My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 861 Instant Kill

As the projection screens of the two flickered, the real-time changing odds of the two soon appeared on the jade card in Chen Fan's hand.

Needless to say, the odds are completely one-sided.

Luo Fangyan's odds quickly rose to dozens, hundreds in the blink of an eye, and they were still rising rapidly.

However, the odds of failure are not even countable decimal places.

The gap is too big.

Rather, it is a wonderful thing that there are still people betting on Luo Fangyan's victory.

But considering that there are tens of millions of people watching the battle, and almost the strongest forces in the entire continent have gathered, there will naturally be a few people who are too idle.

"If Wucheng and Luo Fangyan have an agreement to give Luo Fangyan a victory for nothing, I am afraid that most people will lose their underwear..."

Chen Fan suspected that the reason why someone bet on Luo Fangyan might also be due to this reason.

If you want to win, you don't know how many times you will turn it over, and you will make a fortune.

In fact, the battle victory points are related to the final ranking and sequence division, no matter how short of money it is, it is impossible to play this kind of routine!

And because the odds of failure are too low, in fact, people who vote for failure will not vote too much.

The more bets, the lower the odds of failure.

If you win, you won't win much at all. Although the probability of losing is extremely low, if you lose, there will be nothing left.

Xiao Xi turned her head curiously, and looked at the jade tablet in Chen Fan's hand.

"Are you coming to play too?"

Chen Fan laughed and said, "I'll lend you one million chips, and I'll ask the master of the purple sect to replace it with the same amount of resources and give it to you slowly as much as you can win!"

Yuanjing can't exchange some top-level resources and treasures, but spirit weapon-level equipment, or elixirs of heaven-level and below, can also be bought.

Xiao Xi's eyes lit up, "Then I'll lose all of my million dollars!"

Although the little girl has a good relationship with Luo Fangyan, she is not a fool. The two are weak in strength, and everyone can see that Wu Cheng is stronger.

Chen Fan smiled and bet one million to Wu Cheng, then turned to look at Yun Xin: "Yun Xin, you want to play too?"

Yun Xin shook her head: "My resources and treasures are exhausted, so I don't need any more."

Ye Yunxin's character has always been like this, gentle, undisputed, contented and always happy.

And with her state of mind, coupled with Chen Fan's training, there may be unexpected surprises in her future practice.

Chen Fan nodded and put down the jade token in his hand.

Xiaoxi couldn't help but said:

"Uncle, you still have nine million dollars, so if you don't vote, you won't win?"

Chen Fan shook his head: "It's meaningless, it's just a waste of time."

You don't have to win, everyone knows this.

The odds are so low, if you do a simple calculation, you will know that you can't win money.

No surprises.

Although as time passed, the number of bettors increased, and the difference in odds between the two has reached a rather outrageous level...

The period before the official start of the game is also the time when bets are placed.

With the official start of the game, betting is also officially closed.

Almost the top 200 were the strongest, and the top 200 were the weakest. The result was naturally unexpected. Luo Fangyan didn't even have a chance to make a move, so he was instantly killed by Wu Cheng.

"Luo Fangyan's hard power is too weak, and he is not qualified to force Wu Cheng to use his own strength..."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and shook his head.

Although Meihui has entered the final round, the gap in the strength of real warriors is still extremely exaggerated.

To put it bluntly, the gap in strength between Wu Cheng and Luo Fangyan is even greater than the gap between Luo Fangyan and Chen Xi!

With the end of the game, the chips of the jade card in Chen Fan's hand also changed rapidly.

When she saw the final profit, Xiaoxi couldn't help being stunned:

"Not even a Yuanjing?"

Although they won, they won too little!

Chen Fan "haha" laughed out loud:

"You have to look at the odds. With such low odds, even if I lose all of the ten million yuan crystals, I can't win a single yuan crystal."

The gambling game set up by "Meihui" is extremely simple and crude. According to the betting of the public, the odds change without setting an upper limit. Among them, the winning party will receive a part of the winning share from the official.

This kind of game with huge disparity, no suspense, and a lot of bettors, it is a dream to win money!

Don't say ten million.

With such a huge base, even if you take one billion yuan or one billion yuan, you can't win much money!

There are only so many chips to bet on Luo Fangyan, and there are tens of millions of people who can't win the bet on this side. Even if Chen Fan occupies 90% of the chips, there are not many yuan crystals to share.

Xiaoxi was extremely depressed.

As the game continued, Chen Fan also discovered an interesting thing.

The previous games were almost all matches between the strong and the weak, and they were all one-sided battles.

"Luo Fangyan met Wucheng, and these few rounds of competition are special, it shouldn't be a coincidence!"

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows:

"There may be some hidden matching rules in the last round of competition... The strong and the strong will not meet too early..."

Chen Fan also felt slightly relaxed.

With so many games, with his own strength, it should be at a very late stage when he meets those real masters.

When I meet masters later, I can learn more about the fighting conditions of those masters and understand their strength.

Having such unspoken rules is also good news for Chen Fan.

As the number of battles increased, Chen Fan also confirmed this point.

Those who performed well in the first two rounds encountered weak people.

And it was precisely because of this that although Chen Fan had a good eye, he failed to win any money.

Not long after, a flash of light flashed on the nameplate in Chen Fan's hand.

Chen Fan stood up and looked at several people:

"It's almost my game and I'm going backstage to get ready."

Xiao Xi took the jade card from Chen Fan: "Uncle, I will bet you to win when I get to you!"

Chen Fan nodded with a smile, turned his head and walked away.


After about a stick of incense.

On an extremely empty white arena.

The figure of Chen Fan holding a black sword suddenly appeared in it.

On the opposite side, there appeared a tall black-skinned man.

Although the big man is in human form, he has tiger ears on his head and tiger whiskers on his mouth.

Obviously a tiger incarnation.

However, although his blood was strong, he was not yet at the level of a demon emperor. After seeing that his opponent was Chen Fan, a look of helplessness flashed across his face.

Before the game, the two knew that their opponents would be each other.

Chen Fan's outstanding performance in the first two rounds was noticed by the talents of Meihui.

A genius who is considered to be able to enter the top ten!

This Tiger Roar has obviously been heard of.

He took a deep breath, let out a roar, and suddenly transformed into a fierce tiger tens of feet tall.


The fierce tiger exudes a strong demonic aura, and its blood is like an oven.

It gives people an extremely domineering feeling, but it is not weaker than the golden lion that Chen Fan met back then.

This tiger's roar is equivalent to a human's triple dao domain, tenth late stage cultivation base, but the level of strength is extremely exaggerated, even if it encounters dao fruit, it is possible to win.

It's just a pity...

Chen Fan raised his brows, and his consciousness dispersed.


The roar of the tiger suddenly stopped, and the huge body crashed to the ground.


With Nightmare Praying, Chen Fan didn't need to waste his strength in facing Tiger Roar.

In the blink of an eye, Tiger Roar turned into aura and rushed towards the nameplate in Chen Fan's hand.

Chen Fan's points went from zero to one.

From the beginning to the end of the game, it was just a matter of moments.

In fact, in many games at the current stage, such things are constantly happening.

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