My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 867 Long-awaited

In the private room, Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and looked at the scene on the huge projection wall in front of him.

There are two sides in the competition, one is Luo Yingtian, who he has dealt with before, and the other is a woman who looks like a fairy.

This woman's name is Xiyue, and she comes from a hidden sect called Zheyuemen. On the surface, her cultivation is at the first level of longevity!

Zheyuemen is very special, it can be regarded as a relatively low-key one among the hidden sects.

In the past, she didn't have any strong performances. After all, she encountered limited opponents. On the surface, her cultivation at the first level of longevity is enough to support her to the present.

And although Luo Yingtian's cultivation is only Dao Fruit, but he has mastered the Slaughter Dao Domain, and also possesses the combat power of longevity level.

So the odds are pretty much even on both sides.

But Chen Fan had fought Luo Yingtian in the preliminaries, and he probably knew that Luo Yingtian's strength, including the magic eye killer, would lose even if he didn't pay attention to the second level of longevity.

With the strength shown by Xiyue in the past, even if she can win, it will not be easy.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows, and voted for Luo Yingtian's 10 million yuan crystals to win.

The difference in odds between the two is not that big.

According to the odds, if Luo Yingtian wins, Chen Fan can win a few million at most.

It's just that when the competition was going on, the result surprised Chen Fan——

Xiyue won, and winning was extremely simple and neat.

Luo Yingtian didn't even have time to make a move, but Xiyue glanced at him, and he fell to the ground with a bang, turning into aura and collapsing!

"How could this be, why is Xiyue so powerful?"

Chen Fan was also stunned, and the corners of his mouth twitched:

"Is it 'soul attack', or something else?"

Although it is not a trivial matter to lose tens of millions of yuan crystals, it is not unacceptable, anyway, it is all for nothing.

The problem is, the strength shown by Xiyue is a bit weird.

Luo Yingtian is in control of the Dao of Slaughter, and he is more immune to mental attacks than ordinary people.

Even if his "Yan Prayer" can only affect Luo Yingtian, it is impossible to kill him with just "Yan Prayer".

Chen Fan frowned.

His immeasurable spiritual consciousness far exceeds his own cultivation, which is one of his advantages, but in fact, in front of real masters, the realm of spiritual consciousness is one of his weaknesses!

Without the protection of the star god seal, no matter how powerful his own soul is, it is only the first level of immeasurable...

No matter how much the total amount of spiritual consciousness is, the realm is limited after all. If he encounters those masters who are good at spiritual and soul attacks, he will be greatly affected not to mention losing directly!

"Luo Yingtian himself is not at the level of longevity, but because of the special Dao domain... resulting in a relatively strong combat power, his soul defense may not be very strong."

"This woman is certainly powerful, but when she meets me, she shouldn't be able to kill me with a single glance..."

"But I have to be careful. When I meet this woman, I will go into a berserk state immediately and don't give her a chance!"

When "Frenzy" is activated, Chen Fan's spirit will also enter a special state.

His emotions will be affected by the power of "against the gods" and will change, becoming more bloodthirsty and tyrannical. In this state, he can also resist the attack of the soul to a certain extent.

In fact, with his current level of liberation of "Blood Against God", it would be fine to maintain the berserk throughout the entire battle.

However, as Xiyue defeated Luo Yingtian at a glance, his "hidden score" should also rise to a high level, and he should not meet him until a later position.

"I don't know if Xiyue is one of the few people Yuhu mentioned!"

Chen Fan raised Xiyue's vigilance level in his heart.

In the ensuing battle, no one as special and powerful as Xiyue appeared again.

Soon, the competition nameplate in Chen Fan's hand flashed a flash of light.

It turned out that the opponent for the next round had already been arranged.

His eyes flickered, and he turned to look at Chen Qingru: "Shi Yan from Wuxiang Academy? I remember that this person is a long-lived man, right?"

At this point in the game, in fact, many weak and weak people, such as Luo Fangyan, Wu Yan and even Bai Zhi, have basically played all the games.

The weaker the people, the more battles will be arranged at the front, and their battles are also the most frequent!

Chen Fan's ability to meet opponents at the longevity level actually means that the rest of them have never fought before, and most of them are at this level of strength.

Chen Qingru nodded:

"Shi Yan is the seed player of Wuxiang Academy, the first level of longevity, ranked nineteenth in the second round of assessment, and he is practicing the 'Panshi' one, best at defense..."

In fact, the name you choose can tell the characteristics of the person.

Wuxiang Academy is the sect of the current era, not a hermit sect. It is actually more difficult for a genius who can produce longevity series.

This Shi Yan seems to be only the first level of longevity, but in fact, his talent may still exceed that of many geniuses in the hidden world sect.

"This Shi Yan should not be the three or two people that Yuhu said, the temperament is too different."

Of course, this is just Chen Fan's guess.

Whether it is or not, you will only know if you have played it.

In fact, soon after he appeared on the stage, Chen Fan also verified his guess.

Shi Yan is a very honest and not any special first-tier immortal.

Compared with Chang Sheng of the Hidden World Sect, this Shi Yan is still too immature.

Even the pressure on Chen Fan was far inferior to that Yuan Ye.

Nian Zai was also a disciple of the non-hidden world sect, and Chen Fan only killed him after giving him enough opportunities to perform.

His so-called powerful Dao of "Rock" is nothing more than a branch of the Dao of Earth, which is not much stronger than Chen Fan's comprehension of Dao of Earth. Naturally, it is impossible to stop Chen Fan's swordsmanship.


After several rounds of fighting, Chen Fan also met his long-awaited opponent.

Luo Caiwei of the Ascension Sect!

So far, he is one of the few players who has maintained a record of complete victories, not even Dao Guo!

At this moment, most Dao Fruits and a few Longevity have already had the result of defeat.

In fact, Chen Fan hadn't met him until now, which also showed that he had performed well in the past.

In fact, if the special swordsmanship is not counted, her own combat power is at the peak level of ordinary dao fruit.

However, her special swordsmanship is too strong, and she has defeated more than one immortal opponent.

Of course, Chen Fan's so-called anticipation was not because he felt that Luo Caiwei could really threaten him.

No matter how powerful this woman is, she can barely threaten ordinary longevity. She may not be able to win against opponents with second level longevity. Chen Fan only cares about her swordsmanship itself.

At the moment, when Chen Fan is about to understand his own way of swordsmanship, he also hopes to see a different way of swordsmanship.


In the huge empty venue.

The figures of Chen Fan and Luo Caiwei suddenly appeared in the middle.

"Fairy Luo, we meet again."

Chen Fan's eyes flashed with anticipation.

And Luo Caiwei nodded, her pupils were full of attention:

"Master Chen Fan."

Among the masters who have already shown their strength, Chen Fan is also considered to be in the top ten, so Luo Caiwei can't help but not pay attention.

She also knew that it would be very difficult for her to continue winning streak at this level of competition.

There was a hint of hesitation on her face, but she took the initiative to ask:

"May I ask Mr. Chen Fan, besides Xiao Qingxu back then, have we met in other places?"

As soon as these words came out, Chen Fan also "coughed".

"Fairy Luo must have made a mistake, we haven't seen it anywhere else."

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