My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 842: Patriarch


Chen Qingru shook her head and said:

"The strength span of the people participating in the Meihui is too large, and it is too time-consuming to screen one by one. The Meihui starts with the preliminary selection, and every round will screen out most of the warriors, and it has always been like this."

Chen Fan was startled.


Each round of preliminary selection will screen out more than 90% of warriors.

It's just that he didn't expect that after reducing the number of people so much, there would still be such a high elimination rate.

He also had a bad feeling in his heart.

The fewer the number of people, the shorter the time of each round.

There are only two rounds left. If this rhythm is followed, there may not be much time left in the follow-up...

At this moment, the token of the True Inheritance of Jianzong on Lin Lei's waist suddenly lit up.


After a cup of tea.

Chen Fan stepped into a room.

"Master, are you looking for me?"

Chen Tiangan smiled and waved to Chen Fan, signaling Chen Fan to sit down.

"I came to you for two things."

Chen Tianqian nodded, and then continued:

"First, since you broke through the 100th floor in the second round, many people have contacted me... Do you still remember the owner of Xingluo Pavilion?"

"After you broke through the 100th floor, the man bowed his head, and he said that he is willing to sell the Cangshenghua to you at the price we agreed before..."

Chen Fan sneered:

"This man really has a big face. Master, ignore him. I don't need Cang Sheng Hua anymore!"

Even if it is a good price, it is a lot of premium.

Although this Xingluo Pavilion bowed its head, it did not completely bow its head...

It's also really greedy.

Chen Tianqian raised his eyebrows slightly, but also nodded.

He learned from Chen Qingru that the Purple Moon Sect had sent someone to give Chen Fan a Cangsheng flower.

Otherwise, he may have already agreed to Pavilion Master Xingluo's request. For Chen Fan's future, it is not impossible to pay a little more...

Chen Fan asked: "Master, you just said that there are two things, the second thing is..."

Chen Tiangan smiled:

"The second thing is that Jianzong has almost arranged the corresponding matters. I plan to take you back to Jianzong. There is still nearly a week before the third round of the Meihui, but it is completely in time."

"Okay!" Chen Fan's eyes lit up.

Chen Tianqian reminded:

"Your performance in the second round was so impressive that Dagan and Lingshen Daozong have already followed you..."

"This time you come back to the sect with me, don't tell anyone or anyone. At this critical time, many people will stare at you."

Chen Fan nodded: "Master, don't worry."


After half an hour.

After disguising, Chen Fan and Chen Tianqian, the master and apprentice, also left Longyuan City without informing anyone of their return.

Followed the master and flew away from Longyuan City.

Chen Tiangan suddenly stopped on the turbulent Longyuan Lake.

The lake that can surround such a huge city as Longyeon Island is naturally huge.

Chen Fan's immeasurable spiritual consciousness couldn't be swept away for a while.

"Master, we stopped here because..." Chen Fan frowned, and looked at Chen Tianqian in confusion.

If you don't hurry back to Jianzong, what are you doing here?

Chen Tianqian smiled slightly, but turned his hand and took out a special bamboo stick.

"Wait a minute and you'll see."

Just as Chen Tianqian's voice fell.

Suddenly the air began to twist.

Then a huge monster suddenly appeared in front of Chen Fan.

This is a huge whale like a castle.

"This is... an empty whale?" Chen Fan's eyes flashed.

Chen Tianqian smiled and nodded:

"It's not far from Yuan Shenzhou. Even if I take you, it will take half a day to go back. It takes a day to go back and forth. It's a waste of time."

"Teacher, please."

The man dressed as a fisherman sitting in front of the empty whale stood up and made a gesture of please.

But in fact, there was a subtle smile on his face, but he didn't see much respect. On the contrary, there was a lot of teasing in his tone...

Chen Tianqian cleared his throat, and said to Chen Fan, "This is your Uncle Luo."


Chen Fan raised his eyebrows, but he thought of the brothers from the Luo family that Jianzong participated in the Meihui. Could it be that he has something to do with this person?

He politely called Master Uncle, and then got on an empty whale.

