An empty auditorium.

The competition was all over, but all the 200 contestants who had advanced were summoned and gathered together.

Just two hundred people gathered together.

No matter how restricted Chen Fan's consciousness is, he can still pass it with a glance.

These two hundred people.

The most are still human warriors, about seventy or eighty, and the rest are all kinds of aliens.

In fact, the aliens also basically maintain their human form, but some have inhuman features.

Or there are horns on the head, or wings on the back, or a tail behind the back.

In short, there are all kinds of aliens.

In fact, if these people don't maintain their human form and change into their original form, such a large auditorium will not be able to hold them at all.

Not to mention others, but the molten core reveals his original form, and his body, which is hundreds of feet tall, cannot be accommodated in this auditorium.

And even with Chen Fan's spiritual consciousness, he couldn't see through the strength of many people.

To be able to enter the top 200, there is no lack of Dao Fruit Changsheng...

There are many people with immeasurable spiritual consciousness and above.

Although Chen Fan's spiritual consciousness is far stronger than that of the same level, but after all, he is only a limitless first level.

Boundaries are limited.

Chen Fan guessed that nearly half of the people with ordinary Dao fruit level strength, at least one hundred!

"Chen Fan, this way!"

A girl excitedly waved at Chen Fan.

Chen Fan stepped forward and nodded slightly at him: "Miss Luo, congratulations!"

His daughter is Luo Fangyan.

Although her performance in the second round was not good enough, she had an advantage in the third round, and she managed to break into the top 200!

You must know that in this round, almost all of them are at the third level of the Dao Domain and above, and those with the second level of the Dao Domain are very few.

Judging from Luo Fangyan's ranking in the second round, his ability to enter the final round should also be due to luck.

Of course, his swordsmanship is special, he is good at hiding and attacking, and he can naturally perform with ease in the third round of complex illusions, and it is normal to advance.

Then Chen Fan also turned his head to look at the woman in white beside Luo Fangyan, and nodded slightly:

"Miss Bai Zhi."

Bai Zhi nodded slightly.

He has Dao fruit cultivation, although his strength is not very strong in Dao fruit, but it is normal to come to this round.

Standing next to the second daughter, Chen Fan looked around and saw many familiar faces.

There are Nightmare, Caiyu, Molten Core, Luo Yingtian, Togo, Zhu Shan, Dorodo, Yuanye...

These masters I met in the previous rounds all successfully broke through the third round.

And Wu Cheng, Hei Yu and Wisdom Monk, the three strongest seeds in Chen Fan's heart, are naturally impossible to be eliminated.


Chen Fan raised his head suddenly, and looked at a warrior in red in the corner.

He didn't know this red-clothed warrior, but he felt a familiar aura from him.

"It's the breath of 'Blood Against God'!"

Chen Fan's eyes flashed. Although he was present as a clone, he was very familiar with this aura.

"Could it be a warrior from the Blood God Sect..."

Thoughtful in his heart, his eyes suddenly lit up.

At this moment, Chen Fan also felt a peeping gaze from behind him.

Chen Fan turned his head and saw a woman in white clothes in the distance who looked as clear as a fairy, and she also smiled and nodded slightly.

This person is Luo Caiwei from Yuhua Sect, and beside him is a young man in black, it is Wu Yan.

Chen Fan's heart moved:

"When I went to Xiaoqingxu, I once showed up in front of Luo Caiwei. She must have thought of me."

the other side.

A look of hesitation flashed across Luo Caiwei's eyes, she also nodded and looked away.

The boy in black next to Luo Caiwei was very surprised: "Senior sister, do you recognize this Chen Fan?"

Although the two of them did not see Chen Fan's performance in the third round, after all, Chen Fan was the thirteenth-ranked genius in the second round, possessing the power of longevity, Wu Yan naturally knew it.

Luo Caiwei nodded:

"Do you remember the little Qingxu we went to a few years ago? This person was in a team called Daqian Dynasty back then, and he was a martial artist specially approved by Master Guanqiu to enter Xiaoqingxu..."

