Ten years passed.

The protection period of many geniuses in the Meihui has ended, and I don't know how many geniuses have fallen into the ranks.

Higher sequence levels, the first four sequences, generally have Meihui geniuses downgraded.

After all, those who can enter a higher sequence have a very high level of strength. There are many in the first four sequences, and Daoguo is immortal.

In only ten years, these Meihui geniuses want to make a big breakthrough, but it is very difficult to reach the average strength of the same sequence.

On the contrary, the lower ranks, the geniuses of Meihui, performed better.

In the past ten years, there have even been quite a few promotion sequences, and people who have promoted multiple sequences are not uncommon.

After all, people with lower ranks have lower strength.

Just like Li Linliu, his talent level is actually far higher than that of people of the same level, but because of his younger age and insufficient training conditions in the past, his strength is relatively low.

After entering the holy hall, he received special training and Chen Fan's help, but his strength improved extremely fast. In just ten years, he not only broke through the tenth level, but also broke through the second level of the so-called "Way of Gale Wind". heavy road domain.

He has been promoted to the rank twice in a row, directly from the ninth rank to the seventh rank.

In fact, Li Linliu is not the fastest growing in strength in ten years.

The most perverted person, who has been directly promoted from the normal sequence to the sixth sequence in ten years, this person is also a little popular in the temple!

Others may not be as exaggerated as this person, but there are many people like Li Linliu.

These people are generally not members of the hidden sect.

Lots from small places.

These people have not been effectively trained in the past, and their pearls are dusty, so their strength is naturally much worse than the geniuses of the hidden sect.

Only by entering the Holy Church can their true talents be revealed.

It's just that no matter how fast these people improve their strength at this time, it will be difficult to improve after the sequence and strength increase.

When Chen Fan saw these geniuses, although he felt admiration in his heart, he didn't feel that these people could threaten him.

The higher you stand, the more difficult it is to go to a higher place.

Especially the first three Sequences are basically masters of the third level of longevity and above. If you want to improve the Sequence, even a genius will have to spend dozens or hundreds of years.


And just a few days.

With the end of the second Meihui, the Holy Church also welcomed a new batch of disciples.

And those who were eliminated in the quiz just happened to leave the Chaos Sea by taking advantage of the flying palace where the new disciples were transported.

After leaving the church, it will be even more difficult for them to enter here again.

It is worth mentioning that.

This time, Luo Fangyan participated in the Meihui for the second time, and she, who had already reached Daoguo cultivation level, did not wait for the third Meihui, but directly entered the holy hall.

And the gold content of the Meihui this time is indeed no better than before.

Luo Fangyan, with his Dao fruit cultivation base, barely survived his combat power, and entered the second rank.

Putting it aside in the previous session, at least the combat strength of the second level of longevity is guaranteed to join.

Not just Luo Fangyan, Chen Xi, Ye Yunxin and others who have reached the level of masters, participated in the second Meihui, and successfully entered the normal sequence of the Meihui, and came to the holy hall together.

It's just that Chen Fan's senior brothers and sisters, Tao Xi'an, Fan Zhong and Yun Wei, have no chance to participate in the Mei Hui because they are over fifty years old.

In fact, if it weren't for the reduction in the gold content of the Meihui this time, the number of masters would not be as exaggerated as before, and Chen Xi, Ye Yunxin and others might not have the opportunity to enter the ordinary ranks.

Although they joined the Ziyue Sect and had all kinds of treasures from Chen Fan to help them practice, but their own talents and cultivation time are still short, and their strength is still very insufficient.

Chen Fan can help them improve their physical talents, but there is nothing Chen Fan can do about things like comprehension.

However, Chen Fan has already taught them the "Forging God Art", if the two of them succeed in practicing "Forging God Art" and comprehend the divine consciousness in advance, the efficiency of enlightenment will naturally increase in the future.

Chen Fan's true self has always been cultivating hard in the Heavenly Sword Secret Realm, but he specially left his avatar outside to welcome Yun Xin and the others!