It was not the first time to sit on this empty whale, and Chen Fan had already prepared for it.

Ripples like water stirred up, and a slight dizziness flashed across.

But in an instant, Lin Lei returned from Yuhua Prefecture to Yuanshen Prefecture, within the Sword Sect.

"Simply convenient!"

Chen Fan sighed in his heart.

No matter how fast Xiaodie's speed is, it can't compare to the convenience of space teleportation.

But you must know that Yuhua State is separated from Yuanshen State by Beiyuan State, and the distance is almost hundreds of thousands of kilometers, and it will arrive in an instant.

"If I become stronger, I will raise such a beast one day!"

at this time.

"You are back!"

Accompanied by a body influence, a figure flew over from the side.

Chen Fan nodded to him: "Elder Hongwen!"

Hongwen also nodded, and looked at Chen Fan with admiration: "Boy, you are very good!"

Chen Fan could clearly feel the eagerness in Elder Hongwen's tone.

Chen Tianqian said directly:

"Junior Brother Hongwen, time is limited, take us directly to see the ancestor."

Elder Hongwen nodded, "Follow me."

Several people immediately turned into streamers.


Inside the Jiange.

In a Qionglou.

Chen Fan followed Hongwen and Chen Tianqian to a rooftop at the top of Qionglou.

On the empty rooftop, stood a young man with sword eyebrows and starry eyes.


And when he saw him, Chen Tianqian knelt on the ground directly, very polite.

The young man waved his hand with a smile, and Chen Tianqian was lifted up:

"As soon as you wake up, thousands of years have passed. Tiangan, you are much more stable than you were a thousand years ago."

Chen Tianqian cupped his fists and said:

"After being a teacher for so long, I have to worry and think, thank you. Naturally, I can't be the same as before..."

Chen Fan couldn't help but look at the young man a few more times.

Originally, he thought that the so-called ancestor was an old guy who was dying.

The result was beyond his expectation.

This young man has sword eyebrows and star eyes, and his aura is like an abyss, he doesn't look like he is going to die in the slightest.

The young man nodded, then turned to look at Chen Fan: "Are you Chen Fan?"

The tone carried a trace of elders' concern for the younger generation.

Chen Fan stepped forward immediately: "Chen Fan has seen the Patriarch!"

He didn't know this person's seniority, calling Patriarch was not nice, so he simply called him Patriarch.

The young man looked at Chen Fan, his eyes were like black holes, but Chen Fan had the same feeling as when he entered the Yuanshang Secret Realm and met the star spirits and was swept away by his divine sense.

There is a feeling that no matter how many secrets you can hide...

The cover of the Star God Seal is almost as if it does not exist.

And his eyes couldn't help but condense, and his brows raised: "It turns out to be the body of swordsmanship, no wonder..."

"Hey, you also have the blood of 'Ni Shen' in your body, just like the little guy surnamed Si back then, no wonder you have such strength..."

"However, Ni Shen is gone, this bloodline is unknown, it may be a layer of shackles for you... Xiao Si didn't escape at the beginning, I don't know you..."

As he spoke, he shook his head: "Your talent is higher, I hope you don't follow Xiao Si's mistakes again."

Chen Tianqian and Hongwen were both surprised when they heard what the ancestor said. They looked at each other, but they both looked at Chen Fan.

"The relationship between you and Si Jiandi is really not shallow..." Chen Tianqian's expression was also slightly subtle.

Chen Fan just smiled wryly.

The fifth level of longevity is indeed extraordinary!

Even know this kind of secret.

In fact, Sima is the sword emperor of the sword sect, who was called the sword master thousands of years ago. He should also know about this ancestor, and may even have received help from this ancestor.

His words also showed that he knew some secrets about Simo's "Blood Against God".

"Chen Fan, come with me, I will activate the maximum power of the Dao Enlightenment Pool for you to practice for three days..."

"In addition, I myself will provide you with the greatest help during these three days, and teach you my swordsmanship as much as possible..."

"How much you can gain depends on your understanding."

The young man waved his hand, turned his head and floated up.

Chen Fan immediately cupped his fists and took a deep breath: "Yes, Patriarch!"

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