My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 849 Promotion

Chen Fan strung Rui Chi's head on a string, and the flames ignited.

Although Rui Chi is powerful, but in his current state, how can he stop Chen Fan!

It's just that although only the head is left, its vitality is still powerful and terrifying.

Did not die immediately.

In the light of the fire, Rui Chi howled and screamed, and a deep disbelief flashed in his eyes: "You... how dare you treat me like this?"

"You're done!"

"You Sky Splitting Sword Sect is about to end!"

"Hehe." Chen Fan's face was icy cold.

Chen Fan has always been a soft-hearted person, if this guy is willing to exchange some precious treasures and begs Chen Fan not to kill him, Chen Fan may give him a way out.

After all, for Chen Fan, it doesn't matter whether he kills Rui Chi or not.

It's a pity that he actually threatened Chen Fan with the Sky Splitting Sword Sect!

Not to mention that there is a sleeping ancestor sitting in the sword sect. The sword sect is not completely defenseless against the horned demons. The horned demons are so powerful that they can destroy the sky splitting sword sect at will.

Even if it is possible, it is impossible for the major sects of the human race and the hidden sects to allow the horned demons to act like this.

Moreover, Chen Fan also believes that after the Meihui, his own existence will also bring a special layer of protection to the Sky Splitting Sword Sect.

"Based on my strength, the second rank is stable. If I can break into the first rank, I will even be cultivated as an 'immortal' seed..."

It is impossible for the horned demons to be so stupid as to offend Chen Fan and the human race for a genius in the clan!

Thinking of this, Chen Fan didn't have the slightest fear, the flames on the blade were even stronger, wow, Rui Chi's head was burned into ashes in the blink of an eye!

Rui Chi, who was able to save his life under Chen Fan's "Hongmeng Sword", was killed at the second level of the Demon Emperor.

And he doesn't have Chen Fan's "Shenxing" secret technique, and without a body, the true spirit quickly collapses, and the whole person is declared eliminated!

As the second level of Demon Emperor, his strength is enough to sweep the second level of longevity, even barely comparable to the third level of longevity, but he was eliminated in advance.


at the same time.

Focusing on Chen Fan's spectating venue, the audience also started a new round of carnival.

"Hahaha, I knew it! Chen Fan will never let him go!"


"Is Chen Fan's concealment technique okay? The demons didn't even notice it at all!"

"The human race will win!"

Inside Chen Tianqian's private room.

There was an uproar from the outside world.

Chen Qingru rubbed her temples helplessly:

"This kid actually killed such a genius as the Horned Demon Race..."

She also had a headache.

The Horned Demon Clan may not be as powerful as the Four Great Sacred Sects, which have immortals or demon god kings, but they are still powerful forces that need to be looked up to by the Sky Splitting Sword Sect.

The patriarch of the horned demon clan is a super master of the sixth level of the demon emperor, corresponding to the sixth level of longevity.

Although there is still a huge gap from the level of the Demon God King, one of them is enough to destroy the entire Sky Splitting Sword Sect.

Chen Qingru didn't know that there was another ancestor in the sect!

Chen Tianqian narrowed his eyes, shook his head and said:

"The horned demons are a group in the extreme east. They are too far away from the Central Territory. It is impossible for them to cross millions of miles and come to attack me, the Sky Splitting Sword Sect..."

"And even if the horned demons are really stupid enough to take action against my sword sect, it's not like my sword sect has no way to deal with it..."


Chen Tianqian turned his head back with dim eyes:

"With the strength shown by your junior brother, after entering the 'Sacred Hall' in the future, he will definitely soar into the sky! Although the Horned Demon King is strong, he is just a slightly bigger ant compared to those big figures in the Sacred Hall. The head of the clan will not be so stupid as to oppose the 'Temple'."

Chen Qingru heard the words, but smiled wryly and said: "What I'm worried about is, Junior Brother's 'special status', if one day he can't bear the love of heaven, then... I, Jianzong, I'm afraid..."

As soon as this remark came out, Chen Tianqian's eyes flashed, and he shook his head helplessly: "We can only hope, that day will never come."

The stronger Chen Fan is, the stronger the person he will offend.

