My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 910: The Legacy of the Thunder Beast

There are only a few ultimates in the world.

Already an existence standing at the apex of the world.

It's okay to say that it's okay to live the same life as the world, and it's impossible to die naturally.

According to what Bo Langfeng said, this "Ancient Thunder Beast" is the end of the period of coexistence of the Four Great Gods, and the time is right.

It's just that Chen Fan also found it strange.

Some avenues, no one has set foot on the ultimate since the birth of the world.

But why is there even a second ultimate born after the final fall of the Dao of Thunder?

"Is it easy to achieve the ultimate in the Dao of Thunder?" Chen Fan was thoughtful.

This shouldn't be just a coincidence.

"Could it be that after the ultimate existence of a certain avenue dies, it is easier for other existences of this avenue to step into the ultimate?"

It has to be said that this guess is still very possible.

Of course, he is just guessing at this time, he is far from the Demon God King, let alone the ultimate existence.

Naturally, Bo Langfeng didn't know about the change in Chen Fan's thoughts. Seeing that Chen Fan was thinking, he continued to introduce:

"That temple was built by the 'Thunder Clan' who believed in the 'Ancient Thunder Beast'."

"Although the 'Thunder Clan' has disappeared from history, it was also a clan that once produced Demon God Kings."

"I got a special item from that temple, pointing to the depths of Thunder Mountain. According to the information left by that temple, it may be pointing to a special place, where there may be 'Ancient Thunder Beast' left treasures!"

A treasure left by the ancient Thunder Beast?

Chen Fan's eyes flashed when he heard this.

I have to say he was very moved.

The ancient Thunder God used to be the "ultimate" existence. Even if he had already fallen and his position was taken by others, Chen Fan couldn't even imagine how precious the treasures related to it would be.

This is an incredible opportunity.

Not to mention Chen Fan, the Demon King and Immortals will be tempted!

It's just that although he was tempted, he didn't believe in Bo Langfeng easily because of this, he frowned deeply: " want to tell me?"

Chen Fan didn't think that just because he saved his person, it was worth it for him to tell him such important information.

Bo Langfeng sighed, but shook his head with a wry smile:

"You might as well tell senior brother, I was still very hesitant just now, and I really want to tell the truth..."

"In the past few years, it is precisely because I am obsessed with treasures that I have gone to the depths of Leixiang Mountain again and again, but because of my own poor strength, I have been repeatedly blocked and almost lost my life several times..."

"The reason why I tried repeatedly is precisely because I have greed in my heart."

"With my strength and talent, even if I don't have any concerns in my heart, I don't know how many years it will take to reach the sixth level of longevity..."

Bo Langfeng had a complicated smile on his face:

"For me, even if the remains of the ancient Thunder Beast exist, they are invisible and intangible...It will only increase my troubles and breed demons."

"In the past few years, even though I'm in a place like Leixiang Mountain, I haven't made any progress for a long time..."

"When I encountered a life-and-death crisis just now, I had already thought it through... If I can go back, I will immediately report the information on the 'Ancient Thunder Beast' to the Holy Hall, and I will completely cut off my thoughts!"

"You don't have to risk yourself any more, and it won't interfere with your practice."

"However, Senior Brother, you saved my life. Instead of telling the Holy Church the information, why not give it to Senior Brother to repay Senior Brother's life-saving grace."

Bo Langfeng's words were extremely sincere, with plenty of reasons.

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes.

There is indeed no problem with this person's journey, but Chen Fan will not fully believe it.

The possibility of obtaining the "ultimate" existence and leaving treasures is just surrendered. If it were Chen Fan, he would not have the courage.

As Bo Langfeng said, he also waved his hand, took out a cube blue spar, and handed it to Chen Fan.

"This thing is the item I got from that temple. It can indicate the map and lead to the treasure of the so-called ancient Thunder Beast."

As he said that, he also showed a subtle expression:

"However, all these are just one-sided claims provided by the temple. Whether there is anything left in the 'Ancient Thunder Beast', it may not be true. It may be just a trap, or there may be no powerful treasures at all!"

