My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 859 Absorption

Blood God shook his head with a complex expression:

"With what strength can you smelt the 'Power of the Abyss of Heaven'?"

"As one of the Four-Pillar God Clan back then, the Nishen Clan is one of the worlds recognized by the Heavenly Dao, and they hold a part of the original power of this world. The 'Ni Shen Wang' integrated the original power into the blood, and was able to forcibly smelt it 'The power of the abyss'..."

"As a matter of fact, although the Rebellious Gods were indeed destroyed because of this, what they did at the beginning was not a complete failure..."

Chen Fan suddenly nodded.

Although he didn't know what kind of power the world's original power was, he could guess that it was not easy.

His eyes flickered: "The 'Distorted Blood Demon' I took away from the Blood Demon Secret Realm, did it successfully forge the existence of the 'Power of the Abyss'?"

Blood God has a subtle expression:

"This guy is a product of a very special situation in the 'Blood Demon Secret Realm', and it has a great chance. Although it has indeed successfully smelted the 'Power of the Abyss', it cannot use it independently. It can only be used in a special state. Only then can the 'power of the abyss of heaven' explode..."

"However, as an existence with certain characteristics of 'success'... it has indeed become the benchmark for the research of 'Zi Shang', and even helped 'Zi Shang' to finally complete the structure of "Blood Fusion"..."

While Chen Fan was stunned, his expression became more subtle: "Senior, you said just now that you have completed the liberation of the 'Blood Against God', so have you successfully smelted the 'Power of the Abyss'?"

Blood God nodded with a complex expression:

"I can be regarded as the highest achievement of 'Zi Shang''s countless years of research, and it can be regarded as half successful."

"Remember what I said just now, the reason why my 'blood' is not something you can easily bear is because my 'blood against the gods' is mixed with a mutated 'power of the abyss' ..."

"It's just that even I haven't been able to use this power completely and freely, and there are still great hidden dangers and dangers..."

Chen Fan took a deep breath, and the thought was true.

He raised his palm and looked at the blood in his hand, which was like a bright red crystal, his eyes gleamed with a faint light.

Being as powerful as a blood god and being able to exist independently of the blood demon secret realm is still only half the battle.

Can I really get rid of this quagmire in the future?

He clenched his palms.


Farewell to the blood god.

With a complicated mood, Chen Fan returned to the Sword Sect's residence with the blood sent by the Blood God.

In the Hall of Stars.

Chen Fan himself sat cross-legged on the ground, while his avatar stood beside him holding the drop of blood.

Although he felt that the Blood God hadn't lied to him, Chen Fan didn't absorb this drop of blood immediately.

He took out the heliostat as usual.

And even with his identity and Tiandao's preference, deducing this drop of blood still made his scalp tingle.

He knew that the reason for this was the power of the abyss contained in this drop of blood.

In fact, the result of his final deduction is.

This drop of blood is very dangerous, but it has a great effect on him!

It wasn't until this moment that he picked up the drop of blood instead of the deity.

After holding it in his hand, the blood in Chen Fan's body also seemed to resonate, and began to rush and flow continuously, and his whole body turned red in the blink of an eye.

His eyes are dark.

The "God-Defying Blood" smelted with the "Power of Heavenly Abyss" is naturally terrifying, but Chen Fan, who knows many secrets in this world, also knows that this is a power that even "Abyssal Heaven" itself will fear.

Even the power that may be beyond the "ultimate" possibility of this world!

Chen Fan didn't suppress his inner desire anymore, and swallowed the blood drop into his stomach in one gulp.

After this drop of blood was swallowed by him, it penetrated directly into the blood on his chest.

Moments later, streams of heat emerged from the blood species.

Boom boom boom!

His heart was beating rapidly, and the "god-defying blood" that was constantly being released from the blood was swimming all over his body.

His entire body turned completely red, and his body began to grow and grow uncontrollably!

In fact, if the main body does not use the innate supernatural power "Transformation", it will be very large, but at this moment, he cannot suppress the change of his body shape.

And almost in just a few breaths, the amount of "external blood" that he needed to absorb for his six-fold "Blood Fusion Technique" reached perfection.

Afterwards, "Blood Fusion" entered the seventh stage without delay.

However, his gushing blood and the "god-defying blood" gushing out from the blood species did not stop.

Soon his body began to swell and ache, and even on his body, large lumps of flesh and blood appeared, like sarcoma, which was extremely frightening...

"No wonder, the blood god said, this kind of power may burst my body..."

With Chen Fan's current physical fitness, it is quite an exaggeration to be able to become like this because of a drop of blood.

In fact, Chen Fan also knew that this was precisely because of the influence of the power of the heavenly abyss in the blood of the "Blood God"!

Although this kind of twisted and deformed power is terrifying.

But for him who still holds the seventh-fold "Indestructible Vajra Body" and has extremely strong physical strength, this twisted power is not enough to make him really collapse!

"Blood God can succeed, there is no reason why I can't do it with the hang-up talent!"

There was a blood-red coldness in his eyes.

But he also seized this opportunity to completely sink the three spirits into the body and the blood species, and constantly feel the power of that drop of Blood God's blood that has not been completely dissolved...

A small drop of blood contains complicated and mysterious information.

According to what the blood god said, the theoretical limit of the blood fusion technique is eleven.

Since it is said to be the theoretical limit, it means that the Blood God should not have reached the final round.

But since it has completely liberated the power of "Blood Against God", I am afraid it will not be too far from the final layer.

The feeling of deducing and observing this drop of blood is just like when Simo called his "Blood Fusion Technique" in the Research Tower of the Blood Mystery Realm.

"Not enough, not enough!"

Even with the three hearts sharing, the deduction speed of Wuliangjing's spiritual consciousness is extremely exaggerated, but Chen Fan still feels that it is too slow.

Chen Fan also decisively took out the Towering Essence and drank it into his mouth.

Although there is only the last third of the towering spirit essence left, there is no need to wait any longer.

If you can't enter the first sequence, you won't be able to condense your Dao Fruit, let alone break through to longevity in the future!

He can still tell which is more important.

And after drinking the Towering Essence, the speed of his comprehension immediately soared a hundred times.

Countless inspirations emerged one after another.

His "Blood Fusion Technique" had only broken through the seventh level, and he ushered in a wave of rapid progress.

And as the progress of the "Blood Fusion Technique" continued to climb, the swelling pain he felt in his body gradually disappeared, and his blood packs that protruded like sarcoma also gradually shrank...

In the blink of an eye, a day and a night pass.

Chen Fan, whose whole body was as bright as a crystal diamond, opened his eyes, and there was a flash of excitement in his eyes.

At this time, he has completely absorbed the power of that drop of blood, but he has just broken through the seventh level of "Blood Fusion", but he has skipped most of the progress, and the hang-up efficiency has also increased several times!

Feeling the strong power in his body, Chen Fan could also feel his greatly enhanced physical fitness, as well as the re-improvement of his innate supernatural powers.

"Now, I can almost last several hours with normal 'rage'..."

This also means that Chen Fan's staying power has greatly increased.

Not only the maintenance time, but also the effect of the increase, which is also greatly enhanced.

The improvement brought about by simply breaking through the seventh stage is limited, but this drop of blood helped Chen Fan almost complete the leap of half the progress of the seventh stage.

And "Frenzy" is not only an increase in maintenance time, but also has new progress, that trace of "Power of Heavenly Abyss" has been completely absorbed and smelted by Chen Fan...

At this moment, enough confidence emerged in his heart.

Not that he thought he would be able to defeat all opponents.

It's that he has done everything he can so far. If he still can't break into the first rank, then he has nothing to say!

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