My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 911 Condensed phase, mutation

In fact, without mastering the power of the Dao, even if you use special methods such as "Condensation Jue" to condense the world of the mind in advance, the world of the mind will be quite fragile.

After all, the mind world is structured according to one's own understanding of Tao.

However, Chen Fan has mastered the five ways, but it has increased the stability of the mental world to a certain extent.

Earth, fire, water, and wind, as the four major elements, are also the foundation of the world, but they are quite suitable for building the world of mind.

It took Chen Fan about half a year to exhaust the power of the mind in the golden elixir of the thunder ghost, and finally successfully condensed his own world of mind.

Although there are still differences from the real world of the fourth level of longevity, you must know that Chen Fan has only been promoted to the second level of longevity so far. He has the highest comprehension of swordsmanship, and he is still far away from the great way. .

After mastering the mind world, he naturally has a certain degree of mastery and understanding of "space change".

"If I had condensed this mental world during the Meihui, I wouldn't have lost to Yuhu..."

His expression is subtle.

If someone else forcibly introduces him into the mental world, he can use his own mental world to counter it!

And after mastering the mind world, he can also directly use the power of the mind world to lock the surrounding space, so that people around him can't activate the Wanli Wu Ting Talisman and the like.

This reminded Chen Fan of Sang Ning, the leader of the Blood God Sect.

"I'm afraid Sang Ning is also a master who has mastered the mind world... Has he already reached the fourth level of longevity, or is he like the sword emperor Xu Yu of Jianzong, who has comprehended the world of mind ahead of time?"

At that time, Chen Fan only knew that Sang Ning was above the third level of longevity, and that he was so strong that he could not resist at that time. Chen Fan was not completely sure whether he was at the third level of longevity or the fourth level of longevity.

Thinking about it now, it is possible that this person is at the fourth level of longevity.

In fact, not only Sang Ning, but Chen Fan and Yuhu were also locked in the space of the mind world when Chen Fan and Yuhu faced each other in Meihui.

When facing the Yuhu at the very beginning, Chen Fan once urged the "Wings of Escape" once, and when he activated it again later, the moving distance was extremely small. It should be locked by the Yuhu through the power of the mind world. space.

After completing the condensing, Chen Fan rushed back to Leixiang Mountain without stopping.

He asked the avatar to wait around with the square crystal, and then the deity took the initiative to enter the cave.

With the help of "Concealing the Void" and "Sword Hidden in the Void", he slashed out at the ghost of the sixth level of longevity with a single sword.

This thunder ghost was hundreds of feet tall, like a small mountain. Even if Chen Fan's "Hongmeng Sword" shot with all his strength, it didn't hurt this big guy much.

On the contrary, it aroused the ferocity of this monster!

Roar! !

Lei Xianggui's angry roar resounded through the sky.

The earth roared continuously, like an earthquake, but the already dense thunder in the sky became more dense, blasting towards Chen Fan one after another!

Chen Fan didn't dare to stay at all, he immediately called Xiaodie and fled outside.

As expected, the sixth-layer Thunder Phase Ghost was not reconciled to Chen Fan's escape, but took the initiative to chase after him.

It's a pity that its speed can't compare with Xiaodie.

Hearing the roar behind him gradually fade away, Chen Fan suddenly felt a terrifying pulling force coming from the void.

In the past, Chen Fan didn't have any resistance at all in the face of such spatial forces, but now, it's different.

Chen Fan decisively mobilized the power of his mind world to resist.


After all, Chen Fan forcibly condensed the mind world ahead of time, so although the Longevity Sixth Layer Thunder Beast was far enough away from Chen Fan, the pull of the mind world made it difficult for Chen Fan to support it.

"If I get closer to him, I'm afraid I will be absorbed into the world of mind in an instant..."

A sharp look flashed across Chen Fan's face.

For people at this time, it is enough to be able to resist a little.

With a thought, without him saying anything, Xiaodie's speed suddenly soared, instantly carrying Chen Fan out of the range where the pulling force existed, and headed far away.

The Lei Xianggui behind him roared angrily, but he could only slowly follow behind to eat ashes.

