My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 894 Babel Tower

Get a little familiar with the environment of the tenth tower world.

Chen Fan went to Tongtian Tower.

The Tongtian Tower is set up outside the Ten Realms Tower, and there is no limit to the sequence of people who can break into the tower, everyone can come and break through!

And when Chen Fan arrived, he also discovered that there were many geniuses of various sequences gathered before Tongtian Tower.

"Chen Fan, it's Chen Fan! He's here!"

Chen Fan's arrival also set off a small wave.

After all, Chen Fan is a person who has entered the first sequence, and the level of strength lies here. Almost everyone who participated in the Meihui knows that there is such a person as him.

As if Chen Fan had never heard of it, he went straight to Tongtian Pagoda.

This Tongtian Tower is far less exaggerated than the Ten Realms Tower. It is only about a hundred feet tall, and it is far inferior to the first floor of the Ten Realms Tower.

But there is a faint spiritual light shining on it, and the whole tower is like a crystal casting, exuding a mysterious and powerful atmosphere.

At this moment, names are also engraved on the crystal-like tower floor.

Chen Yi followed behind Chen Fan, and introduced: "The name engraved on the tower floor means the highest tower floor that the person has broken through..."

Chen Fan suddenly nodded.

The higher the Tongtian Tower goes, the fewer and fewer names are engraved on it.

So far, the people with the highest number of floors are basically names that Chen Fan has never heard of.

The number of these people is not small, and the highest ranking is even listed above the eleventh floor, but there are only three of them.

The further you go down, the fewer people there are.

"These people should also be geniuses who were introduced to the Holy Church through other channels..."

Because of the age gap, there are quite a few geniuses who cannot participate in the Meihui assessment.

Young geniuses in the future can slowly enter the Holy Church through the Meihui assessment, but these people who are over the age can only go through other channels.

The strength of these people is naturally much stronger than the geniuses who entered the church through the Meihui.

Chen Fan continued down, and soon saw several familiar names.

Zhou Bolan, Wu Cheng, Yuhu, the names of these three people are all listed on the sixth floor.

And you must know that the sixth level will face the assessment of the standard four-fold strength of longevity.

Chen Fan frowned slightly, and sighed in his heart: "Haven't they even passed the seventh floor?"

With the standard of strength of these three people, it shouldn't be difficult to match and defeat the ordinary fifth level of longevity, not to mention that Zhou Bolan and Yuhu, like himself, have entered the secret realm of time and have been vigorously cultivated...

The strength of the two should have improved a lot.

Are hesitating.

Chen Fan found that on the sixth floor, Yuhu's name suddenly disappeared, and then suddenly appeared on the seventh floor.

"The fish tiger broke through the seventh floor!"

There were shouts from around.

Chen Fan immediately understood that Yuhu was probably breaking into the tower just now.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, but deliberately waited outside the tower for a while, wanting to see if Yuhu could break through the eighth floor.

"The probability should not be high..."

After all, the eighth layer symbolizes the standard six-level strength of longevity, which is a comprehensive level of strength.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Chen Fan.

"You are Chen Fan?"

Because of Chen Fan's identity and aura, weaker martial artists should never even think about getting close to him.

Chen Fan turned his head slightly: "Your Excellency is..."

This is a coquettish woman in red. She has eight compound eyes on her forehead, and her skin is as white as snow. She is not an ordinary human race.

At the same time, the woman exudes a strong evil spirit, which makes people feel great pressure involuntarily.

Definitely a powerhouse!

The woman "hummed" and pointed to a name on Tongtian Tower:

"We are Feng Jiaojiao, here, I just broke through the ninth floor of Tongtian Tower, which is also the first sequence. We are all in the same sequence now, and we need to move around more in the future."

Chen Fan clasped his fists together, and said very politely, "Of course."

The eighth floor of the Tongtian Tower means having the strength of the sixth level of longevity. Feng Jiaojiao's ability to leave her name on the ninth floor also means that she is not only the sixth level of longevity, but also an ordinary sixth level of longevity. How can you not be in awe!

Such a character, even in the outside world, is a powerful master who is enough to support a group of people alone.

