My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 885 surprise, breakthrough

Even if Chen Fan lost the last game, it was only three defeats.

There are not many people who can threaten him.

So far, those who still have a chance to hit the first rank are Wisdom, Wucheng, Molten Core, Yuhu, Zhou Bailan and Xiyue.

Heiyu, Xisai, including Nightmare, have already lost four or five games, but they have basically missed the first rank.

Afterwards, wisdom failed to succeed against the superior, and lost, a total of four defeats.

In Xiyue's penultimate match against Yuhu, she also lost, also losing four times.

As expected, Nugget lost to Yuhu and Zhou Bolan one after another, also losing four times.

Even if the three haven't finished the match, the points must still be lower than Chen Fan's!

At the end of the game, when the points were counted, Chen Fan found that there were only four people left to compete with him for the first rank——

Besides Chen Fan himself, there were only Zhou Bolan, Wu Cheng and Yuhu.

Among them, Zhou Bailan and Yuhu only lost one game, but Wu Cheng lost two games.

Currently Wucheng is fighting Zhou Bolan, this is Wucheng's last match and Zhou Bolan's penultimate match.

Judging from the scene where the two sides fought, it was Zhou Bolan who had the upper hand.

If nothing else, Zhou Bolan should win.

"If Wucheng loses, it will be three losses. Even if I lose the remaining one, it will be equal to Wucheng. There is still a chance..."

"And if Wu Cheng wins this round, then if I lose the last round, it will be impossible for me to enter the first rank."

Although you can't say you're defeated without a fight, you must always take all the circumstances into consideration.

For Chen Fan, it was undoubtedly Zhou Bolan who won, which was more helpful to Chen Fan.

Chen Fan's eyes flickered, and he was also looking forward to Wucheng's defeat soon.

In fact, Zhou Bolan's meritorious power is not only for restraining fish and tigers, but also for Wu Cheng.

Although Wucheng is powerful after transformation, it seems that he will suffer more damage from the power of merit.

"It's interesting, Yuhu is the heir of the Demon God King, and Wu Cheng is also the heir of the Demon God King, both of them must be restrained by the power of merit..."

"Is the offspring of the Demon God King special, or is this true for all other races?"

Chen Fan frowned, and his thoughts turned rapidly.

Although he has seen the power of merit once, Chen Fan's understanding of this power is still very insufficient.

Guanqiu Jing back then was far less powerful and special than the meritorious power mastered by Zhou Bolan.

But the result was not what Chen Fan expected, and Wu Cheng failed to make a comeback in the end, losing to Zhou Bolan.

Zhou Bolan has won all the way to this point, but he has already reserved a threshold for the first rank in advance!

Even if he loses to Chen Fan, he will only lose two games, and he will definitely be able to enter the first rank hand in hand with Yuhu.

Seeing the result, Chen Fan's eyes flashed, and he heaved a sigh of relief.

"Even if I lose the last round, I still have a chance to enter the first sequence!" Chen Fan licked his lips, feeling relieved.

If I lost the last game and got the same points as Wu Cheng, then the third place must be decided between him and Wu Cheng!

But at this moment, in the private room, Chen Qingru, who was staring at the gold list in the sky, suddenly had his eyes lit up, and turned to look at Chen Fan: "Congratulations, Junior Brother, Congratulations, Junior Brother!"

"Huh?" Chen Fan was taken aback.

Chen Qingru smiled:

"Currently there are only four battles left, and you only have one, junior brother. Judging from the current points, regardless of the outcome of the remaining four battles, junior brother, you have already entered the first rank ahead of schedule!"

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and shook his head: "If I lose, I will lose three points, equal to Wu Cheng..."

Chen Qingru nodded:

"If you lose in the next match, Junior Brother, it will be one hundred and ninety-six points. At that time, there will only be one Wucheng who can share the same points with you, Junior Brother!"

"Brother, don't you know the specific rules of the Mei Club? If you meet someone with the same score, or if there are two people, then directly compare the results of the two battles to calculate the ranking."

"Junior brother, you have won without success, that is to say, even if you lose the last game, you will still be ranked third and be able to enter the first rank!"

