My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 887 Winning and Choosing

Chen Fan's eyes flickered and he shook his head. He didn't expect that he would still be beaten like this after his breakthrough in cultivation. No wonder he could only lose one game so far.

In fact, if it weren't for the power of his merits and virtues, it would have little effect on that wisdom, and Chen Fan doubted that it would be impossible for him to lose that match.

Even if Zhou Bolan doesn't restrain Wucheng and Yuhu, he will definitely be able to fight against these two.

Before the breakthrough, Chen Fan would only have a chance to win by continuing to use the power of "Tianyuan", but now Chen Fan has a stronger move.

A sharp light flashed across his eyes, and the rainbow-like dao domains around him flickered one after another, and the earth, fire, water and wind turned into majesty!


Once again, the sword "Hongmeng Sword" came out.

Seemingly normal, the Hongmeng Sword is the same as before, but it is actually a level higher, reaching the seventh level of "Hongmeng Sword".

He was able to use this move only after breaking through the Dao Fruit.

It's just the difference between a heavy Hongmeng sword, but it's actually the difference between heaven and earth.

In fact, Chen Fan has just broken through the Dao Fruit, and he doesn't have enough understanding of the Primordial Sword and the Four Holy Swords. The power of this sword is far from reaching the limit of the seventh level, and it can even be said that it is far from it.

But even so, it is more than half a chip higher than the sixth level "Hongmeng Sword".

The turbulent sword light instantly tore apart the encirclement of the golden light, and the unrivaled sword energy mightily wiped out everything in the world.

This is suppression on the level of pure power.

Even if he used the six-fold Hongmeng sword with "the power of the abyss of heaven", it was still not as powerful as the actual power of this sword.

A look of astonishment appeared on Zhou Bolan's face, and the gold list in front of him was torn apart in an instant.

But without the power of merit to protect his body, his body was extremely fragile, and soon turned into powder in Chen Fan's sword light!


Because I knew that I could enter the first sequence.

Chen Fan's joy in defeating Zhou Bolan was not too high.

Of course, in fact, even if it is just a leap in ranking, there will be a big difference in personal treatment in the end...

Although limited, it is better to win than lose.

And although there is still the last battle to be fought, the first, second and third places of this Meihui have already been decided.

Yuhu lost one game and ranked first.

Both Chen Fan and Zhou Bolan lost two games.

Because Chen Fan defeated Zhou Bolan, he ranked second.


After leaving the Ascension Tower, Chen Fan also smiled and looked at Zhou Bolan next to him.

Zhou Bolan was very indifferent, and slightly nodded at Chen Fan: "Congratulations."

Chen Fan waved his hand.

Zhou Bailan's eyes flashed with subtlety:

"Although your strength far exceeds my expectations, I have to remind you that everything you have now is not as important as finally inheriting the title of 'Origin'..."

"The gap between the sixth level of longevity and the Demon God King is even greater than that of the sixth level of longevity and ordinary warriors who have just started practicing."

"In every era, there is no shortage of geniuses like you and me, but there are only a handful of people who can understand the Dao and become immortals..."

"No matter how confident you are in your heart, when you are really blocked in front of that natural barrier in the future, the world will not wait for you. The inheritance of 'Origin' needs to be completed..."

"You and I will have a battle to the death."

After saying that, he turned and left.

Chen Fan looked at his leaving back, but shook his head.

Perhaps there is indeed a reason why ignorant people are fearless, but for me who has such a special talent, if I don't even have the self-confidence to achieve success even if I am not the top immortal in this world, then I still understand the way of a hammer.

Shaking his head, Chen Fan turned and left.

Didn't get very far.

Chen Fan stopped walking.

The aura flickered on the nameplate in his hand, but there was a message.


"It's here."

Guided by the nameplate, Chen Fan came to an auditorium.

He saw Zhou Bailan again outside the auditorium.

