My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 889 Longevity

Ten years passed faster than Chen Fan imagined.

He has already completed both "Nightmare Prayer" and "God's Walk". In addition, his own cultivation has also reached the completion of Dao Fruit, and "Origin Technique" has gone a step further.

The Four Sacred Swords are also on the hook, but not all of them are complete at the seventh level.

This place is indeed a blessed place, and the efficiency of hanging up is no less than that of Chen Fan's blessing when he first entered the Enlightenment Pool.

The Enlightenment Pond can only be entered for a few days, but it can last for a hundred years.

But the only thing that made Chen Fan helpless was that because the deity kept swinging the sword normally, "Bei Ming" didn't show any kendo realm at all, and Chen Fan himself learned nothing from "Bei Ming"...

In fact, without "Northern Darkness", with his own comprehension of swordsmanship and the many treasure resources of his mustard stone, he would have been able to directly break through to longevity.

Just because of the restriction of "Northern Darkness", his deity kept swinging the sword non-stop, so naturally he didn't have time to break through.

He was helpless, but he was even more curious about what "Bei Ming" was going to do.

The last day of ten years passed.

Chen Fan also stopped waving the sword in his hand.

He hasn't stopped for ten years, and with his current strength, he naturally doesn't need rest and food.

If it's just pure physical strength, it won't be difficult for him to continue for a thousand or ten thousand years, provided that he has lived for such a long time...


"Bei Ming" nodded lightly: "In the past ten years, you really haven't activated the sword once. Now, you can try to activate your own sword again, and see how different you are from before."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows, and then he slashed forward with a sword.

"Huh? This is..."

In the past ten years, although I have not urged the way of the sword, in fact, his own various swordsmanship is still hanging up, and Fen Ling is also comprehending the scene of "Hongmeng Sword" in the sea of ​​​​knowledge. To the limit, he has already comprehended his own way of swordsmanship.

The power of swordsmanship is not surprising to him.

But apart from the blessing of the sword, Chen Fan felt that his sword was more pure.

It's a very strange feeling.

His own sword seemed to be subtly different from before.


Chen Fan was also startled, and looked at Beiming in front of him in astonishment.

"Practicing the sword is refining the heart." "Beiming" felt Chen Fan's sword, and nodded lightly:

"Understanding the Dao, the difficulties will be more difficult than imagined... When pursuing a higher Dao, it is better to look back and ask your own heart."

"Swinging a sword in the past ten years is the first lesson I taught you."

As he spoke, he raised his hand and grabbed the sword in his hand.

"Since you have met my requirements, then I... will pass you the first sword."

He swung his sword forward indifferently, just like demonstrating his sword skills when he met Chen Fan the first day, this sword didn't seem to be anything special.

However, Chen Fan couldn't help frowning deeply, and there were characters flashing in front of his eyes: "This is..."

To be honest, he didn't see anything special about this sword compared to before.

There is no Dao rhyme, and there is no great power.

But his on-hook field was touched.

His kendo is already close to immortality. Although he himself has been practicing swords in the past ten years, he has been indulging in the illusion of the sea of ​​consciousness and constantly watching the Hongmeng sword.

But after seeing the sword of "Bei Ming", he comprehended a "nameless sword technique".

And seeing Chen Fan's eyes sparkle, "Bei Ming" raised his eyebrows slightly: "Do you see how special this sword is?"

Chen Fan froze for a moment, then nodded.

Didn't you say you want to pass on this sword to me? It's impossible for me to see this sword, so there is a problem, right?

"Bei Ming" frowned: "Come and cut a sword."

Chen Fan nodded, and swung out the sword as usual.

It seems that there is no difference from the previous sword swing, but the eyes of "Bei Ming" are shining brightly.

Although Chen Fan didn't make much progress with this sword, it has been unlocked after all, and he is indeed on the right path.

For the average person, the first step is often the hardest.

"Bei Ming" also has weird eyes: "No wonder you were able to get the top three in the Meihui. This kind of understanding is really extraordinary. I thought... it would take a few more years to get you started."

"In that case, it's easy to say..."

