My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 892 Ten Worlds Tower

In Meihui, a total of 5,000 warriors can enter the elite sequence of the temple, and 10,000 warriors can enter the ordinary sequence.

Although there are also a small number of people who did not directly enter the "Holy Church" this time, but have another chance to wait for the next ten years, but the number of these people is not too many.

After all, after entering the Holy Church, there is still a chance to improve the sequence. Although it is difficult, it may not be bad to be able to enter the "Holy Church" ten years earlier.

Several streamers flew into the room where Chen Fan and the others were.

In front of Chen Fan, a blood cell the size of a human head flew straight over and entered his body.

But the others are much worse.

When they add up, they are far less than the blood cells obtained by Chen Fan.

Except for Chen Fan, the strongest Lian Baishang only got blood cells the size of peanuts.

Li Linliu, who was the weakest, got a bloody spot the size of a sesame seed.

In fact, this is the blood of Ba Snake that has been condensed. Even if it is the size of a sesame seed, it contains huge power.

Li Linliu is only in the ninth rank. Although he has entered the elite rank, he is the lowest rank in the ninth rank. He is the weakest among the crowd. Although he has little blood, he is the most helpful to him.

Li Linliu's face turned red, his body was billowing with qi and blood, he immediately sat down cross-legged, closed his eyes, and refined the power in his blood.

In fact, not only Li Linliu, but everyone except Chen Fan sat cross-legged and worked hard to refine Ba Snake's blood.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows.

This Snake blood can strengthen the body, purify the essence, and prolong the lifespan. This blood cell is more effective than ordinary holy-level pills, but unfortunately it is not very useful to Chen Fan.

His body and true essence are extremely powerful.

Not to mention that after breaking through longevity, his lifespan is extremely long.

For him, this Ba Snake blood can only serve as icing on the cake, and it doesn't improve him too much.

He raised his eyebrows, but he didn't fully refine the power in it, but kept nearly half of it, and it would be more useful to distribute it to those close to him in the future.

Chen Fan suddenly frowned and looked at Li Linliu.

Li Linliu, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, frowned, and a smoldering look flashed across his brows.

Although Ba Snake's blood has been processed by that unknown being, it still has part of Ba Snake's evil spirit.

Li Linliu's strength is too weak, so it is naturally more difficult to refine this trace of strength.

Of course, the difficulty is difficult, it just takes longer.

In fact, the evil spirit left in Ba She's blood can also help Li Linliu sharpen his will, so it may not necessarily be a bad thing.


I do not know how long it has been.

Li Linliu opened his eyes in surprise.

Feeling the almost reborn body, his face was also full of excitement.

Although with Chen Fan's help, he was the last one to complete the refinement.

At this moment, Chen Fan and others are all gathered, standing in front of the window of the pavilion, looking out.

"Uncle Master is awake, just in time, we are going to the place." Chen Fan turned his head and smiled.


Li Linliu also raised his eyebrows, and went straight to the window, only to see a huge, invisible island floating in the void between the dark red sky and the sea of ​​fog.

On the island stands a huge building that looks like a pyramid.

It is divided into ten floors in total, and the higher you go, the smaller the place is.

And as the flying palace kept approaching, the island kept getting bigger in the eyes of several people.

Only then did everyone have a real sense of the size of the island and the "pyramid".

Even the smallest top floor of the "pyramid" is far larger than the city pools in ordinary cities.

As it gets closer, the entire island can't see the vastness of the edge at all. Around the huge "pyramid", there are various buildings and other facilities.

The entire island is not even smaller than the land area of ​​countries such as the Dagan Dynasty.

Seeing that they had already arrived in front of them, the Flying Palace took nearly a quarter of an hour to finally fly into the island.

The periphery of the island was covered with a shimmering translucent barrier, and the palace went straight through the barrier and landed slowly.

Flew before the huge tower.

Only then did many geniuses come down from the flying palace in groups.

They were also looking excitedly at the huge tower with no top to see in front of them.

at this time.

A burst of fire suddenly appeared in the void, condensing into a huge figure.

"This tower is called the Ten Realms Tower, and it is also the place where you will practice daily in the future."

This voice is impressively the existence that killed the giant snake before.

"All of you can enter different levels of practice according to different sequences, and the residences of all of you are assigned to each of you. The Meihui nameplate will be your identity nameplate when you enter the temple, and there will be corresponding instructions on it."

"The different tower worlds of the Ten Realms Tower also represent the difference between the Nine Great Sequences and the normal Sequences."

"Mei will conduct a small test every year. Those who pass the test will have the opportunity to enter a higher rank, while those who are ranked at the bottom of the test may be lowered."

"However, since you are all newcomers, you will have ten years of immunity. Within these ten years, no matter how bad your quiz scores are, you will not be lowered in rank, but it is only for ten years."

"Every floor of the Ten Realms Tower is very different, but you have to experience it yourself. In addition, if you want to leave the Chaos Sea, it depends on your own means and strength... The Holy Church does not provide Flying vehicle of the sea."

There was a hint of teasing in the tone of the huge figure:

"However, the sea of ​​chaos is extremely dangerous. The sanctuary is a million kilometers away from the extreme northern border of the mainland. Those who are not strong enough should honestly practice in the sanctuary."

The voice of the figure transformed by the flames was playful and funny, and then disappeared suddenly.

Chen Fan looked at the dark sky, and there was a touch of subtlety on his face.

Tens of thousands of geniuses stepped into the tower one by one.

The first floor of the tower is completely unlimited, and it is also the largest floor, anyone can enter.

There are all kinds of facilities in it, and there are also a large number of servants of various ethnic groups, as well as various buildings, food, and daily necessities that are completely different for each ethnic group.

And in it, there are also a lot of geniuses from various ethnic groups who have already settled in it.

These people are not geniuses who participated in the Meihui, but geniuses who are beyond the standard and entered the church through other means.

After all, only people under the age of fifty can participate in the Meihui.

However, the overall strength of this type of genius far exceeds that of those who participated in Meihui's normal sequence.

After being able to enter the holy hall, if you want to improve the sequence, you only need to rely on hard power.

The geniuses who will enter the church through May will stand on the same track as these people in the future.

And ten years later, if the strength is not up to the standard of this layer, people of higher sequence will be ignored, at most they will be lowered, and these people of ordinary sequence will even leave the Holy Church and be sent back.

Chen Fan also did not stay on the first floor, but kept going up.

Every time one level rises, the concentration of the power of heaven and earth in the tower world will increase a lot.

But when it reached the top ten floors, the concentration of the air of heaven and earth had reached a rather outrageous level.

"It's almost ten times the power of heaven and earth when I first entered the Enlightenment Pool when I passed the assessment of the True Inheritance of Sword Sect..."

At the beginning, Chen Fan only entered for ten days, but now, he can stay in it all the time. Even if he doesn't do anything, the progress of his cultivation will be frighteningly fast.

However, Chen Fan has already reached the first stage of longevity after spending a hundred years in the secret realm of time.

Due to the limitation of the realm, he failed to break through the second level of longevity, and his cultivation was stuck. No matter how strong the vitality of the world is here, it will not be of great help to Chen Fan in a short period of time.

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