And at the same time.

Chen Fan's avatar quietly entered Lei Xianggui's cave with a square spar.

Chen Fan's deity carried Xiaodie to keep pulling with Lei Xianggui, keeping a certain distance, but not being pulled into the world of mind by Lei Xianggui.

While chasing and fleeing.

At the location of Lei Xianggui's cave, there was a roar that resounded through the world.

A huge beam of thunder and lightning spread and rose, piercing through the sea of ​​fog in the sky, directly illuminating the surrounding world.

And in this lesson.

In the entire Leixiang Mountain, the spreading and disturbing thunder light became ten times, a hundred times stronger.

The dazzling light like the scorching sun gradually extinguished.

Then a restless, evil and terrifying force came from the lair of the longevity six-level thunder beast.

At the same time, under Chen Fan's star god seal, he also completely lost his sense of the avatar.

After the Longevity 6th Level Thunder Beast screamed, it stopped chasing Chen Fan. It turned around and looked at the dazzling Thunder Light behind it, but it was prostrate on the ground, and its two huge eyes were full of respect. .

The next moment, the dazzling thunder light swelled and shot out like a torrential flood, submerging the entire Leixiang Mountain in the blink of an eye.

The surrounding area completely became a sea of ​​thunder and lightning.


At the same time, the periphery of Lei Xiangshan.

Holding a purple spar in his hand, Bo Langfeng stared at the raging thunder in the sky with burning eyes, and a look of excitement flashed across his face.

"This Chen Fan's actions are fast enough, and he has entered the depths so quickly..."

"But it saved me a lot of trouble..."

He licked his lips, tightly clutching the amethyst in his hand.

The lightning in the sky converged on the amethyst in his hand in the blink of an eye.

Then his body blinked and turned into phantom light and rushed into the thunder light.


"What a terrifying power!"

Even with Chen Fan's physical fitness, he could feel the tingling pain coming from his whole body.

At the same time, streaks of black air lingered in the thunder and lightning, and a special erosive force rushed in.

"It's Chongli!"

Chen Fan's face changed drastically, and he immediately summoned the source beads to protect his whole body at all times, which made him feel more at ease.

And suddenly, there was a roar in front of him, and the Longevity Sixth Level Thunder Phase Ghost suddenly started to rush around and roar, but it was the evil force entering the body, and the spirit was affected.

Previously, this evil force should have been suppressed by some kind of force, or sealed inside Lei Xiangshan, but when Chen Fan came with the token, he instantly lifted the seal.

"The avatar is probably finished..."

Sensing the force of the terrifying outbreak, the corners of Chen Fan's mouth twitched.

Without the protection of the source beads, no matter how strong he is, it is impossible to resist the erosion of this wave of evil forces.

In fact, I am already far away from the center of the eruption of the power, but I am still affected so much. The impact will only be greater at the core of the eruption of the power.

"Generally, the sixth level of longevity will collapse instantly at the core position..."

Chen Fan waited for about half an hour before the impact of the wave of evil force slowly subsided, but the surrounding lightning was still restless, forming a huge lightning barrier around Leixiang Mountain.

At this moment, the wave of the evil force has passed, and although the impact of the evil force has dropped greatly, except for Chen Fan, ninety-nine percent of the thunder ghosts or other creatures in the Leixiang Mountain have been transformed into evil spirits.

Chen Fan took a deep breath, narrowed his eyes, but looked at the long-lived sixth-level thunder ghost not far away, who had completely become a demon.

After hesitating for a moment, he didn't attack this guy.

Even if it becomes a demon, the combat effectiveness of the thunder ghost will not decrease too much.

This kind of creature was originally a ferocious beast, unable to change form and lacking in wisdom.

After transforming into a demon, his intelligence has not decreased too much, he still relies on his body's instincts to fight against people, but it is even more difficult to deal with because of the extra power in his body.

"I'm not strong enough, so there's no need to fight this guy..."

He shook his head, and took the initiative to move towards the head of Chongli and Leiyuan.

Damn, I sent this chapter to another book. I said why it feels wrong. Forgive the stupid author... o(╥﹏╥)o

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