As she said that, the woman "hummed" again:

"This is your first time to break into the tower, right? Before you have mastered the mind world, it may be difficult for you to go above the sixth floor... If you lose, don't be discouraged. When you get the battle order, you can go to the Mansion of Divine Ability to exchange it A supernatural power to condense the world of mind in advance..."

"Cultivate slowly, refine your own way, and after you understand the world of mind, it will be easy to fight."

This Feng Jiaojiao is not only powerful, but also extremely enthusiastic.

"Is it okay?" Chen Fan couldn't help but blink.

But he doesn't even know that there is a magical power that can help condense the world of mind in advance!

The mind world is generally a standard equipment for the fourth-level masters of longevity, but it does not mean that only the fourth-level masters of longevity can comprehend it.

Forget about other places, but there are some god-defying supernatural powers in the temple, which can help to condense the world of mind in advance.

Of course, it goes without saying that Chen Fan also knows that even with such supernatural powers, the difficulty of practicing will never be too low!

It's just that for Chen Fan, as long as he has it and he can meet the cultivation requirements, he will be able to learn it sooner or later.

About a quarter of an hour later, a ray of spiritual light flew down from the Tongtian Pagoda, transforming into the figure of a fish and a tiger.

He frowned slightly, as if he was thinking about something.

Apparently his attempt to break into the eighth floor failed.

"With the strength of a fish and a tiger, after a hundred years of practice, you can't break through the eighth floor... It seems that this floor is not so easy..." Chen Fan didn't hesitate anymore when he saw this scene, and picked up the temple nameplate .

The aura flickered on the nameplate, and soon a ray of aura appeared on the Tongtian Pagoda, wrapping Chen Fan's body.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Fan's figure disappeared.

Feng Jiaojiao raised her head, her compound eyes twinkled with a dim light.

"Father said that Chen Fan is a person valued by the 'Zi Shang'. If he doesn't die suddenly in the future, he will be far more likely to become the 'Devil King' than ordinary people. He is weaker now, and I can just build a good relationship."

"But it's a pity that he is too weak now. After ten years, he will probably fall to the first rank... I don't know how long it will take to come back."

Feng Jiaojiao did not leave, but stood under the Tongtian Tower, looking at the names engraved on each floor.

Not long after, Chen Fan's name appeared at the end of the first floor.

Then it quickly went up to the second and third floors.

This is not a surprise to Feng Jiaojiao.

Seeing that Chen Fan's ranking continued to rise, he rose to the fifth floor.

Feng Jiaojiao blinked her eyes one by one:

"Chen Fan's power level is far higher than the general longevity four. He won the top three rewards of the Meihui, and he will have a hundred years of hard work. With his strength, it should not be difficult to pass the sixth level, but the seventh level may not pass... ..."

The seventh floor represents the assessment of the strength of the fifth level of longevity, which is far beyond the fourth level of longevity.

Chen Fan's level of strength is actually very strong, but at the fifth level of longevity, he has reached another level of mastery of the power of the Dao. In addition, the mental world of the fifth level of longevity is much stronger than the ordinary fourth level of longevity.

From Feng Jiaojiao's point of view, even if Chen Fan has been preached by an immortal for a hundred years, his own strength and realm are too poor, and it is still a bit difficult to break through the seventh floor.

Soon Chen Fan's ranking appeared above the sixth floor, which also meant that he broke through the sixth floor.

Above this level, the number of people is much less.

It didn't take long for Chen Fan's name to appear on the sixth floor.

A burst of exclamation sounded.

Feng Jiaojiao also looked at Chen Fan's name that appeared on the seventh floor in astonishment.

A look of astonishment flashed across his face.

"He actually broke through the seventh floor?"

Feng Jiaojiao didn't expect it at all.

The fifth level of longevity is not only the strength of the level of strength, but also the mental world is too strong.

Compared with the fourth level of longevity, it is the crushing of all-round strength.

The seventh floor of the Tongtian Tower is not something that can be broken through by fighting against the fifth level of longevity.

Even if Chen Fan's strength can reach this level, if he doesn't understand the world of mind, he will be completely passive. It stands to reason that he shouldn't be able to break through the seventh floor...

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