My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 890 Thirteen Forms

The expected difficulties and obstacles did not appear.

The success of Chen Fan's breakthrough to immortality surprised him slightly.

Although it was unexpected, everything made sense after careful consideration.

"Before I entered the secret realm of time, my realm had already reached the requirements. After ten years of practicing swords, I don't know how much my cultivation and realm have improved. I have already surpassed the standard of breaking through longevity... and there are so many treasures and resources. Help, if I can't break through smoothly like this, it will be a strange thing!"

In fact, if he hadn't been swinging his sword continuously for the past ten years, he himself might have broken through longevity.

With this breakthrough in cultivation, he also ushered in the biggest improvement since his own practice.

Whether it is his own body, true energy or spiritual consciousness, a new round of transitions has taken place.

Even judging from his current physical fitness, his physical strength has still improved a lot.

The improvement of true energy and spiritual consciousness is naturally higher.

Especially the latter.

In fact, when he broke through to Dao Fruit before, his total amount of spiritual consciousness has doubled several times, and the strength of his spiritual consciousness has even reached the peak of the first level of immeasurable.

And this time, with the breakthrough of his cultivation base, his spiritual consciousness also naturally broke through to the realm of immeasurable double.

As a matter of fact, although he himself has completed the breakthrough, the medicinal power of the Xuantian Root and the Golden Dragon Immortal Pill he took has not been completely absorbed.

With his own realm and the ten years of meditation, even if he doesn't rely on these foreign objects, he can have a good chance of successfully advancing by relying on his own comprehension of the way of swordsmanship and his strong will.

Not to mention the special environment in the Time Secret Realm.

It's a pity that his comprehension of the four ways of fire, water and wind is much worse than that of the sword, so he was not able to pick off the fruit immediately...

However, the way of swordsmanship is the foundation of his enlightenment and the foundation of his own strength, so it's okay if the other four ways don't break through for the time being.

Needless to say, after Changsheng, he also added an additional idle slot.

In this field, he immediately hung up the nameless sword technique that "Bei Ming" had shown before.

And after breaking through longevity and spiritual consciousness, his personal comprehension speed and the efficiency of the hang-up slot have all improved a lot compared to before.

After that, he also put all his mind and attention on the practice of this style of swordsmanship.


Time passed slowly.

The difficulty of this sword made Chen Fan look sideways.

Even if Chen Fan breaks through Changsheng, his own thinking speed is far faster than before.

In addition, "Bei Ming" demonstrated face to face, raised points, and cultivated with all his heart.

Under such circumstances, it still took Chen Fan more than twenty years to practice this move to perfection.

And when Chen Fan fully comprehended this sword, he could also truly feel the horror of this sword, and his swordsmanship of ten thousand swords was completely melted in it!

And these twenty years have passed.

His four paths of earth, fire, water and wind, with the projections left by "Yang" in the sea of ​​consciousness, have all reached the peak of the Dao Fruit level, and they are only a short distance away from comprehending the complete Dao.

"Beiming" was very pleased to see that Chen Fan had realized this sword in twenty years, and nodded indifferently: "Since you have already realized this sword, then you can get my lifelong inheritance of swordsmanship."

As he said that, he stretched out his fingers and pointed at the center of Chen Fan's eyebrows.

Thousands of sword lights surged, and Chen Fan suddenly had pictures in his mind.

There are thirteen pictures in total, recording thirteen styles of swordsmanship.

"What I have learned all my life is these thirteen styles of swordsmanship. With your understanding of swordsmanship at this time, you can only practice the first three styles. The first style is the one you learned before. For the remaining eighty years, You can continue to practice the rest of the swordsmanship."

While Chen Fan nodded, he couldn't help asking: "Dare to ask senior, is your thirteen-style swordsmanship famous?"

It's a little strange that I have to pass on these thirteen styles of swordsmanship, but I still don't know the name of the swordsmanship.

"Bei Ming" shook his head: "My swordsmanship has never been famous, I just call it Thirteen Styles."

Chen Fan smacked his lips, nodded and said yes.

It's normal for a master of this kind of series to be a little willful.