Goodbye Chen Fan, Luo Fangyan immediately pulled Chen Fan back:

"Brother Chen Fan, little sister Lan Ruo has something to tell me!"

Lan Ruo, the "little ancestor" respected by others in Ziyue Sect, became a "little sister" in Luo Fangyan's mouth.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly: "Miss Luo, please tell me—"

Luo Fangyan said: "Lan Ruo told me, let you not forget the original agreement, she has been waiting for you for a long time..."

"Ahem." Chen Fan cleared his throat, naturally remembering what he promised Lan Ruo back then.

That was the first time he went to the Ziyue Secret Realm. He once promised Lan Ruo that after he was promoted to longevity, he would help her go to a place with residual power.

Although Chen Fan was promoted to Changsheng at the end of the Mei Hui, he came directly to the Chaos Sea after that, and couldn't go back for a short time, so this matter was naturally put on hold.

"Miss Lan Ruo, did you say that you are anxious about when I will go back?" Chen Fan also asked with narrowed eyes.

Chen Fan is currently in a period of rapid promotion, and with King Yehua around outside, he really doesn't want to leave the Chaos Sea easily.

This place is millions of miles away from the border of the mainland, and there are many dangers. Even with Xiaodie, Chen Fan doesn't know how long it will take to rush back to the mainland.

And even if they return to the mainland, they are still in the northern region of the mainland, and it will take time to return to the central region.

This time and again, it will delay Chen Fan's practice for a long time.

In fact, Chen Fan could contact Jianzong and ask Chen Tianqian to send an empty whale to pick him up.

However, the Chaos Sea is in a different dimension, and the distance is too far, so it will be extremely troublesome to use the Sky Whale.

In fact, although the empty whale is powerful, its own strength is not enough. When it comes to the sea of ​​chaos, it may be swallowed by a powerful existence...

Luo Fangyan said: "Lan Ruo said, within ten years, when you are free..."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly: "Ten years..."

It won't be long before his Dao of the Sword breaks through, but he should be able to stabilize at the first rank.

Within ten years, when you have time, go back.

In fact, the two masters, Dong Guzhi and Chen Tianqian, were both outside, and he wanted to go back and have a look if he had time.

"It's a pity that my avatar can't practice "Origin Technique", otherwise it would be most appropriate to let the avatar take a trip."

shook his head.

"Before that, I have to find a way to get rid of the mark left by King Yehua on me..."


The husband and wife Chen Fan and Ye Yunxin reunited after ten years, and naturally they became very intimate.

As the saying goes, a little farewell is better than a new marriage. To a warrior, ten years is not too long, and it is indeed a little farewell.

Afterwards, Chen Fan's avatar often lived in the lowest pagoda world, teaching Yun Xin and Xiao Xi to practice.

With Chen Fan's current strength and state, it is more than enough to be their teacher.

At this moment, the two girls are both at the eighth level of martial arts.

The artistic conception of comprehension is also an ordinary elemental artistic conception.

Time flies, half a year has passed in the blink of an eye.

Heavenly Sword Secret Realm.

Chen Fan himself, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, suddenly opened his eyes, and a strong look of joy flashed across them.

Chen Fan, who has practiced at least a hundred swordsmanship supernatural powers, finally pushed his own swordsmanship to the threshold of the avenue.

And as his core way, the breakthrough in the way of swordsmanship is also of great help to his strength improvement.

It's just that he has already broken through the third level of longevity with the help of the way of thunder and lightning, but the breakthrough in the way of swords can't improve his own cultivation level.

So although his strength has improved a lot, his own cultivation and soul have not improved at all.

But for him, this is still quite good news, because it means that his own strength will have a considerable improvement, not to mention being able to break through the ninth floor of Tongtian Tower, but staying in the first sequence, it is Inevitable!

The joy of the initial promotion dissipates.

Chen Fan also started to think about the future.

"Although I have already started the way of swordsmanship, it is ten or a hundred times more difficult to go further and reach the fourth level of longevity. Even if I can soak in the secret realm of Heavenly Sword every day, I don't know how long it will take to achieve it. achieve……"

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