My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 866 The Dark Way Ahead

What is the concept of 500 million crystals.

Ordinary weak longevity masters may not even have a million yuan crystals with them.

Of course, for a master of longevity, the combined value of the treasures and resources in his hands far exceeds the million-dollar vision.

It is not difficult for immortal masters to get together and come up with several million yuan crystals.

But tens of millions, or even a higher level of hundreds of millions, is a completely different concept.

Even Chen Fan himself may not have 100 million yuan crystals in his body...

Unexpectedly, with one bet, he won 500 million yuan.

Xiao Xi next to her also looked confused, scratching her head: "My one million has become fifty million?"

For Xiaoxi, five thousand yuan crystals is an astronomical figure, but fifty million is already beyond the limit that her little head can imagine.

You know, the one million capital belongs to Chen Fan, but Chen Fan said that anyone who can win is hers.

In other words, of the 50 million yuan crystals, 49 million yuan are all hers!

If it were replaced by Ziyuezong's resources, Xiao Xi would not be able to spend them all for thousands of years.

Of course, the premise is that the person can live for a thousand years...

Both Chen Qingru and Chen Tianqian looked at Chen Fan with complicated expressions: "You... know Zhou Bailan?"

Chen Fan's face was also full of subtleties:

"I have had contact with him and know that he has a hole card, but the hole cards he used are different from what I know..."

No matter how much Chen Fan overestimated Zhou Bolan, he never thought that he would be able to defeat Togo who had broken through the third level of longevity!

Togo, who was at the second level of longevity, already possessed the strength of the third level of longevity.

After breaking through, not only can he surpass the fourth level of longevity, but he can also sweep the third level of longevity.

Zhou Bolan not only defeated Togo, but also defeated Togo almost in a crushing state!

"No wonder this kid dared to fight me desperately without knowing my strength. He has enough confidence in himself..." Chen Fan was also in a slightly delicate mood.

Zhou Bolan was much stronger than he expected.

"He shouldn't be much weaker than Hei Yu and Wu Cheng, and if he still has reservations, I'm afraid..."

Chen Fan licked his lips, and also put Zhou Bailan on the list that he needs to pay attention to, and temporarily put it in the same row as Na Wucheng and Heiyu.

At the same time, he was also thinking, if he was against Zhou Bailan, how would he fight?

In fact, he has never been in contact with the power of merit, and he doesn't know the characteristics of this power.

There is no way to prevent or target it.

"However, according to Zhou Bolan's last sentence, if I meet him, I must deal with him as soon as possible, and I will never stay behind, and I will not give him a chance to condense the 'golden list'..."

In fact, confronting an opponent who has no confidence in winning is either a sudden burst of hidden strength, or a surprise to seize the opportunity.


at the same time.

In front of the Yuhua Tower, there is a wide auditorium.

A group of figures exuding majestic momentum gathered together, looking at a huge crystal ball directly in front of the auditorium.

These beings have unique appearances and different body shapes, and just sitting there will have a Dao rhyme flowing on them.

"Interesting and interesting. As expected of a genius cultivated by Fellow Daoist Bai of the Yuhua Sect. My little apprentice is still weak."

A cynical young man dressed as a son of a young man yawned, his golden eyes shone with a glimmer of dao rhyme.

Bai Fengyu on the other side heard his voice, but the corners of his mouth were slightly condensed, but there was no sign of complacency on his face:

"Bailan is just relying on his special relationship with the 'Golden List of Merit', even in the illusion, he can display a part of the power of the 'Golden List of Merit'. If it is true strength, he is not comparable to the disciple of Senior Bingji."

But Bingji let out a "huh":

"Fellow Daoist Bai, don't be self-effacing. All the little friends who participated in this Meihui, there is nothing special. These 'special' are the manifestation of talent... If you can win, you are good, there is nothing to say."

"I'm looking forward to it more and more. After that, the performance of these little guys."

As Bingji's voice fell, the screen on the crystal ball changed, but the next scene appeared.