Wu Yan was stunned:

"Isn't this Chen Fan from the Heaven Splitting Sword Sect, Senior Sister, are you making a mistake?"

Luo Caiwei shook her head:

"Even if there is only one side of the person I have met, I will never remember it wrong. If you don't remember this person, it may be because you didn't pay attention to him. Indeed, he didn't reach the tenth level at the beginning..."

As she spoke, her tone also became slightly subtle.

Wu Yan's eyes widened:

"This, how is this possible? It's only been a few years, how could he have such a fast progress in strength?"

Both Wu Yan and Luo Caiwei are peerless geniuses of the Yuhua Sect.

But after a few years, the two have only raised a small level each.

Wu Yan went from the first level of the Dao Domain to the second level of the Dao Domain, and Luo Caiwei went from the second level of the Sword Domain to the third level of the Sword Domain...

And Chen Fan, from less than the tenth level, to the third level of the Dao domain, and also showed more than one Dao domain...

In fact, the two of them hadn't seen Chen Fan's performance in the third round, otherwise, they would have been even more surprised.

At this moment, suddenly a young Taoist priest with a gentle smile on his face and a bun came up to him with a smile:

"Perhaps...this Chen Fan is also the one who got the mantle of 'immortal' or 'devil god king'."

"Oh?" Wu Yan raised his eyebrows and looked at the Taoist priest, a faint light flashed across his face:

"Brother Bai Lan, could it be that he recognizes this person?"

The young Taoist smiled:

"Just guess. People who can grow up so fast have not inherited the mantle of existence, and definitely have a great fortune...It is a good thing for my human race, and even the entire "Holy Church"!"

He also stared deeply at Chen Fan, but a slight gleam flashed in his eyes.

Luo Caiwei listened to what he said, but she looked thoughtful.

Wu Yan let out a "hehe".

At this moment, a tall figure walked in from outside the hall.

And with the arrival of this person, everyone fell silent.

The person is Bai Fengyu from the Yuhua Sect!

Bai Fengyu quickly came to the front of the main hall, with a smile on his face, he stood calmly in front of the two hundred contestants:

"May's final round will start in a week's time."

"The competition system of the final round will adopt the point-based competition system. Each of you players will fight once with the other 199 fighters!"

"One point will be accumulated for each victory, and the final sequence will be divided according to the ranking of the points!"

As soon as this remark came out, there were whispers of discussion in the hall.

Chen Fan also squinted his eyes when he heard the words: "The final, it turns this kind of competition system..."

This competition system has almost reached an absolutely fair situation.

It also means that among the one hundred and ninety-nine opponents, he can only be defeated by at most two people in order to ensure that he enters the first sequence!

The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched slightly, but his eyes were on Wucheng, Heiyu, Zhizhi and others in the crowd...

He took a deep breath: "I must break into the top three..."

After experiencing the awakening of the ancestor of the sword sect and the emergency training, Chen Fan's realm has improved a lot,

The strength is also much stronger than before Meihui.

And when Chen Fan glanced over, Wu Cheng and Hei Yu seemed to have never heard of it, but the monk named Wisdom turned around and nodded slightly at Chen Fan.

Although Chen Fan didn't show his true face in the Kunwu Secret Realm and his party at the beginning, it is obvious that he knows Chen Fan.

Chen Fan also nodded in return.

And at this moment, Bai Fengyu spoke again:

"Also, I want to tell you in advance—"

"In this round of competition, there will be more than one immortal and demon king watching the battle in person. Those who perform well among you may even have the opportunity to be accepted as successors or disciples by these existences!"

As soon as this statement came out.

The auditorium was also in an uproar.

In this competition, apart from the seed players of the four great holy sects, a few descendants of immortals, and descendants of the demon king, everyone else was excited and extremely excited!

Even the hidden sects and powerful alien races, most of them don't have this level of existence!

How can they not be excited.

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