At this time, there are all the big men in the temple supporting him, but if something happens to Chen Fan in the future, Jianzong will undoubtedly bear the wrath of Chen Fan's enemies.

This is the cause and effect that Jianzong needs to bear.


Competition venue.

In an empty hall.

Rui Chi's figure suddenly appeared in the wide open space.

"Losing? I lost?"

His face was full of unwillingness, and his face turned red:

"That kid actually killed me? How dare he?!"

"I can't even make it to the finals, so I can only compete for the fifth rank?!"

"How could this be!"

Anger, shame, unwillingness, all kinds of emotions were constantly intertwined in his mind, and a turbulent killing intent surged in his heart, and he walked out of the hall angrily.

Alien races often have special talents that far exceed those of human races.

It is also not like human warriors, who need to temper their will and overcome the calamity of inner demons to achieve Dao fruit and break through longevity.

Without the process of cultivating and refining the mind of the human race, all emotional control cannot be compared with human beings at all.

Demons' desires and emotions are very strong.

Soon his steps stopped.

Outside the hall, a man who also had two horns on his first head and whose appearance was about 70% similar to Rui Chi was waiting quietly outside.

The man's face was full of disappointment:

"I said, you must not be arrogant this round, why don't you always listen to me?"

"The Demon Emperor's second rank, if you can't enter the first four ranks, you will make us horned demons the laughing stock of hundreds of races!"

Rui Chi's eyes were burning, and the corners of his mouth twitched:

"It's all because of Chen Fan!"

"Brother, I want to destroy the Sky Splitting Sword Sect!"

"You help me gather the tribe!"

"Immediately! Now!"

A sneer flashed across the face of the opposite man:

"Rui Chi, who do you think you are?!"

"Hmph, the horned demons will not provide any help in your revenge!"

"If you want to target anyone, you can only rely on yourself."

"In addition, before you ascend from the fifth sequence to the first three sequences of the temple, the horned demons will also stop giving you regular training resources."

"You, do it yourself."

As he said that, he turned his head and walked away.

Rui Chi looked at his elder brother's Beiying, his eyes became more and more fiery.

"Chen Fan, Chen Fan, Chen Fan!!"

In addition to the incompetent anger, there is also such a trace of regret in his heart...


Chen Fan's match ended on the second day when the scene shrunk to nothing more than ten feet.

This range is too small.

Even everyone's spiritual consciousness can't penetrate all the weeds.

But within such a close range, other people can be found by just walking around.

After killing Rui Chi, there was no second opponent in the entire illusion that could threaten Chen Fan.

Chen Fan successfully advanced and left the illusion.

In the empty hall.

In the illusion where Chen Fan was located, ten people who had successfully advanced appeared in it.

The weakest of these ten people is also the cultivation level above the second level Dao domain.

Perhaps it may not be the strongest one in Chen Fan's illusion, but they all have certain strength.

Among the ten people who were promoted, Chen Fan really saw the former Seventh Prince and now the new Emperor.

"Do not forget our agreement."

Chen Fan brushed past him and walked straight away.

The Seventh Prince's gaze was dim, watching Chen Fan's figure disappear into the hall.

The third round of competition was announced to be over half an hour after the competition in the scene where Chen Fan was located.

After all, at this point in time, all scenes will inevitably be reduced to a small enough area.

And in this round, many fighters who were instinctively promoted were eliminated due to various reasons.

The strongest one among them is naturally Rui Chi who was eliminated by Chen Fan.

In the previous round, he concealed his strength and hadn't even broken through the 100-story Ascension Tower. He pretended to be a pig and eat a tiger, so he naturally planned to make a blockbuster follow-up.

It's a pity that he was too arrogant and took the initiative to find Chen Fan desperately.

As the saying goes, you die before you leave the teacher.

Pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, but get eaten by a tiger instead.

His deeds, as expected by his elder brother, quickly spread to all the venues watching the competition, and all the major sects and foreign races also took this matter as a joke.

At the same time, Chen Fan came to an auditorium with his competition badge.

After the third round of the competition was over, the 200 contestants who had successfully advanced were called up again.

The competition rules for the final round will be announced in advance!

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