"Generally, when demon kings and immortals die, they will breed karma and evil forces, but this Lei Xiangshan, I don't think there is any karma at all. Senior brother Chen Fan, if you really want to go, you'd better be careful .”

Chen Fan took the square spar and nodded, but did not refuse.

In fact, without Bo Langfeng saying, Chen Fan would not risk his life.

He has the "Demon Killer Clone", but he intends to try a lot with the help of the clone, so that he can make his way into the Thunder Mountain.

As for the doubts that Bo Langfeng said, it is only after real exploration that we can be sure...


Bo Langfeng just left.

Chen Fan himself found a hidden place to hide, but then let the avatar act in Leixiang Mountain according to the instructions shown on the spar.

But his main body is using the special power of the Star God Seal to observe the actions of the clone all the time.

And as the avatar continued to approach the depths of Leixiang Mountain, the levels of Leixiang ghosts encountered around were getting higher and higher.

Fortunately, the avatar also holds the "Concealment", but it is always in safety.

"Huh? Is this a phaseless ghost with four layers of longevity?"

On the tenth day of the avatar operation, Chen Fan finally met a phaseless ghost with the fourth level of longevity.

His real body immediately started to act, using "Concealing the Void" and "Concealing the Void Sword Art", he naturally succeeded in killing such a thunder ghost with four levels of longevity.

However, the thunder ghost he killed with a surprise attack did not have to worry about damage to his mental world.

He himself, however, allocated part of his mind to absorb the power of the mind on this golden elixir, and practice "Condensation Jue".

And his clone continued to advance along the position indicated by the spar.

The location indicated by the spar is the deepest part of Leixiang Mountain, and also the most dangerous place.

After that, Chen Fan encountered more high-level thunder ghosts.

Soon, he encountered a thunder ghost with five levels of longevity.

This level of Lei Xianggui is much more difficult to deal with. Even if Chen Fan came out, it would be very difficult to kill him, and because he entered Lei Xiangshan deep enough, Chen Fan was also worried that dealing with such a master would attract other thunder ghosts. A ghost, so he never made a move.

"Based on my current cultivation, a complete Golden Elixir with the fourth level of longevity, the power of its center is enough for me to condense the world of my heart in advance, and I don't need a stronger one..."

And even a phaseless ghost of this level can't find his hidden figure.

Of course, his speed of action is also constantly decreasing.

Half a month later, his clone finally arrived at the location indicated by the spar——

In a huge, deep cave.

In the cave, however, resides a gigantic thunder ghost.

Needless to say, Chen Fan also knew that this was the phaseless ghost at the sixth level of longevity.

Chen Fan also lost his mind for a while.

The position indicated by the spar is here, which also shows that it is necessary to enter it with the spar and touch the specific mechanism or formation inside it.

However, in the case of the Longevity Sixth Level Thunder Phase Ghost, it was impossible for Chen Fan to take the risk and let the avatar bring the spar in.

The death of the avatar is a trivial matter, but it will be troublesome if the spar is lost.

"We have to find a way to get rid of this lightning ghost with the sixth level of longevity..."

Chen Fan also felt a little overwhelmed for a while.

Even if this thunder ghost is the weakest level of the sixth level of longevity, Chen Fan may not be this guy's opponent.

His thoughts turned.

Soon his eyes flickered.

"Who said I must be able to defeat this thunder ghost? I just need to find a way to lure it out, and then enter it with the spar, trigger the mechanism and leave!"

His eyes flickered: "With Xiaodie here, as long as I can't be trapped by this guy in the mental world, it's impossible for him to catch me..."

"So now, I will first find a way to complete the "Condensation Jue" and condense the world of the mind, then I can try to attract this guy..."

He made up his mind, but decisively summoned Xiaodie, but returned to the church.

With the help of the secret realm of practice in the temple, you can speed up and condense your own mental world.

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