"Huh? There are warriors from the Blood God Cult this time, if I remember correctly... the Blood God Cult should be under your command, 'Brother Ji', right?"

Bingji turned his head to look to the other side, the strange young man sitting on a crystal chair.

The youth's face was handsome and demon-like, and there was a bloody red mole between his eyebrows.

If Chen Fan met him face to face, he would definitely be able to recognize this person as the Blood God of the Blood God Cult!

The Blood God nodded with a slight smile on his face: "The Blood God Sect is no better than you, and there are no powerful figures. This kid, Xisai, only has brute force."

Bingji didn't speak, but another person beside him who was hidden in the chaotic darkness and had never shown the real entity spoke:

"The bloodline of the 'Ni Shen' has reached a high level of power, and any laws and avenues can be suppressed, breaking all laws with one force!"

Blood God laughed:

"Although what Xingjun said is good, but Xisai's blood is still a lot worse... With his strength, he can probably be compared with the disciples of Senior Bingji, compared with Yangyan Demon King, Lord Lan's heirs, and Xingjun's descendants are still slightly inferior."


The blood god said this, but the Xingjun hadn't spoken yet.

But I saw a cluster of blazing flames suddenly surged, and came between several existences.

"Blood God, you are humble again. No one knows the meaning of 'Ni Shen'... let alone the person you cultivated."

"My son is very lonely. He wished he could completely get rid of my blood. He has never been close to and cultivated by me. His strength is much worse than the geniuses you have cultivated."

This person was supposed to be the "Yang Yan Demon King" that the Blood God said.

Yang Yan Demon King said this, and the Xingjun who was hidden in the chaos and darkness spoke again:

"I don't think your son is lonely, but that you have higher expectations for him, so you deliberately alienate him..."

"The one representing the 'sun' can't last long, and it is likely to be extinguished in this era. I think you want your son, with the help of the fate of the human race, to steal a trace of 'fire' when the next calamity comes. ' The ultimate possibility of..."

As soon as this statement came out, the surrounding atmosphere also changed.

That Bai Fengyu frowned slightly, but there was a lot of doubts in his heart. He was different from these existences, he was a person in the world, and he had not really experienced the catastrophe, so he naturally didn't know many secrets.

"The seniors said that the 'Sun God King' is about to fall?"

Bai Fengyu's voice sounded, and everyone was silent for a while.

The Xingjun sounded again with a sigh: "There is a certain possibility that the lord has supported it for too long, even if he is as strong as him, it is impossible to maintain it forever..."

This statement is exported.

A bleak and gloomy atmosphere rose up.

Bai Fengyu frowned: "If that's the case, wouldn't the next catastrophe be..."

Xingjun said: "Don't worry, even if that person falls, Tiandao will fill up the position of 'Ultimate' as soon as possible..."

His figure was hidden in the chaos, but a gaze was directed towards Yang Yan.

Many people also looked at him.

Yang Yan made a haha:

"Mr. Xing thinks highly of me and my son. Even if that one passes away, how can my lineage of Yang Yan win the 'Descendants of the Sun'..."

As he spoke, his eyes turned to the blood god.

All the other beings also looked at the blood god.

Blood God lightly shook his head:

"Don't look at me, the Sun God Court exists in name only, and I don't know where that 'Zi Shang' went."

"Besides, if the 'God King' is really destroyed in this era, even if a new ultimate is added... Do you think the world can still be like it is now?"

"Can the 'God King' be replaced by anyone?"

After the Blood God's words came out, everyone fell into silence again.

Bai Fengyu frowned deeply.

He only knows that those who can appear here are the pillars of this world, but he doesn't know enough about the past of each of them.

He knows far more than ordinary people, but he can't compare with these existences.

After a long while, Lord Xing sighed quietly:

"One era after another has passed, as long as you are alive... there will always be a 'person' who can change everything."

The Blood God nodded, his eyes glowed with blood:

"I believe that day is not far away."

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