Chen Qingru's words were like a fairy's voice piercing her ears.

The astonishment on Chen Fan's face turned into surprise in an instant, and his eyes lit up instantly.

"That's right, if there are too many people with the same score, it's fine. It may happen that you beat me, I beat him, and he wins you. But if there are only two people with the same score, directly comparing the past records of the two is not the same. OK?"

In fact, the rules Bai Fengyu described back then were not completely exhaustive.

There are more detailed paper documents to supplement the ranking calculations for accidents and special circumstances, but Chen Fan is not clear about it.

But Chen Qingru, who was in charge of Chen Fan's logistics work, couldn't be clear about it!

And when he realized that he had entered the first sequence, all the pressure accumulated in his heart was instantly swept away.

The wish he made at the beginning was fulfilled, his thoughts were fully understood, and his state of mind was naturally different.

Taking a deep breath, I just feel that the world has become different.

He suppressed the joy in his heart, but turned his hand and took out a pill, and saw a strange aura emerging from the pill, and the aura was surging.

Chen Fan swallowed the elixir directly, and then sat cross-legged on the ground.

And the next moment, a force of heaven and earth surged down from the sky, rushing into Chen Fan's body frantically, the illusory Dao fruit on his head reappeared, and became extremely solid in the blink of an eye.

In recent days, Chen Fan has been away from the deity all the time, and now he heard that he has entered the first sequence in advance, and his mind has reached the standard, so he immediately began to condense the fruit of swordsmanship.

His kendo comprehension has long gone beyond the boundaries of ordinary Dao fruits, but under the blessing of a strong will, the process of condensing is extremely smooth.

The illusory Dao fruit solidified rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Chen Tianqian and others also looked at Chen Fan in front of them in astonishment.

"This this……"

"Junior Brother is concentrating Dao Fruit." Chen Qingru's face changed slightly, but he got up immediately: "I will go to the organizer of the Meihui and temporarily postpone the remaining two games of Junior Brother..."

Chen Tianqian nodded: "Go, I will protect Chen Fan."

As he said that, his face was also slightly dignified: "This kid, he started to condense Dao fruit in this kind of place, really..."

In fact, to condense the Dao fruit, one has to experience the calamity of the heart demon, which is also extremely dangerous.

Ordinary people break through, even if their beliefs reach the standard, they need to cultivate quietly, adjust their state, and then start to break through. This kind of Chen Fan is indeed rare.

But before Chen Qingru left the room, the gradually solidified Dao fruit on top of Chen Fan's head suddenly merged into his body, and he himself opened his eyes and stood up:

"No need, Senior Sister."

Chen Qingru was startled: "Junior brother, you..."

Chen Tianqian's complexion suddenly changed: "Disciple, you...failed to condense Dao fruit?"

Chen Fan shook his head and smiled: "It has been successful."

Chen Tianqian was taken aback: "Successful? What about your heart demon tribulation?"

Chen Fan's expression was indifferent: "The heart demon can't stop me."

He has something in his heart, and he has a grudge in his heart, but none of these can stop him from moving forward!

A strong will, coupled with sufficient comprehension, and firm belief, made his fruiting process extremely simple!

The heart demon tribulation, which is extremely difficult for others, is not a problem at all for him.

Of course, the elixir he took in advance is also extremely critical.

It was a holy elixir.

It wasn't the Dao Yuan Pill given by Nightmare, but an ordinary holy-level pill that helped to complete the accumulation of cultivation base.

But after all, it was a holy elixir, but it quickly helped Chen Fan complete his own breakthrough.

At this moment, earth-shaking changes are also taking place inside his body.

Saint-level pills are not so easy to refine.

At the same time, he is also continuing to complete the condensing of Dao fruit for other Dao domains that meet the requirements.

After the first Dao fruit is condensed, the rest will not need to go through the heart demon tribulation, and the process will become extremely simple.

Of course, the premise is that the realm comprehension must meet the requirements.

The condensed Dao fruit is a breakthrough in the realm and a breakthrough in cultivation.

All his kung fu that was limited by Dao Fruit, whether it was "Origin Technique" or the Four Holy Swords, had all reached a new level.

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