My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 863 The gutter overturned?

But in an instant, the raging flames covered everything around.

And at this moment, Yuan Ye's eyes flashed with extreme sharpness!

His body suddenly froze at this moment, and his body shrank suddenly, becoming a lot smaller, but his momentum suddenly expanded.

Then a more intense evil spirit turned into a black smoke column and soared into the sky.


And the next moment, his body speed also increased by more than ten times, and the surging evil spirit broke through the Fire Sacred Sword that Chen Fan chopped down head-on!

They rushed towards Chen Fan!

The turbulent flaming giant sword left black scorching marks on his body, but it did not stop his forward speed at all.

A look of astonishment flashed across Chen Fan's face.

"it turns out……"

He is the deity present, even if it is just the fire holy sword that he cut down casually, the power is far stronger than the body's full strength.

Not to mention that after Yuan Ye's transformation, he can at most rival ordinary Changsheng, even if he is a double Changsheng, he should not be able to stop his own sword.

And after his second transformation, the state of the whole person is completely different from before.

"This kid has another hiding method?"

While this thought flashed through his mind.

Yuan Ye also had already carried Chen Fan's Flame Dao Domain and Sword Domain, and charged in front of Chen Fan.

He was holding a long knife that was nearly ten feet long, and the turbulent evil spirit wrapped around his body seemed to be condensed into a bloody wolf, and he slashed at Chen Fan with a bang.

"Blood wolf!"

With such a short distance, he believed that Chen Fan would not have time to change his tactics!

"My strength is not as good as Chen Fan's. If he makes the move that defeated Rui Chi... I will definitely lose!"

"But if I hide my strength and explode suddenly, there will be such a first-line chance of winning!"

Yuan Ye's eyes flickered, and his face was full of excitement and excitement.

He believes that he has grasped the chance of this first-line victory.

Facing Yuan Ye who was rushing in front of him, Chen Fan's eyes flashed a touch of subtlety, and his eyes were also flickering.

If it was someone else, with Yuan Ye like this, it is really possible to seize a chance.

"Unfortunately, you met me..."

At the same time, Yuan Ye's violent moves have also been cut off.

The blood wolf slammed at Chen Fan, the flame domain around him burst open, the sword domain was still stable, and the invisible sword energy kept flickering, but it couldn't stop the blood wolf's power from erupting.

The next moment.


Dazzling blood light and evil spirit soared into the sky, and a huge deep pit was blasted out of the white ground. The aftermath of the power of heaven and earth centered on the collision of the two, wanted to stir in all directions.

at the same time.

All the people who were watching the battle looked at this scene in astonishment.

Many spectators were very excited, and many people did not underestimate their bets.

"No way?"

"My tens of thousands of crystals are all on Chen Fan. If he loses, I'm finished!"

And there are many geniuses in the last round who are also very concerned about the final result.

Chen Fan is considered to be a genius who is likely to enter the top ten. If he loses a game here, it will be quite a surprise.

in a private room.

Iroha looked at Nightmare next to her: "Miss..."

Nightmare shook his head:

"Chen Fan lost, although Yuan Ye's unique move is far inferior to Togo's 'Extreme Cold Storm' and Chen Fan's sword, but at such a close range, Chen Fan has no time to use that sword. "

"Chen Fan is too arrogant. With his strength, if he directly slashed out with that sword... this Yuan Ye would have no chance to get close to him."

Caiyu snorted when she heard the words: "He deserves to be unlucky, the price of arrogance!"

She raised her head and looked towards the crystal wall.

It's just that when the smoke dissipated and the impact force and blood light dissipated, Caiyu couldn't help being stunned.


above the crystal wall.

The bloody light impact scattered, and the scene below appeared in front of everyone.

"Hoo! Hoo!"

Yuan Ye was holding a long knife, half kneeling on the ground, breathing hard.

He half lifted it in astonishment, and looked in front of him in disbelief.

And not far in front of him, Chen Fan stood indifferently, his body was filled with layers of golden light, except for the clothes that were destroyed by the impact of the blood wolf, his whole body was intact, without any injuries.

It's just that at this moment, his body turned translucent, like the material of a diamond.

His palm tightly held the long knife in Yuan Ye's hand.

He actually forcibly accepted Yuan Ye's ultimate move with his body, and he didn't have any injuries on his body.

Chen Fan shook his head and stepped forward.

"Unfortunately, your strength is too weak... Otherwise, with such a good opportunity, I might really be defeated by you..."

His voice fell, and the sword in his hand was raised again.

"In order to show respect for you, this sword... sends you on your way!"


The sword edge circulated, and a burst of primordial sword energy shot out.

The sky and the earth turned pale.

In the blink of an eye, Yuan Ye's body was swallowed by the sword energy, turned into countless minced meat, and dissipated into the air.

A stream of light rose up and rushed towards Chen Fan's body.

One more point.

It is still a record of victory.


Watch the venue.

"Hahaha, I knew that Junior Brother Chen Fan would not lose so easily!"

Yu Jin with short hair got together with a group of Jianzong disciples, triumphant, as if she was the one who won.

As the disciple with the best connection with Chen Fan's sword sect, Yu Jin also became a celebrity of the sword sect because of Chen Fan's relationship.

The eyes of Xuan Yingying next to him were shining brightly, and they clenched their fists tightly: "I should take the initiative..."

In the private room where Nightmare is located.

Nightmare's master and servant have subtle expressions.

"How could Chen Fan hide so much strength? When he faced Togo, he obviously didn't understand this trick..."

Nightmare also frowned deeply.

She didn't think Chen Fan was able to hide so much strength when facing Togo.

"has a problem!"

She also felt more and more unpredictable towards Chen Fan.


At the same time, the victorious Chen Fan had already returned to the private room.

"Uncle, you scared me to death!"

Chen Xi patted his non-existent chest, with a nervous expression on his face.

"I put tens of millions of yuan crystals on you to win, if you lose, I will be finished!"

Chen Fan went up to him and said, "Don't play like this next time."

May will also have a genius to hide his strength.

Chen Fan did not dare to say that he would win every game.

He doesn't necessarily value the tens of millions of yuan crystals, but if the little girl is exported, he will probably blame himself to death.

The little girl stuck out her tongue and nodded heavily.

Chen Fan touched Xiao Xi's head, turned around, but met the master's subtle gaze.

The man glared at Chen Fan: "What tricks are you hiding?"

Chen Fan shook his head: "I didn't hide any tricks, it's just that I haven't met anyone who can force me to use these tricks..."

In fact, in the first few rounds of the competition, he mostly participated in avatars, and he couldn't use them even if he wanted to.

In fact, with the strength of the opponent he encountered, he couldn't force him to use other means.

He turned to look out the window.

"Hey, this match is Togo vs. Zhou Bolan?"

Chen Fan's eyes flashed.

Zhou Bolan's cultivation is at the Dao Fruit level, and in the Meihui, this cultivation can only be regarded as upper-middle.

And his performance in the first two rounds is not outstanding, so he will naturally meet some masters earlier!

Looking at the two on the field, Chen Tianqian yawned, and lightly drank tea:

"This week, Bai Lan is only at the Dao Fruit cultivation level. Compared with the Daoist of the Ice Extreme Sect's second level of longevity, I don't think there is much to beat."

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