My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 886: The Final Battle

Chen Fan's own comprehension of the Five Dao Domains is extremely high, except for the highest Sword Dao, the others are far beyond the ordinary Dao Fruit level.

So after his four holy swords jumped over the bottleneck of the sixth level, their progress also jumped a lot. Of course, they didn't directly reach the seventh level of perfection, but they also improved a lot...

His body and consciousness also ushered in a new round of leaps and continued to strengthen.

Of course, the strengthening process does not happen overnight, and it still takes time.

About half an hour passed, and the battle on the crystal wall in front of him was coming to an end.

An aura flashed on the nameplate in Chen Fan's hand, urging him to start the competition.

My own battle is the penultimate match of this Meihui, and it is also my last match.

Chen Fan immediately got up and bid farewell to the master and others.

Go towards the feather tower.

His last opponent was none other than Zhou Bolan.

But when he walked to the Ascension Tower, he found that Zhou Bolan did not enter the tower immediately, but stood outside, watching him quietly.

"You came."

Zhou Bolan smiled: "It's a pity...our battle can only be carried out in an illusion, it's too boring."

Chen Fan also smiled: "I don't want to kill you."

As soon as these words came out, Zhou Bolan let out a "huh", shook his head, and didn't say much, "Let's go."

He stepped in from an entrance of the Yuhua Tower, and his figure disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Chen Fan stamped his feet slightly, closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

In fact, if Chen Fan had promised to fight Zhou Bolan to the death.

With Xiaodie and Baihuangjia around, he might not die in Zhou Bolan's hands, but he might not be Zhou Bolan's opponent.

But now, what Chen Fan said about not wanting to kill Zhou Bolan was the truth.

After taking a deep breath, feeling his constantly strengthening body, he opened his eyes, a look of joy flashed across his eyes, and then stepped into the Ascension Tower as well.

Chen Fan has condensed five kinds of Dao fruits, "Origin Technique" breakthrough, and four holy sword breakthroughs. The improvement of his strength is incomparably huge, even compared to the improvement brought about by simply absorbing the blood of the blood god. to be bigger.



Although Chen Fan lost the burden in his heart and once he broke through, his strength improved by leaps and bounds, but in fact he did not let down his vigilance against Zhou Bolan.

Zhou Bolan has won all the way to the present, relying on his own merits, even the fish and tiger are not his opponents, but lost to the wisdom that cannot be influenced.

Even relying on the power of merit and the original inheritance, he must not be underestimated.

It's just that without the worries in his heart, Chen Fan didn't have to pursue the so-called victory or defeat at all, and he could fight Zhou Bailan as much as he wanted.

So he didn't make a swift and violent attack as planned at the beginning, so that Zhou Bolan didn't have the chance to condense the gold list, but chose to fight steadily.

Naturally, Zhou Bolan also knew how powerful Chen Fan was, and immediately condensed that golden list.

The magnificent power of merit surged towards Chen Fan.

It wasn't until the golden light flooded the sky and felt the suffocating pressure that Chen Fan finally had a real sense of the so-called power of merit.

This kind of power is very strange, sacred and magnificent, it gives people great pressure, makes people feel irresistible domineering, and makes people feel worshipful.

It has a similar aura to the golden light emanating from Zhizhi's body in some respects, but it is completely different.

The light of the sword in his hand raised, and he cut out a tentative fire sword.

In front of this domineering golden light, it was like rainwater dripping into the sea, causing faint ripples, and it was never found again.


Chen Fan knew that this level of power had exceeded the limit of the Fire Sword. To win, he could only rely on the "Hongmeng Sword", which eliminated all things.

He did not hesitate to cut out the sixth level "Hongmeng Sword"!

The so-called one force breaks all laws.

With the blessing of double berserk, Chen Fan's six-fold "Hongmeng Sword" can even be called the strongest in this Meihui in terms of power level.

Even Zhou Bolan's meritorious power was swept away under the light of the sword full of infinite power.

The mighty sword energy rushed towards Zhou Bolan, but it also made this boy's complexion change drastically.

Just as it was the first time for Chen Fan to face the power of his people, Zhou Bolan was not the first time to face Chen Fan's terrifying power!

In fact, after Chen Fan broke through the Dao Fruit, his strength improved in an all-round way. The power of the same Hongmeng sword has been greatly improved.

The bonus brought by the breakthrough of the five Dao domain levels is one aspect, and the improvement of the swordsmanship realm due to the breakthrough of the realm is another aspect.

Not to mention the improvement of his own cultivation, the breakthrough in physical strength and cultivation, which also brought about a comprehensive strength of himself, although this part is strong, it may not be too exaggerated compared to his personal power base...


The magnificent sword light surged towards Zhou Bailan.

The latter raised his hands high, but the golden list floating in front of him suddenly fainted with dazzling golden light.

Amidst the roar, the terrifying impact was scattered in all directions.

After everything calmed down, Chen Fan also narrowed his eyes.

Facing Zhou Bolan inside, he was in a panic all over, his breath mottled, and his face was full of astonishment and strangeness:

"What kind of swordsmanship are you doing?"

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and narrowed his eyes slightly.

have to say.

There is a reason why Zhou Bolan has only lost one game so far.

This sword of mine is much more powerful than in the same state as before.

And Zhou Bolan was in a bit of a panic, but obviously he was not completely defeated, and he still had the strength to fight.

In fact, as an inheritor of "Yuanshi", the part of his inheritance may be different from his own, but he must also have an extremely powerful recovery ability, and his cultivation is far beyond that of ordinary people!

Of course, under the premise that the source beads cannot be taken into the illusion, this recovery power is limited after all.

"I'd like to see how many swords you can block me."

Chen Fan's eyes flashed, but he charged forward again, and slashed out with another sword.

The pupils of Zhou Bolan's eyes contracted, and she frowned deeply:

"If you really think that I only have the power of merit, you are wrong, Chen Fan, you don't think that the power of 'Yuanshi' is really that simple, do you?"

As soon as he waved his hand, the golden list in his hand floated up, shining golden light, resisting the surging sword energy towards Chen Fan, and at this moment, a sharpness flashed in Zhou Bolan's eyes.


Chen Fan could feel the same power as his "Origin Technique" surging from him.

It's just that compared with his own "Origin Technique", this power is more manic and magnificent.

In fact, in the original inheritance that Chen Fan mentioned back then, there were also some special supernatural powers used in conjunction with source qi and source beads.

It's just that for Chen Fan, these moves are not comparable to his Four Holy Swords and other moves, and he doesn't have any free slots to practice these moves.

But at this moment, in Zhou Bolan's body, Chen Fan really saw the horror of the power of "Yuan Shi".

The power of merit is intertwined with the power of origin.

Not a fusion, but a distinct intertwining.

But the effect is still terrifying!

The golden light that could be easily wiped away by Chen Fan's "Hongmeng Sword" before was extremely firm at this moment.

The turbulent sword energy encountered infinite resistance, unable to advance an inch in the golden light.

Instead, the power continued to dissipate in the golden light.

Soon it completely collapsed.


But the golden light that spread all over the sky was menacing, rushing towards Chen Fan again in the blink of an eye.

It seems to be the same as before, and only when we face it can we understand the complexity and strength of this power.

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