Three days later.


Chen Tianqian saw Chen Fan who was leaving the customs.

Chen Tianqian looked at Chen Fan, full of expectation: "How, can your strength improve?"

Chen Fan nodded, his eyes sparkled.

"The harvest is much greater than I imagined!"

Although it was only a short three days, the harvest in these three days was enormous.

In fact, in the past three days, his main energy and time have been put on the way of the sword.

With the help of the patriarch who comprehended the Dao of the Sword, coupled with the special environment of the Dao Enlightenment Pool, Chen Fan has learned a lot, and the way of the sword is progressing rapidly, but he has almost realized his own complete way of the sword...

It's just a pity that if the Dao fruit is not successful, no matter how powerful his comprehension is, he will not be able to break through the realm.

But even so, his strength, because of the improvement of his own comprehension, has still improved a lot!

"If I can break through the Dao Fruit, maybe I will be able to achieve longevity soon!" His eyes were extremely bright.

The reason why such a breakthrough can be achieved so quickly is because of the exaggeration of the true power of Enlightenment Pool and the careful cultivation of the patriarch.

On the other hand, it was Chen Fan who used up part of the Towering Essence!

At this moment, only one-third of the towering spiritual essence in his hand is left, which is only enough for one day's use!

The powerful effect of this towering spiritual essence made Chen Fan feel subtle.

Zhan Jianming was lucky to be able to get such a thing.

And Chen Fan speculated that Zhan Jianming might have an extra towering spirit in his hand.

When there is a chance, I can find a chance to have a good chat with Zhan Jianming.

Chen Tianqian smiled and nodded: "It's best if you can improve!"

Chen Fan nodded and asked, "Patriarch, he now..."

Chen Tianqian sighed: "The ancestor has fallen into a deep sleep again."

Chen Fan frowned: "What did the Patriarch go through, and why did he fall into such a state?"

Chen Tianqian narrowed his eyes:

"A long time ago, the patriarch looked like this. I heard some seniors say that the patriarch seemed to have offended a certain 'demon god king' and resisted the blow of such an existence..."

"Although he didn't die immediately, he has to bear the erosion of the power of the 'Devil God King' all the time. If he doesn't sleep deeply, the Patriarch won't live for too long..."

Chen Fan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he heard the words.

"The Patriarch was able to survive from such existence..."

Although the source beads and source qi in his hand can remove the evil force left by the items after the death of the Demon God King, but it is impossible to eliminate the residual power of the Demon God King himself!

The level difference is too much.

"When I get stronger and get higher-level treasures or pills, I must help the ancestor recover..."

Chen Fan took a deep breath, and secretly swore in his heart.

He didn't say much to his master about his gratitude to the Heaven Splitting Sword Sect, but he kept this matter firmly in his heart.

Chen Tianqian said: "Since it's over, let's return to Longyuan City as soon as possible."

Chen Fan nodded.

The two left Jiange, and quickly returned to Longyuan City on the empty whale.

The two turned into streamers, but returned to Longyuan City without any accidents.

The two of them left without telling anyone at all, so naturally there were no accidents.

And Chen Fan also used the excuse of retreat to explain his behavior.


After Chen Fan returned, within two days, the third round of competition began.

Similar to the second round.

Five thousand fighters who had advanced to the elite sequence of the temple came to the competition venue.

In the huge venue, the Yuhua Tower is still among them, soaring into the sky.

The number of participants dropped sharply, and 5,000 warriors gathered in an auditorium in front of the Yuhua Tower.

The five thousand disciples were gearing up one by one, extremely excited.

Chen Fan and the two brothers from the Luo family of Jianzong came to the venue together.

There were only 5,000 people left, and they gathered together. Although Chen Fan's spiritual consciousness was still exaggerated, he quickly found Li Linliu in the crowd.

Li Linliu nodded towards him.

And the young man surnamed Chao was not far from Li Linliu. When he noticed Chen Fan's gaze, he turned his head awkwardly, but did not show any hostility.


Chen Fan had heard from Li Linliu that the Lingshen Dao Sect wanted to reconcile with him, but the Lingshen Dao Sect has not expressed anything so far...

Chen Fan sneered and shook his head. Just as he was about to continue to see if there were any familiar fighters on the big side, he suddenly felt a majestic momentum coming from outside.

A gust of wind surged, aura burst out, and a man in white came galloping from outside!

In the blink of an eye, he rushed to the front of the huge auditorium and sat on a tall red seat at the front of the auditorium.

Even if he is sitting, he is taller than ordinary people, but if he is standing up, he is at least ten feet taller.

"It's Bai Fengyu!"

Chen Fan's eyes flashed.

In the first two rounds, Bai Fengyu just formed a big face in the sky, but this time he actually appeared in real body.


It may not necessarily be the real body...

Chen Fan guessed that this Bai Fengyu was not the sixth level of longevity, but at least the fifth level. Such a character can no longer be guessed by common sense.

Maybe, there is also a method of doppelganger.


Accompanied by Bai Fengyu's usual voice, the auditorium soon fell into silence.

"Next, let me talk about the specific rules of the third round of competition—"

"The third round will be an elimination system. The 5,000 of you will be divided into 20 different fantasy scenes according to the ranking order of the second round."

"In the second round, the 20th rank is one rank, and the 5,000 people are divided into 250 ranks. In each scene, there will only be one martial artist of each rank!"

"In addition, each illusion scene is extremely dangerous, and depending on the scene, there will be corresponding illusion creatures. The strength of illusion creatures is different, and they are randomly hidden in various places..."

"In addition, as time goes by, the area of ​​the scene will continue to shrink, and the phantom creatures in the scene will also be enhanced!"

"You will fight each other in it, and those who survive to the top ten in each scene will be able to advance to the final round!"

"Those who were killed, whether they died in the danger of the illusion or were killed by other participating warriors, all will be eliminated!"

As soon as the rules were exported, the warriors were all talking about it.

Chen Fan couldn't help frowning deeply.

Being able to advance in this round means being able to enter the extremely important top four sequences.

This rule is a bit rough!

The 5,000 people are equally divided among the ten scenes according to their ranks.

That is to say, in each scene, there will inevitably be extremely powerful warriors who rank in the top, and there will also be warriors who are ranked in the bottom.

If a certain person with extremely strong strength is so idle, he only kills the masters, but leaves the other nine people who are not so strong.

Wouldn't that be unfair to those players who are strong but not the strongest?

And if you are unlucky, even the top-ranked powerful warriors may be killed and eliminated directly.

After all, there are various dangers in the illusion.

This is a bit too rough for the "Meihui" to use such a special competition to select talents.

Instead of Chen Fan mentioning, other warriors soon put forward corresponding opinions to Bai Fengyu.

Bai Fengyu showed a faint smile on his face, and said:

"The assessment of the rules of this level was deliberately set up like this after many discussions. Otherwise, we can continue to conduct the qualifying competition according to the previous round of assessment."

As soon as this statement came out, the people around were also in an uproar.

Many people are naturally extremely dissatisfied.

Bai Fengyu sneered:

"This round of assessment is not only about your strength, but also means, wisdom, and... luck!"

"Each fantasy scene will have its own restrictions. You can explore by yourself and use the various conditions in the scene."

"People who are not strong enough can also unite with other warriors to fight against the strong."

"As for the powerful people, even if they are ranked in the top 20 in the second round, if they are too high-profile and arrogant, they may still be hated in this round!"

"This round is a round full of possibilities!"

"The strong may fail, and the weak may win. It really depends on each of you who can advance."

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