"Hehe, it turns out that there is a dispute between us?"

Chen Fan sneered, his face full of sarcasm:

"You popped up suddenly and said that you want to kill a human genius like me, but if you can't beat me, you just say such things?"

"You horned demons only know how to bully the weak and fear the strong?"

The reason why Rui Chi wanted Chen Fan's life was not because of deep hatred or irreparable conflicts, but because he wanted to eliminate a human genius who attracted people's attention!

But when he found out that he had encountered a hard problem, he immediately changed his face...

It can be said that it is shameless to the extreme.

The corners of Rui Chi's mouth twitched when he heard the words, and then he stared straight at Chen Fan:

"Anyway, do you really want to bet your luck with me?"

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes, thoughtful, and put away the sword in his hand.

Seeing Chen Fan retracting his sword, Rui Chi also heaved a sigh of relief.

"You're wise!"

It's just that he didn't relax his vigilance, and was always on guard against the situation where Chen Fan might turn his back on him.

He looked straight at Chen Fan's direction, but kept retreating.

After exiting a certain distance.

"Chen Fan of the human race, I remember you!"

Then he turned around decisively and rushed into the dense jungle next to him...

Chen Fan looked at the direction in which he was fleeing, but his eyes were sharp.


outside world.

Because of his excellent performance in the previous round, Chen Fan is already one of the seeded players in this Meihui.

Many people are paying attention to Chen Fan's battle.

After watching Chen Fan meet Rui Chi who suddenly blocked the way, and the latter showed his unparalleled strength.

All the people who were following Chen Fan and seeing the battle scene between Chen Fan and Rui Chi were all excited!

"Where did this Rui Chi come from? It's so powerful that it suppressed Chen Fan!"

Chen Fan ranked thirteenth among the top 20 in the second round, but Rui Chi didn't have a strong performance before.

This battle also surprised most people.

In fact.

The strength Chen Fan showed was much stronger than when he broke through the tower in the second round.

After all, in the second round, the highest is only the dividing line of longevity.

But at this time, the strength of the two is beyond the limit of the ordinary second level of longevity, and can catch up with the edge of the third level of longevity.

"Look, Chen Fan's sword is so powerful?!"

"What kind of sword technique is this..."

"It's terrifying! It's terrifying!"

at the same time.

Chen Tianqian and his daughter were in the private room watching the battle.

Chen Qingru was also shocked when he saw Chen Fan displaying the Hongmeng Sword:

"Junior brother actually hides so much strength?!"

She didn't know that Chen Fan had gone back to Jianzong for a secret special training two days ago.

Chen Tianqian also had a subtle expression.

He knew that Chen Fan's strength had improved, but at this moment, Chen Fan's real strength still exceeded his expectations.

"And this sword... is definitely not any sword technique of Jianzong or the ancestor..."

Because separated by the crystal wall, he couldn't actually feel the breath of this sword at all, and could only watch some manifestations with the naked eye.

It's just a pity that the battle between the two stopped after Chen Fan slashed out a Hongmeng sword.

"No more fights? Is this the end?"

"No fun no fun."

When they saw that the two stopped fighting and Rui Chi left, many people watching the battle felt bored.

Seeing this scene, Chen Qingru breathed a sigh of relief, nodded and said:

"Brother is still reasonable."

Chen Tianqian also nodded with a smile: "Although Chen Fan is strong, there is no need to fight Rui Chi for a momentary battle of emotions. There is no benefit in winning, and it will be a big loss if you lose."

Chen Qingru smiled and was about to say something more, then suddenly pointed to the projection on the crystal wall in astonishment and said, "Eh? Father, look quickly, Chen Fan has disappeared?"

Chen Tianqian raised his eyebrows and raised his head.

On the huge crystal wall projection, Chen Fan's figure has completely disappeared from the scene.

It's just that the scene on it suddenly expands and contracts rapidly, constantly changing along the weeds.


Within the phantom.

The extremely embarrassed Rui Chi kept speeding through the dense jungle.

After a long while, it stopped temporarily in front of a pothole with densely packed strange plants.

Make sure no one is following behind you.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and sat cross-legged in the pothole:

"This Chen Fan's true strength is much stronger than what he showed in the second round!"

"What kind of 'Tao' power is that sword? Even my 'magic horn' has been worn down to such an extent. Obviously the level of 'Tao' is not high, but its power is beyond imagination..."

"With my supernatural powers, I can block three strikes at most, and the fourth strike will definitely kill me. With the attenuation of this kid's breath, it shouldn't be a problem to cut four strikes."

The pupils of Rui Chi's eyes rolled rapidly, with lingering fear in his heart.

"How can this guy be so strong?"

He sat quietly on the ground, with white smoke rising from his body, and some wounds on his body were also rapidly falling into the jade box...

And just when Rui Chi quickly healed and rested, and relaxed his vigilance.

With him beside him, a ripple like water suddenly flashed in the air, and a figure suddenly appeared beside Rui Chi.

"Not good!" Rui Chi's four pupils shrank sharply at the same time.

But at the moment when this thought arose, a terrifying sword aura came from nowhere.

It's the Hongmeng Sword again!

But this time, Rui Chi didn't have time to react at all, the distance was too close!

"How come, I didn't feel any breath!"

This sword was cut out at the same time as Chen Fan appeared!


The surging sword energy instantly covered Rui Chi's body.

After the huge roar, the potholes on the ground expanded several times, towering giant trees fell down one after another, and countless powders spread to the surrounding circles with the terrifying impact.

"Huh? He's not dead yet?" Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and stepped forward holding the black sword.

Covered in heavy smoke and dust, Rui Chi, who was slashed by Hongmeng in the face, had more than half of his body collapsed at this time, only the chest above remained.

In fact, nearly half of his head was missing, and his left eye, left ear, and horn on the left had fallen off from his head.

Although the breath was abnormally sluggish, he was indeed still alive.

"As expected of a genius from the Horned Demon Clan, his body is so powerful..."


Chen Fan walked up to him.

Although Chen Fan actually didn't know what kind of existence this "horned demon clan" was, whether it was ranked on the mountain and sea list, and how many.

But he was defenseless and survived against himself with a strike of the Grandmist Sword, but his body was so strong that it was outrageous...

Of course.

Even if there is only such a little body left, it is not difficult to survive.

But the problem is, Chen Fan is still here.

"You can't kill me..." Rui Chi looked at Chen Fan.

Chen Fan's eyes were cold, with a mocking smile on his face:

"How amazing that I am still Lord Rui Chi of the Horned Demon Clan. I was also afraid of being eliminated early."

"You can kill others if you want, but can't others kill you?"

The corner of Rui Chi's mouth twitched, and then said with a cold face:

"My father's role as the Demon Emperor is the sixth level of the Demon Emperor, and he is one step closer to the existence of the Demon God King..."

"With the scale of your Sky-Splitting Sword Sect, you can't bear the anger of my Horned Demon Clan!"

Chen Fan grinned:

"It seems that you haven't realized what kind of person I am..."

As he said that, he stabbed out with a sword, and instantly inserted it into Rui Chi's only remaining eyeball, stringing his head together.



The lingering flames lit up the entire head in a blink of an eye!

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