My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 909: The Treasure of Lei Xiangshan

"There must be the Four Levels of Longevity here..." Chen Fan looked at a certain location on the map, his eyes flickering.

Tens of thousands of miles away, there is a place called Thunder Mountain, where a special creature called Phaseless Ghost lives. This Thunder Ghost is also a powerful creature on the list of mountains and seas, but its ranking is not too high. It is even slightly lower than Chaos Yuanmo.

This kind of creature is extremely cruel. Although it is powerful, its intelligence is low.

Lei Xiangshan's strongest phaseless ghost has also reached the sixth level of longevity.

Naturally, there are also low-level thunder ghosts.

But the risks that need to be faced are not comparable to other places.

"Compared to other places, this Leixiang Mountain is a suitable hunting place for me. The Leixiang ghost is not smart enough, I have a 'hidden void', so be careful, it should be fine..."

In order to condense the mind world in advance, Chen Fan thinks it is worth taking a little risk.

Chen Fan adjusted his skills and set off immediately.

It only took him half an hour to cross tens of thousands of miles and arrived in front of Leixiang Mountain.

In fact, it spanned tens of thousands of miles in half an hour, compared to his current strength and Xiaodie's speed, it was nothing.

But the problem is.

Here is the sea of ​​chaos full of dangers.

Within tens of thousands of miles, perhaps, somewhere in the depths of the sea of ​​mist, there is a certain peerless beast hiding.

Not to mention that the sea of ​​fog has great restrictions on consciousness and vision.

Chen Fan had to face many obstacles when he took action.


Before arriving at Leixiang Mountain, Chen Fan saw the thunder light spreading above the sea of ​​fog.

Leixiang Mountain is a large continuous mountain range.

And the Chaos Sea is extremely special, and these mountains are not mountains in the usual sense.

The continuous mountains are all dark purple, and the roaring and turbulent thunder light on them will never stop. It is really the perfect place to practice the way of thunder.

"Unfortunately, the progress of my Dao of Thunder is too poor, but there is no need to waste time here..."

After all, Chen Fan's goal was the golden pill.

Even if he realizes the way of thunder, it will not add much to his own strength, let alone, even if there is such an environment, he does not know that it will take dozens or hundreds of years to realize it.

It's better to quickly obtain the golden core and practice in the secret realm of the Heavenly Sword.

The effect of practicing the way of swords there is much better than practicing the way of thunder here, and it is much more important to Chen Fan.


He flew into Lei Xiangshan, and suddenly electric arcs spread towards his body.

Feeling the numb body, Chen Fan raised his eyebrows.

To him, this lightning pouring into his body is like a massage, it won't cause any harm, but it's also useless.


He activated the Star God Seal, which was already extremely powerful, and the consciousness that had reached the immeasurable triple critical point immediately increased several times and swept towards the surrounding area.

"Huh? There's movement ahead!"

Amidst the lightning flashes, there was a battle going on.

On both sides of the battle, one is an extremely ferocious, special beast that emits lightning all over its body, and it is the Thunder Ghost.

But the target of the battle with Lei Xianggui is a human being!

A young man with an ordinary appearance.

"The humans who appeared here...could they also be people from the Holy Church?"

The church is only tens of thousands of miles away, but it is not too far away.

Hunting fierce beasts like Lei Xianggui can also complete corresponding hunting tasks in exchange for battle orders.

Of course, it could also be other people who practice the Way of Thunder!

The chaotic sea is not only the holy church, there are also many alien races and hidden sects.

One man and one beast were fighting fiercely, but it was clear that Lei Xianggui had the upper hand. The human race was not in good condition, but they tried their best to support it.

"This person seems to practice the way of thunder, and his attack has too little effect on the thunder type of the thunder ghost..."

His heart moved, but he rushed forward immediately.

The strength of this person and one beast is only the combat power of the second level of ordinary longevity, Chen Fan naturally has no fear at all.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, loosened the Leng Feng sword in his hand, but went straight through the air.

All of a sudden, Leng Feng's sword came over in a blink of an eye, chopping the giant thunder and lightning beast in two!

The flying sword controlled by Chen Fan's current spiritual power is also extremely powerful, perhaps far inferior to his own melee combat, but it is enough to kill ordinary longevity triples!

The young man in black, who was still fighting hard, looked at the flying sword that appeared in the sky in astonishment, and while he was relieved, he immediately raised his attention.

Light flashed across the sky, but Chen Fan's body was long overdue.

Leng Fengjian turned into a streamer and flew straight into his palm.

