My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 862 Winning Streak

Between flashes of inspiration.

The figures of Chen Fan and Hu Pao appeared in an open space under the Yuhua Tower.

Chen Fan nodded to Hu Pao lightly: "Accept."

Hu Pao hesitated to speak, nodded, but shook his head and left.

The difference in strength between the two is too great, but there is no comparison at all.

After Chen Fan got the points, Chen Fan picked up the token again.

But he couldn't help but shook his head.

The battle information of the next opponent has not been released yet, so it may take a while longer.


Return to the private room.

"Uncle is amazing!" Chen Xi stepped forward excitedly.

Chen Fan shook his head, "It's nothing."

In fact, the victory of this battle is indeed nothing to brag about.

Chen Qingru and Chen Tiangan also smiled and congratulated.

Although Chen Fan's cultivation level is not high, everyone has certain expectations for his combat effectiveness.

But after all, it was a good start. Although there is no suspense, it is also a good thing.

Chen Fan shook his head and sat down beside Yun Xin, looking at the crystal wall outside the window again.

A new battle begins...


"Fifty-first round of battle, Yuhu wins!"

On the huge crystal wall, the smiling face of Yuhu was constantly enlarged, appearing in front of countless spectators watching the battle.

Chen Qingru looked back, shook her head and said:

"This match is not very interesting. The strength of the two is not far behind. Daoguo vs. Daoyu triple... This fish tiger is slightly stronger, and it is normal to win."

Both Ye Yunxin and Chen Xi nodded.

Chen Fan's eyes flickered.

If he didn't know the identity of Yuhu, maybe he would only regard this Yuhu as an ordinary Dao fruit.

Yuhu represents a hidden alien race from the Chaos Sea.

This alien race is very mysterious, and very little is known about it.

Many hidden sects don't know the special identity of Yuhu.

Also when he is just an ordinary dao fruit.

"I don't know who the two or three people Yuhu mentioned are..."

It was precisely because of Yuhu's reminder that Chen Fan left a clone outside to watch the game. He hoped that he could see who was hiding so deeply.

It's just a pity.

It is impossible to easily see the hiddenness of the master of the series. Chen Fan has watched more than 20 games, but he did not find anything unusual.


Chen Xi sat beside Chen Fan excitedly, looking at the jade token in Chen Fan's hand, he was very excited: "This one won a lot of money!"

On the surface, Yuhu is Daoguo, and his opponent is Daoyu Triple Layer. Although the difference in odds between the two is still not small, it is relatively normal.

For this kind of genius, it's normal for some Dao Domain triples to be powerful and some to match Dao Fruit.

"Heh, one million yuan crystals only wins thousands of yuan crystals. If you ask me, there is no need to gamble in this kind of game."

Chen Fan shook his head again.

Even if you win, you win very little, but if you lose, you have to take it all...

Without knowing the strength of the two, the risk of losing is much greater than in battles like failure.

And in fact.

This kind of simple gamble, if you want to win a lot of money, only those with weak strength and high odds can win!

Xiao Xi laughed and said, "No matter how small it is, it's still money!"

In fact, for a sixth-level warrior like her, one thousand yuan crystals is indeed an astronomical figure...

The principal of one million belongs to Chen Fan, and the winnings belong to her!

Chen Fan laughed and shook his head.

But at this moment, the competition nameplate in Chen Fan's hand sparkled with inspiration.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and picked up the nameplate.

Information about the next opponent has already appeared on it.

And when he saw the person in it, Chen Fan couldn't help shaking his head helplessly.

The opponent is a human warrior in the second level Dao domain.

But he was one of the top ten sects from the outside world, and what he understood was a powerful dao realm.

Although it is only the second level of Dao Domain, its real strength is much stronger.

But compared to Chen Fan, the gap is still huge.

"In the initial stage, it should be these weaker people who competed more with other warriors..."


In the blink of an eye, half a month has passed.

The competition has also gone through more than ten thousand rounds.

The game continued non-stop, and the battle progressed rapidly.

After all, in the Ascension Tower, the state can be replenished at any time.

Especially in the early stage, the strong will not meet the strong, and the strong will naturally win quickly against the weak.

Half a month passed.

Chen Fan himself has compared more than 150 matches.

Most of the opponents Chen Fan encountered were Dao Fruits, and he had never encountered any opponents at the longevity level!

Chen Fan naturally won all the way.

Chen Fan has already won Wu Yan, Luo Fangyan, Bai Zhi, and the Dagan Seventh Prince.

Among them was the young man surnamed Chao from Lingshen Taoist sect.

Although Chen Fan suspected that this person was Chao Ri himself, the strength he showed was much worse than that of Chao Ri back then...

It may be similar to Baizhi, belonging to a weaker Dao fruit level.

And he didn't have the coldness and killing intent towards Chen Fan when they first met.

Rather, after knowing Chen Fan's current strength, the Lingshen Dao Sect will take the initiative to seek peace. If he still maintains his original attitude, he will be too presumptuous and stupid.

At this moment, most of the people Chen Fan has not fought against are still on a winning streak.

And these people.

Basically, they all have the peak of Dao Fruit, and even the power of longevity.

It's not just Chen Fan, the opponents those masters meet are also generally weak, and Chen Fan has not yet seen which one is the master Yuhu said...


On the white arena that is empty and can't see the edge.

Two figures suddenly appeared.

One figure was Chen Fan, while the other was none other than Earth Demon Sect Yuanye who Chen Fan had watched the battle with.

Chen Fan knew that this person had the body of Steel Fiend, and he didn't show his full strength when he broke into the tower.

Yuan Ye, who was facing inside, looked at Chen Fan, his eyes also became extremely solemn.

"I knew that at this level, with my strength, I should have met you 'seed' players."

"Although I may not be able to defeat you, it is not so easy for you to defeat me."

Yuan Ye is regarded as the peak combat power of Daoguo, but it is actually hidden.

A red light flashed in his eyes, and then his body suddenly began to swell, and he turned into a little giant two or three feet tall in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, streams of black light filled his body, exuding a strong evil spirit.

The power of the whole person is more than ten times stronger!


Chen Fan also raised his eyebrows, and said calmly:

"If you use this state in the second round, I'm afraid it won't be difficult to break through the 100th floor...With your strength, it shouldn't be difficult to enter the top three sequences."

Even if the number of masters in Meihui is much higher than what Chen Qingru said at the beginning.

But Yuan Ye, who has the combat power of longevity level, is not a problem to enter the top fifty.

As Chen Fan spoke, his eyes flickered.

Nightmare Prayer is used again!

What surprised Chen Fan was that when he used Nightmare Prayer, he seemed to have encountered a situation similar to the one he had dealt with the "Molten Core" back then, as if he had used this trick on a lifeless dead object!

The opponent rushed over without being affected at all.


This did not surprise Chen Fan too much.

Although his strength is strong, his spiritual consciousness is not even at the second level of immeasurable, and the nightmare prayer is also the weakest of all his methods!

He also never thought that he would rely on Nightmare Prayer to defeat a truly powerful enemy.

He swung the three-foot long sword forward.


same moment.

There are two layers of Dao domain rising around him, one is fiery red and the other is blue.

With the blessing of the two Dao domains, the sword qi surged up and swelled, turning into a towering flaming giant sword, and slashed at Yuan Ye who was rushing forward.


The monstrous sea of ​​flames spread in all directions.

Thanks for the rewards of Wutong, Jingheng, Shuyou 20190305084956657, Looking at Zion, and White Laser 008 this week

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