The door of the auditorium was closed, and Chen Fan was about to knock on the door, but he suddenly felt the stars shifting in front of him, and he and Zhou Bolan were moved closer to the auditorium.

And in the auditorium, an existence exuding a terrifying aura that couldn't be seen directly was looking at a huge crystal ball in the auditorium.

Chen Fan also saw Yuhu not far from him.

Yuhu was smiling and nodding towards himself.

"Congratulations to the three of you for winning the top three of this Meihui." Bai Fengyu's cold and indifferent voice sounded, and he appeared in front of the three of them instantly like a breeze.

Chen Fan turned his gaze to look at Bai Fengyu, his expression was neither happy nor sad, and there was no fluctuation at all.

Bai Fengyu's voice was calm:

"Achieve the top three in the Meihui, and you will have the opportunity to get the chance to teach the immortals and demon kings..."

"This opportunity is not a simple teaching of the method, but a chance to enter a special time secret realm and match it with the supreme secret treasure to obtain a hundred years of practice."

As soon as these words came out, Chen Fan's eyes flashed suddenly.

Time mystery...


This is an unimaginable opportunity for him.

A simple guess is that the secret realm of time should be similar to the special secret realm when I first entered the secret realm of Yuanshang, when the sword was inherited.

It's just that the time ratio will not be that low.

Chen Fan guessed that it should be very high!

Bai Fengyu waved his hand, and a magnificent picture scroll unfolded in front of the three of them. On the picture scroll, there were either random gestures, or lifelike pictures, or blank spaces with nothing, but they exuded a grand, powerful, Different breaths.

There are dozens of ways, far more than the people present.

Presumably not all the top players came to watch the battle.

"Among them is the great aura of the 'seniors' you can choose from. You can only choose one."

Bai Fengyu said and looked at Yuluo.

Yu Luo's eyes were also twinkling, and he immediately stepped forward, pointing to the corner of the picture scroll, where a black dot was located: "I choose this senior!"

The person gave an answer almost in a second, obviously well prepared.

Bai Fengyu showed a smile on his face: "The reason why Master Lan sent you to participate in this Meihui is probably for the inheritance of this person..."

Yuhu smiled, but did not deny it.

Chen Fan couldn't help but look at Yuhu more.

My heart is also stunned.

Meihui is naturally very special, but for the heirs of the Demon God King or the heirs of immortals, the general training conditions may not be very attractive to them.

There must be a reason for these people to come to the Meihui.

The most critical of these should be the teachings of other demon kings or immortals.

In fact, even if you fail to enter the first sequence and join the temple, you will still be able to receive lessons from the Demon God King or Immortal later.

And if it weren't for the age limit of fifty, there would be ten times and a hundred times more peerless geniuses appearing in Meihui.

People like Chen Fan actually took advantage of their age.

And Chen Fan also guessed that for more older geniuses, the Holy Church should have other screening methods.

It is even possible that the geniuses of the Meihui may not be the first batch of people to enter the Holy Church!

Bai Fengyu said lightly: "I will send a sound transmission to this senior, just wait a moment..."

As he spoke, he looked at Chen Fan: "It's your turn."

Bai Fengyu seemed to have never shot Chen Fan before, with a calm expression, completely oblivious to the desire to crush Chen Fan to death before.

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes slightly, and also raised his head to look at various positions on the scroll.

He looked at the position of a drop of blood on the picture scroll at a glance, which belonged to the breath of "Ni Shen".

Presumably it should be left by the blood god.

Chen Fan hesitated for a moment, but he did not choose this drop of blood.

As far as he is concerned, even if he does not choose the blood drop, the Blood God will still care enough for a "junior" like himself, but it is better to leave this opportunity to another peerless existence.

His eyes wandered, and soon he felt a scorching breath, which should be related to the existence of the Flame Dao. He still didn't choose immediately, but observed and sensed all the breaths.

In the end, he pointed to the middle of the scroll, on a random scratch, "I want to be taught by this senior!"

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