A few days passed in the blink of an eye.

The death of the horned demon Rui Chi did not cause any disturbance.

Rather, before the Mei Hui, the death of a genius of the Horned Demon Race was nothing more than a trivial matter.

Even if the horned demons have doubts about Chen Fan, and even believe that Chen Fan did it, there is nothing they can do...

And the Meihui finals have officially begun.

The final was also held in the illusion within the Yuhua Tower.

But this time only 200 fighters participated in the battle, so naturally they could enter the Emergence Tower at the same time.

The matching mechanism of the opponents in the battle is based on the strength that each has already shown.

The stronger the people, the less likely they will be matched to fight together in the early stage, so the battles that really establish the victory are often in the late stage.

The games of some people who are considered to be weak will be played faster.

Similar to the situation in the second round.

All spectators at the battle venue can watch the ongoing battle through the external crystal wall.

And because of the small number of people in this battle, there will only be one battle going on at the same time.

All projection crystal walls display the same picture.

There are a total of 200 warriors, and all of them have to fight with 199 other warriors once. In the end, the number of battles will be close to 20,000!

The duration of this round will also be extremely long.

And in every spectator venue, there is also another ranking gold list.

The names of the two hundred players are all listed on it.

Everyone's battle times and current points will be displayed on it.

One point for a win, no points for a draw.

This moment.

Before a private room in the spectator venue.

"It's here!" Chen Fan was holding Yun Xin with one hand, followed Xiao Xi, and came to the private room.

Both Yun Xin and Xiao Xi looked nervous.

"Master, Senior Sister, I brought the person."

Chen Fan pushed the door open, and dragged Yun Xin into the room.

In the private room, there are only Chen Tiangan and his daughter.

Chen Tianqian also stood up and nodded with a smile: "I have seen my apprentice-in-law!"

Yun Xin was told by Chen Fan'an long ago, and she also bowed a little nervously: "Yun Xin has met senior sister, master..."

Xiao Xi on the other side also stepped forward to salute; "I have met Master Zu, Master Aunt."

Chen Qingru smiled and took out two jade boxes and stuffed them to the second daughter.

After the two girls shrugged off politely, they happily accepted it.

And Chen Tianqian was even more wealthy, so he directly took out two low-star Dao artifacts as gifts.

Chen Fan naturally knew that this was the master's hemorrhage in order to trap himself, and although he himself did not lack Dao weapons, he had to say that he was quite satisfied in his heart.

Chen Qingru pulled Yunxin and Xiaoxi to sit down on the side seat, chatted and laughed, and asked about Chen Fan's past experience, but he didn't look like the elder Jiange Bingshan...

Chen Fan also just sat down on a seat, raised his eyebrows and looked at the content recorded on the nameplate in his hand.

The third round of competition has not yet started, but the opponents and order of the first round of battles have been assigned in advance.

His first battle was ranked in the thirtieth battle, and there was still some time before the start.

The nature here at this time is still just a clone.

At this moment, his true self is also meditating in the Hall of Stars, comprehending the scene of the Hongmeng Sword in the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Although Chen Fan has advanced his "Blood Fusion Technique" to the seventh level, there is no way to advance in a short time, but since the game is not over yet, it's better not to waste time.

At this moment, Chen Qingru asked out of the mouth:

"Junior Brother Chen Fan, who is your opponent in the first round?"

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows: "A guy named Hu Pao... seems like a monster?"

Chen Fan only pays attention to those experts who are in the forefront of strength, and really doesn't know who this Tiger Roar is.

"Monster?" As soon as these words came out, Yun Xin and Chen Xi both looked worried, and Xiao Xi couldn't help asking: "It won't be very powerful, right?"

Chen Qingru flashed her eyes and said with a smile:

"It turned out to be this guy. This Tiger Roar is also from the Demon Realm. It is a Decepticon clan. It is a powerful monster clan on the Mountain and Sea Ranking, and it barely ranks in the seventy or eighty places!"

"Although this Tiger Roar is the strongest genius of the Decepticon clan, he is only equivalent to the level of our human race at the late stage of the tenth level, and his combat power is only a beginner's Dao fruit. Junior brother, you will definitely win this battle!"

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and nodded.

"That's right." Chen Qingru smiled: "'Meihui' is officially the banker, and has opened a super-large gambling game, where you can bet on both sides winning or losing in every battle... Junior brother is interested, I will exchange chips for you."

Chen Fan yawned and took out a Xumijie: "Then let's play."

Chen Qingru accepted the Sumeru Ring with a smile, but couldn't help but raise her eyebrows: "Junior brother, do you want to exchange so many chips?"

"It's just tens of millions of yuan crystals, and it's not too much."

As soon as these words came out, Chen Tianqian couldn't help raising his head and glaring at Chen Fan.

Xiao Xi and Yun Xin next to her were also stunned.

Even though the two of them knew that Chen Fan was powerful and rich, it was beyond their imagination to hand out 10 million yuan crystals.

You know, for ordinary grandmasters, thousands of yuan crystals are a great fortune!

Because the strength of the two is too weak, although Chen Fan gave them a lot of treasures for body protection, and helped them practice the "Na Ling Jue" which combines the elemental spirits, he did not give them wealth such as Yuanjing.

After all, with their current cultivation base, having too many Yuanjing may not be a good thing.

"Tsk tsk. It seems that the junior brother's 'theatre' has made a lot of money..." Chen Qingru smiled, turned around and left the room immediately, but returned after a while with two jade plaques.

The man handed over a jade token.

A string of numbers flashed on the jade card, which was ten million!

"Junior can use this thing to place bets before the battle starts, and you can only guess the outcome. It will change the odds of both sides in real time according to different people's bets..."

"Meihui's gambling game is quite special, there are a lot of people participating in the betting, and the strength gap between the top two hundred players is also huge, so the odds gap between the two may be very big..."

Chen Fan nodded and took the jade token.

At this moment, the game has not yet started, but there is only Chen Fan's chip number on the jade card, nothing else.

"Senior Sister, how much did you change?"

Chen Tianqian didn't seem to be interested in "vulgar things" like Yuan Jing, and didn't get involved at all, but Chen Qingru also brought a jade plaque.

Chen Qingru smiled: "No more than you, junior brother, I only exchanged one million yuan in crystals."

Chen Fan nodded.


Time rolled by.

Suddenly there was a commotion from outside.

"The game is about to begin."

Chen Fan raised his head.

On the huge crystal wall, there are introduction projections of both sides in the battle.

I don't know if it was a coincidence or not, but in the first match, it turned out to be Na Wucheng's shot.

And his opponent, Chen Fan, also knew him.

"Sister Yan! It's Sister Yan!"

Xiao Xi next to Chen Fan was extremely excited.

That's right, Wu Cheng's opponent is Luo Fangyan, who is at the second level of Dao Domain.

"Miss Luo is not lucky..." Ye Yunxin shook her head.

Chen Fan also raised his eyebrows.

He even met Wu Cheng in the first match, so it can only be said that Luo Fangyan was too unlucky.

Of course, according to the competition system, Luo Fangyan also has to compete with everyone else, and sooner or later he will meet someone...

However, Luo Fangyan's own level 2 Dao domain is the lower limit for Meihui to enter the finals this time, and the third level of Wu Changsheng is the upper limit on the surface.

Chen Fan felt that this incident may not be just a coincidence.

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