored figure in front of him to pieces!


"Hahahaha! This kid really passed the level!"

Chen Tianqian couldn't hide his excitement in his eyes.

What made him even more excited was that Chen Fan didn't defeat his opponent through hard work, but clearly still had enough energy to pass the hundredth floor.

This also means that Chen Fan really has the power of longevity!

With the end of Chen Fan's tower run, and the end of a pass, he did not make a second tower run.

Soon Chen Fan's name appeared on the gold list in the sky.

Currently ranked eighth!

Even among the geniuses with the power of longevity, this term ranks in the upper middle!

When Chen Fan completed the checkpoint and the ranking jade bi was updated again.

The venue also boiled up.

Every time the top ten appeared in the past, it would arouse enthusiastic responses from the audience.

"Heaven-Splitting Sword Sect, Chen Fan! Eighth! Another longevity!" Someone exclaimed excitedly.

Others were surprised:

"Split Sky Sword Sect actually has such a potential disciple? Why haven't I heard of it before!"

"Chen Fan...I've heard this name before, it seems...he's a master of the True Inheritance of the Sword Sect!"

"I remember that in the third round of the preliminaries, there was also a person named Chen Fan who broke into the top 20. This person should be him."

"Split Sky Sword Sect is really interesting. He didn't put this person in the direct recommendation quota, so that he can be killed out of the preliminary selection. I'm not afraid of encountering accidents."

In Shenzhou of the Yuan Dynasty, Jianzong was the unrivaled giant.

But looking at Kyushu, and even the entire continent, not many people may pay attention to what happened to Jianzong.

There are more or less people who have heard of Chen Fan's name, but few people have actually seen him.

"It's really him, Chen Fan... So he's fine, he joined the Sky Splitting Sword Sect... and he already has the power to live forever..."

Wu Tianjiao muttered looking at Chen Fan's name on the sky list.

Cen, Yu and Ru Yueling next to each other looked at each other and smiled wryly, unable to say anything.

Chen Fan, Cen Heyu, and Wu Tianjiao used to be the top three members of the hero list.

This list is made by Tianjilou.

At this time, Chen Fan, who was number one, already possessed the strength of immortality, while Cen Heyu and Wu Tianjiao, who came in second, were no more than ordinary ten-level combat power.

Although Ru Yueling had already guessed in her heart, she still felt complicated when she learned about it...

And soon, someone noticed the brief introduction behind Chen Fan's ranking.

When he saw that his cultivation was only in the late tenth level and the third level of the dao domain, the uproar on the field was even worse.

"How can it be?"

"Is there something wrong with the investigation of the cultivation base of 'Feathering Illusion'? Dao domain triple is comparable to longevity, even if it is multiple dao domains, is it possible to add sword domain?"

"It's absolutely impossible, it must be fake!"

"It should be hidden strength!"

It is surprising enough to be able to clear the ninety-ninth floor of the Dao Fruit level.

As for the third level of Dao Domain, it has already surpassed the limit of understanding of normal people.

It's just that the cultivation base guesses on the Yuhua Tower are based on their respective combat performances, which may not necessarily be accurate, and for these geniuses, it is meaningless to only look at the cultivation base.

Especially some alien races with special talents, their level is not high, but their strength will be terrifying.

at the same time.

in a venue.

In the corner, a bald man licked his lips, and a fiery red light flashed in his eyes:

"It turns out that this kid...is called Chen Fan."

When countless audiences are eagerly discussing.

In the center of public opinion, Chen Fan himself had already left the competition venue. He did not go to the venue to watch the battle, but returned directly to Jianzong.

Because of the previous battle, he knew without thinking that he had become a celebrity through and through.

He held the authentic token in his hand, with a delicate expression.

The communication stone in his hand, including the token of the True Inheritance of Jianzong, and various communication devices, have all received various congratulatory messages.

Forget about Yu Jin, Xuan Yingying, Rong Yixian and others, Elder Lu, Su Changqing, and even Rong Ziqi also sent congratulatory messages.

"Are these people also in Longyuan City?" Chen Fan was very suspicious.

Shaking his head, he returned to his own yard in the station. In fact, he still shot the clone this time.

The deity is still absorbing blood crystals and blood spirit flowers.

He used up a lot of the stock in his hand.

But with the permanent energy of the deformed blood beast, he didn't feel bad at all.

But just after returning, a voice sounded outside: "Chen Fan, are you back?"

Chen Fan was taken aback, but the voice was his cheap master Chen Tianqian.

In the past, it was always Chen Tianqian who summoned him through a real summons, or asked Chen Qingru to call him. Unexpectedly, Chen Tianqian didn't even watch the battle anymore, and came to the door on his own initiative.

Chen Fan tilted his head, and immediately sent his avatar to greet him again.

"You kid, you actually have such a strong strength!"

Although Chen Tiangan's tone was resentful, his face was full of excitement.

"Your Void Element Grass, I brought it back for you!"

Chen Fan fruited the Xuyuancao excitedly, "Thank you, Master."

Chen Tianqian waved his hand: "You should thank Master Long even more."

Chen Fan also smiled and said, "Then please thank Master Long for me, Master."

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