After arriving at the top tower world.

Chen Fan took out the nameplate from when he participated in the Meihui, which should be called the Holy Church Token now.

The spiritual light flickered on it, guiding Chen Fan to move forward, and soon came to a huge palace.

The palace has a radius of tens of kilometers, all within the scope of Chen Fan's residence.

And when Chen Fan came to the palace, there were already people waiting there.

"His Royal Highness Chen Fan."

But it was a girl in black with a respectful face.

And behind him, there are also handsome men and women. These people have pure breath, fair skin, pointed ears, and curly green hair. They are not human race at all.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows: "You are..."

The girl looked respectful:

"I am the housekeeper of His Highness's residence, and I am an ownerless puppet. Your Highness can refine me...I am responsible for His Highness's security and for His Highness's confusion. As for these, they are responsible for serving His Highness's "Spirit of Plants and Trees"..."

As the girl said, she turned her head, and the spirits of plants and trees also bowed and saluted one by one, extremely polite.

Chen Fan nodded.

He didn't know what the spirit of vegetation was.

It is nothing more than a spirit body similar to the spirit of the elements.

And to be able to condense into a human body, the wisdom may not be too low.

The black-clothed girl handed over a red diamond-shaped crystal nucleus, "This is my puppet core. Your Highness will put the true essence into it, and then it can be refined."

Chen Fan suddenly took over the diamond-shaped crystal nucleus and put his true energy into it. Chen Fan soon sensed a special connection between himself and the girl.

This feeling is very strange, similar to the feeling after refining a spiritual weapon.

"What's your name?" Chen Fan asked.

The girl looked respectful: "I don't have a name, please give me a name, Your Highness—"

Chen Fan nodded: "Then call me Chen Yi."

He actually wanted to call the other party Chen Yi, but she was a female puppet after all, and the name Chen Yi was too casual.

"Thank you, Your Highness, for the name."

The girl puppet nodded slightly, and also said: "I can change the appearance and structure according to His Highness's preferences. Does Your Highness need me to change?"

Chen Fan "coughed": "No need, you're doing fine."

Speaking of which, Chen Fan also turned his head to look at the huge palace: "Come and show me around my residence."

The palace is tens of kilometers long, and there is nothing missing in it.

But after all, it is only the place where Chen Fan practices daily, but there are not many special places.

Chen Fan wants to obtain other exercises and classics of the temple, but he needs to go to a fixed place.

Except for some places where classics and exercises are stored.

There are also various secret realms of practice in the tower world.

In fact, although Chen Fan has become a member of the first sequence, his practice is not unlimited.

It is also impossible for him to enter these places without restriction.

Chen Yidao:

"Cultivation Secret Realm will issue different entry time limits according to different sequences every year, but if you want to enter the cultivation secret realm additionally, you need to consume a battle order."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly: "Could it be that the war order is the basic currency in the temple?"

Chen Yi nodded:

"Your Highness guessed right. In the holy hall, some infrastructure and low-level martial arts cheats are provided for free according to different sequences."

"However, some special practice secret realms, sacred places of enlightenment, or some high-level secret methods and supernatural powers will not only limit the sequence, but also need to consume battle tokens!"

Chen Fan nodded: "Understood, tell me, how to get the battle order?"

The sanctuary exists to cultivate geniuses and encourage competition. Naturally, it is impossible for all resources to be provided for free.

It is impossible for a strong person to be trained only by retreating.

Chen Yi replied: "So far, battle orders can be obtained by hunting missions or challenging the secret realm of trials."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows: "Tell me in detail, what is the hunting mission, and what is the trial secret realm?"

Chen Yidao: "The hunting mission is to go to the Chaos Sea to hunt monsters and beasts. Depending on the strength of the beasts, you can exchange different numbers of battle orders."

"The trial secret realm is divided into two types, one is the fantasy world, and the other is the Tongtian tower. These two secret realms are connected to the ten world towers. No matter what sequence they are in, they can enter these two secret realms. "

Chen Fan was thoughtful: "Where is the fantasy world you mentioned?"

When Mei Hui assessed the preliminary selection, she entered the fantasy world.

At that time, millions of warriors entered the limited area of ​​the fantasy world to compete.

But it is a place that is far more real than ordinary illusions.

Chen Fan had a deep memory of this fantasy world at that time.

I didn't expect that after entering the fantasy world, there would be a chance to enter it.

Chen Yi shook his head and said:

"The Dream World is the Dream World, and it is another world that may even be wider than the Pan-Ancient Continent. Your Highness enters the Dream World as long as you keep exploring, you can get more battle orders."

"However, the Dream World can only be entered once a year, and one lasts for ten days, or one life ends."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly.

The use of the word "explore" is very interesting.

Chen Fan suspected that this "dream world" might really be a different dimension.

It's just that the geniuses of the Holy Church can project into it in a special way. The so-called "exploration" is nothing more than discovering more secrets of the "Dream World".

He licked his lips and asked again: "Where is that Tongtian Tower?"

Chen Yi's answer did not exceed Chen Fan's expectations.

Tongtian Tower is a trial level for breaking into towers similar to Yuhua Tower.

"The form of breaking into the tower is simple and rude. It's normal to use it in the temple..."

The special thing about Tongtian Tower is that there will only be one enemy on each floor.

In addition, the strength span of each layer is extremely large.

For example, the first level requires the strength of the peak of the ninth level of martial arts.

The second level requires Dao Fruit.

The third level requires the peak strength of the first level of longevity.

After each level of longevity, one level is raised until the sixth level of longevity does not only include the eighth level.

From the eighth floor to the twelfth floor, the five floors all represent the six levels of longevity.

Until breaking through the twelfth floor, it means the level of the Demon God King, and Chen Yi does not know about it.

"That is to say, the strength span of the sixth level of longevity will be terrifyingly large..."

In fact, Chen Fan was not too surprised.

With the same level of comprehension, the combat power will also be blessed by blood and supernatural powers.

In the early stage, bloodlines and supernatural powers are enough to help them cross the cultivation base to fight against the enemy, but at the sixth level of longevity, no matter how powerful the bloodlines and supernatural powers are, it is difficult to cross the gap between the demon king, but the gap compared with other people will be reflected.

At the same level of comprehension, some people not only have strong blood, but also have powerful supernatural powers. These people can easily leapfrog challenges when they are weak, but when they reach the sixth level of longevity, they cannot make up for the huge gap, but they will still be better than others. Generally, the sixth level of longevity is much more powerful.

In fact, it is not just longevity.

Before every big realm.

Such as the seventh weight, such as the tenth weight, such as longevity.

Standing in front of these gates, the span of strength will be much larger than other levels.


Chen Fan was not in a hurry to challenge Tongtian Tower and Fantasy World.

Instead, I got acquainted with the environment of the Jie Tower and some holy places for cultivation.

Among the Tenth Pagoda Realm, there is the highest level of practice holy land.

There are various types.

Some help to complete the accumulation of practice, some help to comprehend various ways, and some special secret realms help to practice specific supernatural powers.

Depending on the levels and effects of different secret realms, the number of battle tokens consumed varies.

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