Although these thirteen styles of swordsmanship are also gradual, the requirements and power are getting higher and higher.

But even the worst sword can only be comprehended and practiced by masters who have comprehended the way of the sword.

And when it comes to the fourth sword, it involves the power of the Dao of the sword.

Chen Fan is currently unable to cultivate at all.

Even the second and third formulas that do not involve the Dao are far more difficult than Chen Fan imagined.

He has spent a hundred years all the time, but he has only practiced the second form to perfection, and the third form is still a bit short.

However, in the remaining decades, his earth, fire, water, and wind paths have reached perfection one after another, and he has also successfully picked off the four paths of fruit.

In the past few decades, his "Da Yan Shen Jue" has broken through to the fifth level, and his practice speed is also constantly increasing under five times the spiritual consciousness.

It's a pity that he doesn't have any treasures that can help him comprehend the Dao of Slaughter.

After such a long time, his killing domain is still only triple.

And after such a long period of painstaking practice and comprehension, Chen Fan's various secret techniques and kung fu have also undergone terrifying improvements...

When the last hundred years arrived, Chen Fan also suspended his swordsmanship practice, and asked "Beiming": "Dare to ask the immortal, how can I comprehend the Dao of Sword?"

Although in the past hundred years, Chen Fan's own swordsmanship has been greatly improved, and he is not far from the threshold of the second level of longevity, but he still has no thoughts on how to comprehend the Dao.

Bei Ming still looked indifferent: "Your own swordsmanship is the best entry point for the Dao. As long as you have seen and comprehended enough swordsmanship and swordsmanship... you will naturally be able to comprehend the Dao."

Chen Fan frowned deeply upon hearing this.

No wonder there are very few sword masters.

For example, the special way of his sword makes it easier to comprehend the Dao, and he doesn't know when he will be able to comprehend the Dao. For ordinary people, it may be difficult to make an inch of progress in tens of thousands of years.

However, every little bit of improvement in the way of the sword will bring about a terrifying increase in strength.

And I have an on-hook slot, and with my increasingly stronger cultivation base and spiritual realm, I will improve faster and faster in the future.

Perhaps my current understanding of Dao is still far inferior to some top geniuses, but as time goes by, my advantages will continue to improve!


In a trance.

Chen Fan returned to the empty auditorium again.

Many powerful beings are scattered everywhere.

It is no different from the scene a hundred years ago.

Chen Fan turned his head, but found that the "Bei Ming" immortal had long since disappeared.

Standing beside him were Zhou Bolan and Yuhu.

He felt a sense of loss in his heart.

Although this "North Ming" immortal has a weird temper, but after being with him for a hundred years and being taught by him, he naturally respects him very much in his heart.

In fact, Beiming taught Chen Fan what he had learned all his life, and it was reasonable for Chen Fan to call him master.

Bai Fengyu waved his hand lightly, and the bodies of the three of them suddenly rose up with the wind and left the auditorium.


The auditorium door is closed.

Both Yuhu and Zhou Bolan's brows were twinkling with a faint light, each with joy.

It's not just that Chen Fan has gained a lot, the same is true for both.

You must know that they are all peerless geniuses under the age of 50. For them, a hundred years is also very long!

At the same time, the sound of commotion from outside came from outside.

Chen Fan stepped forward with a delicate expression.

A hundred years have passed, but time in the outside world seems to have frozen, and it is not much different from when I came here.

He stepped towards the spectator venue where Chen Tianqian and the others were.

This hundred years is the one hundred years he has actually experienced, not the one hundred years of "Yang" at the beginning.

Since he came to this world, even counting the time in Yuanshang Secret Realm, it has only been about twenty years.

Although with his current strength and state of mind, it won't have much influence because of a hundred years, but the concern for his relatives and friends still exists in his heart.

Wait for him to return to the private room.

"Hey, Chen Fan, didn't you say that you have something to leave and you won't be back for a while...why haven't you left yet?" Chen Tianqian asked in surprise.

Chen Xi and Ye Yunxin also stepped forward in surprise.

Chen Fan glanced at several people, and finally smiled:

"I've been there."

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