My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 844 Strange Illusion

As soon as Bai Fengyu said this, Chen Fan's eyes flashed a sharp edge.


If it is simply to test their respective strengths, then there is no need for a third round at all.

In the second round of the ranking competition, the top 200 martial artists can be directly selected!

"'Sacred Church' really has a lot of courage!"

Chen Fan couldn't help but be amazed.

In such an important competition, the selection of "Sacred Hall" is not completely based on strength and talent!

"Wait, speaking of luck..."

Chen Fan couldn't help but twitched his brows, but his gaze followed the warriors in front of him one by one.

Among these people, would there be a "son of destiny" like himself who loves destiny?

Maybe some of them are not strong enough or talented enough, but they are favored by heaven and can turn the impossible into possible!

Of course, the fate of "Children of Destiny" is dangerous.

Perhaps the greater ones are likely to perish at greater risk.

But there will definitely be the kind of "children of destiny" who can continue to save themselves from danger and live to the end!

"Talent is never all that is required to estimate a person's upper limit..."

"For those big men, even if the risk is great, the 'Children of Destiny' are definitely more worth cultivating than ordinary geniuses!"

Chen Fan licked his lips, his eyes scorching away.

With his spiritual consciousness suppressed, his spiritual consciousness can only cover a small range of warriors.

It is difficult for him to detect from the surface whether there are other "children of destiny" among these people.

"I don't know how Chen Tiangan's father and daughter saw that Destiny fell in love with me..."

Thoughts turn.

The third round is also officially started.

A ray of light flickered in the wide hall, and a complicated and gorgeous magic circle suddenly descended from the sky.

As time passed, Chen Fan found that everything in front of him had changed greatly.

But in an instant, Chen Fan entered a pure white uninhabited space.

"Have I entered an illusion?"

He immediately began to examine himself.

However, he found that his body was still an external body, but any weapons and equipment on his body no longer existed, and there was no Xumijie left.

at this time.

A light voice, without any emotion, sounded beside my ear.

"Picture in your mind the shape of the weapon you need."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly.

A flash of light flashed in front of him, but it condensed into a three-foot long sword.

But it was exactly the same shape as his Leng Fengjian.

The three-foot long sword was suspended in the air, in front of Chen Fan.

Chen Fan raised his hand and held the sword, but shook his head.

This sword only has a shape and no bonus effect. It is very similar to the weapon used in the last round of the Ascension Tower.

And with the weapon, the voice sounded again: "Please get ready, the game will officially start in ten seconds."

In the milky white space in front of him, a huge countdown wheel suddenly appeared.

Ten seconds passed by.


The milky white sky suddenly shattered, and the surrounding scene changed drastically in an instant.

Chen Fan suddenly appeared among the towering giant trees.

These trees are extremely tall.

The diameter of the trees is more than a hundred feet, and the height is so high that the top cannot be seen at a glance, like cliffs and cliffs.

And among the tall giant trees, there are also many tall weeds and mushrooms growing.

Chen Fan tried to disperse his consciousness, but he also found that his consciousness could sweep to the giant tree in the sky, extremely far away, but it couldn't go deep into the weeds.

These plants seem to have some kind of special power, which cannot be fully penetrated by spiritual consciousness!

"These weeds should be deliberately set up for the warriors to hide..."

With these weeds, some weak people have the possibility to save their lives or even fight back in the hands of the strong!

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and sneered, but walked forward along the grass.

It's like walking in your own backyard, walking among the unusually dense and tall weeds.

Suddenly, in the weeds in front of him, a tall ice-blue flower bud suddenly bloomed, and in the center of the flower was an extremely sharp fang, which suddenly bit Chen Fan.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows, a layer of cyan light around his body surged, and after the invisible sword energy flickered, the ice-blue flower was cut into countless pieces in the blink of an eye, but blood continued to overflow from it.

"Weeds can help immunity to spiritual detection, and there are monsters disguised as plants inside..."

"This illusion is really weird. If the strength is not enough, I'm afraid it won't last long, and it's over..."

No matter how good the luck is, if the hard power cannot meet the bottom line requirements, it is impossible to survive.

Shaking his head, Chen Fan continued to move forward.

Because Chen Fan's consciousness couldn't penetrate these weeds, he never found any traces of other people.

It's just that on the nameplate, you can check the remaining players in the game. In just a short while, dozens of people have been eliminated...

Soon he turned his head suddenly and looked into the distance.

There was the sound of fighting and roaring.

Chen Fan frowned, and immediately turned into a streamer and rushed over.


The raging fire spread and rose, completely igniting the surrounding weeds and trees.

A giant dog with a huge body, nine heads, and red flames all over his body roared upwards in the huge forest. Huge lantern-like fireballs around him exploded on the ground.

But in front of the giant dog, there was a distressed young man in black dodging back and forth.

A light field of several tens of feet spread around this figure, but it couldn't stop the fireball attack of the nine giant dogs at all.

In the blink of an eye, his human domain was covered with cracks, and his whole body was scorched black.

"Crap! Why did you encounter a Daoguo monster at the beginning of the game? Fuck you!"

At this moment, he suddenly raised his head.

I saw streamers flickering in the sky, air waves surging, and a figure suddenly appeared in the sky not far away.

"That's..." His eyes were fixed, but a faint light flashed in his eyes, "It's Chen Fan of the Sky Splitting Sword Sect!"

He squinted his eyes slightly, but walked decisively towards Chen Fan's position, and shouted: "Brother Chen Fan, help!"

Chen Fan is now a Fengyun player, so he was not surprised at all when he was recognized.

He frowned.

In an instant, he rushed to the front of the monster, and the sword light shot out from his hand.


Splashes of water all over the sky were generated from the void, rushing towards the nine giant dogs.


Flame and water are intertwined.

A large amount of white smoke rose from the body of the nine-headed giant dog.

And its body was smashed into pieces by the huge waves in the blink of an eye!

With Chen Fan's current kendo attainments, dealing with these nine giant dogs is a bit bullying.

After finishing the nine-headed giant dog, Chen Fan turned his head slightly and looked at the young man on the ground:

"Give me a reason not to kill you."

This person is not bad, if he is willing to pay some rewards, it is not impossible for Chen Fan to spare his life.

The corner of the young man's mouth twitched, and a look of panic flashed across his face.

He swallowed, but immediately said:

"I'm from Xingluo Pavilion, senior brother, you should know me from Xingluo Pavilion, right?"

"I heard from Lord Pavilion Master that the head teacher of the noble sect seems to intend to buy an item from my Xingluo Pavilion..."

"I'm a person who can talk to the Pavilion Master in Xingluo Pavilion. If the senior brother saves my life, I will talk to the Pavilion Master. Maybe, the Pavilion Master is willing to let go of such a thing?"

His face was smiling, but his eyes were shining.

Chen Fan couldn't help laughing out loud when he heard the words.


He raised the black sword in his hand violently, the blazing flame rose ragingly, and the flaming sword light rushed towards him in the blink of an eye.

"No, Chen Fan! What are you doing!"

The flaming sword energy pierced through the light field outside his body as if nothing was there.

Amidst the tragic wailing, his body crumbled into countless pieces!

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