"So it's Senior Brother Chen Fan..." And when he saw Chen Fan's figure, the young man let out a long sigh of relief, then took out a pill and swallowed it, and began to heal his wounds.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at him: "Do you recognize me?"

He was sure that he had never seen this person.

With his spiritual sense and memory, he should be able to recognize the more than 10,000 people who participated in the Mei Hui and entered the holy hall.

This person is none of them.

The young man nodded: "In the fourth sequence of the lower church, Bo Langfeng, from the Wuliang Gate..."

People from the Four Holy Sects? !

The second level of longevity is only the fourth sequence...

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes: "Didn't you enter the church through the Meihui channel?"

Bo Langfeng nodded:

"I'm only fifty years older than me, so I didn't get to participate in the May Club. Otherwise, I would at least be able to enter the third rank, and even have a good chance of entering the second rank... But now, I don't know how many years it will take to get the chance Promoted to the third sequence..."

There was helplessness and a wry smile on his face.

Chen Fan also nodded, this is also a powerful genius.

It's just a pity that luck is not very good.

If his age can meet the requirements and enter the third rank, even if his strength fails to meet the requirements and falls down ten years later, his improvement in these ten years will be ten times stronger than that of the fourth rank!

And if he can enter the second sequence, the ten-year harvest will only be greater.

After all, he has not yet started to comprehend the Dao, and he will be able to advance by leaps and bounds again in ten years.

In fact, those who can join the Holy Church, even if they don't go through the Meihui channel, their talents are bound to be poor!

"Even if you are a person who practices the way of thunder, Leixiang Mountain is not the place for you, it is too dangerous..."

On Leixiang Mountain, there are thunder ghosts of the sixth level of longevity at the highest level, and there are also existences of the fourth and fifth levels of longevity. For people, the degree of danger is slightly higher.

Although it is said that Leixiang Mountain is a treasure land for practicing the way of thunder.

But because Lei Xianggui has an innately higher resistance to the Dao of Thunder, the master of the Dao of Thunder is not less dangerous here!

A hint of subtlety flashed across Bo Langfeng's face, and then his eyebrows sank slightly, but he seemed to be in a tangle.

Seeing his appearance, Chen Fan's heart was also moved. This person seemed to have something to say to Chen Fan with such an attitude...

Could it be that there are other reasons for the person to come here?

After hesitating for a moment, a flash of determination flashed across Bao Langfeng's face, and then he took a deep breath and said, "Senior Brother Chen Fan, you saved my life, and there is nothing to hide from you and me, Senior Brother."

"The reason why I came here to Leixiang Mountain was to practice a thunder-type supernatural power at first,..."

"In the beginning? What about now?" Chen Fan frowned.

Bo Langfeng said: "Now, I'm doing it for a 'treasure'!"

Chen Fan also couldn't help but startled: "Treasure?"

Bo Langfeng nodded: "A few years ago, when I first came to Leixiang Mountain, I only dared to act outside. At that time... I accidentally broke into an underground temple..."

"I have worked so hard, passed various trials and tests, and finally entered the depths of the temple..."

"That's when I realized that the temple was originally a temple dedicated to the ancient Thunder Beast."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly: "Ancient Thunder Beast... what is it?"

Bo Langfeng said with an incomparably dignified expression:

"Judging from the information in the temple, it is many epochs ago, when the four great gods were still alive. It is also one of the ultimate existences in this world above the 'demon god king'!"

Chen Fan was also shocked when he heard this.

"It's actually related to the ultimate existence?!"

One must know that even among the four great courts of gods, the demon king rank is already the top master.

Of the four great courts of gods, only each of the god kings is the "ultimate".

In this world, there will only be one "ultimate" on every avenue.

In fact, there are only a handful of "ultimate" avenues.

After all, according to Bai Zhi, there are no demon kings and immortals in the entire world with more than three figures.

Needless to say, the ultimate savings will be pitiful.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows: "You said...the former ultimate, could it be that..."

Bo Langfeng nodded again:

"The ancient Thunder Beast is a fallen 'Ultimate'. It is said that the one who made up the 'Avenue of Thunder' Ultimate is a senior of our human race!"

"The ultimate existence will also perish..." Chen Fan took a deep breath.

As one of the elements, it may not be comparable to the four basic elements of earth, fire, water, and wind, but the Dao of Thunder also has its own special and powerful features.

Chen Fan's thoughts turned.

Could it be that the fall of this existence is also related to the "big catastrophe"?

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