He tilted his head, and swung his sword forward again: "I will do my best to help you practice this sword. If your sword can reach a level that satisfies me after a hundred years, I will teach you all my lifelong sword skills. for you!"

As soon as these words came out, Chen Fan's eyes sparkled immediately: "Senior's words are true?"

"Bei Ming" nodded lightly: "Naturally."

The specialness of Chen Fanwan's kendo is only more useful when he sets foot on the avenue of kendo.

After starting to comprehend the Dao, everyone will really enter the same track.

As an immortal, this "Bei Ming" is an existence who has understood the way of the sword. Even though it may be quite different from the real ultimate, it is definitely stronger than ordinary immortals or demon kings.

Chen Fan guessed that he should be the top expert in the whole world.

Such a person promised to teach him his lifelong swordsmanship, and Chen Fan was naturally very excited.

However, Chen Fan was not in a hurry to practice this skill.

Not to mention that he doesn't have any vacant hang-up slots, even if there are, he is not in a hurry.

The so-called sharpening a knife does not cut firewood by mistake.

But he intends to break through longevity and continue to practice this sword move.

Ten years have passed, even though his real body has been delayed and has not practiced, but there is an idle slot, the progress of his own real kung fu is close to completion, and the Tao fruit is not far from maturity.

He first took out the Dao Yuan Pill and swallowed it decisively.

This was the holy elixir that Nightmare used to exchange Caiyu back then.

It can help the fruit to ripen.

Chen Fan's comprehension has already met the requirements, and there is no threshold for swallowing this Yuan Dan.

And within this secret realm at this special time, the vitality of the heavens and the earth is unbelievably strong. Chen Fan refines the Daoyuan Pill, and the speed at which the sword dao fruit matures is astonishingly fast...

At the same time when the external deity refined the Dao Yuan Dan, which made the Dao fruit of the Sword Dao mature rapidly.

One of his spirit divisions also left the sea of ​​consciousness and entered the palace of stars.

Accompanied by Master Bai, he found the King of Medicine.

The King of Medicine is the essence of Xuantian Root, and under the nourishment of Chen Fan's Water of Life, it also grows stronger and stronger.

Not to mention that Chen Fan needs the power of the Medicine King to help feed the medicinal materials, just spending so long with this little thing, Chen Fan will not insist on his life.

Chen Fan was nothing more than Lord Bai helping to discuss with him, asking him to "dedicate his life" and donate part of his body to help Chen Fan break through.

No matter how unwilling Yao Wang was, he had to bow his head under the eaves.

In fact, if it wasn't for Chen Fan not knowing how to use Xuantian Root to refine medicine, otherwise, he would definitely be able to refine a medicine that is more effective than the Golden Dragon Transformation Immortal Pill.

It's just that in such a situation, a part of Yao Wang's body is enough for Chen Fan.

Rather, with Chen Fan's accumulation, background and understanding of swordsmanship, if he failed to break through, he would have nothing to say.

In the blink of an eye, a month later.

Chen Fan had already refined Dao Yuan Pill, but he was not in a hurry to break through Changsheng immediately, but adjusted his state and mood.

When everything was at its best, he took out the Void Essence Grass first and swallowed it.

Xuyuan grass can let him feel the feeling of breaking through longevity in advance.

Although the maintenance time is limited, it can still play a great role for him.

The Void Essence Grass lasted for a while, and Chen Fan himself broke away from that extremely powerful state. Lost in his heart flashed away, but more pride and self-confidence.

He also took out the Golden Dragon Transformation Immortal Pill, Xuantian Root, and only a small part of the towering spirit essence, and swallowed them one after another...


Spiritual light intertwined, and the power of heaven and earth roared continuously, rolling into Chen Fan's body.

He opened his eyes abruptly.

The eyes shoot out like real light.

The roar of the power of heaven and earth stopped abruptly, and the solid Dao fruit on his head naturally fell into his palm, and then merged into his body.

"This is longevity..."

Feeling the brand-new comprehensive body, Chen Fan's eyes flashed with uncontrollable joy.

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