My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 938 King Yuheng and the Promise

After a long life, one step at a time.

Especially after the third level of longevity, he began to comprehend the Dao.

The improvement of the Dao is too difficult.

Although Chen Fan's Wanjian swordsmanship has a great advantage in comprehending the Dao.

But it is still necessary to practice a lot of swordsmanship moves and supernatural powers.

Especially the Seven Great Immortal-level swordsmanship, the first few levels are good for practice, but the latter is really difficult, and the time required is also exponentially increasing.

Even with the help of the on-hook field, if he wants to improve his swordsmanship, it will take a long time to accumulate.

"My Wanjian swordsmanship, if you want to break through the Dao, you still have to learn and learn how many swordsmanship supernatural powers. Most people don't have my talent, and they don't even think about making breakthroughs for hundreds of thousands of years."

"It's too difficult to practice swordsmanship, no wonder many people choose to give up in the end even after comprehending sword intent and sword domain..."

Zhan Jianming of Sky Splitting Sword Sect is one.

He has comprehended many ways, including the way of swordsmanship, but he did not wait for the way of swordsmanship to be perfect, but promoted longevity through other weaker ways.

At the beginning, Wei Dong said that he was not wise, but now that he thinks about it, Zhan Jianming may be too wise.

Of course, Chen Fan practiced other ways.

If the Four Paths of Earth, Fire, Water, and Wind can also be promoted to the Dao level, the power of Chen Fan's "Hongmeng Sword" will not be able to enter the new level.

It's just that breaking through the Dao of these four kinds of Dao is probably even more difficult than reaching a higher level in the Dao of Sword.

Up to now, among the four elements, he has only one earth path, which breaks through the second level of longevity.

"It's because I smelted the Emperor..."

He has a lot of battle orders, although he has increased his emphasis on other ways, but it is the way of swordsmanship that he puts in the most effort and painstaking efforts to practice.

Because the way of the sword is only a thin line away from the Dao, in order to maximize his strength and make sure to stay in the first rank, he put all his energy on the way of the sword.

But now, since he has already broken through the Dao of Sword Dao series and can guarantee to stay in the first rank, he doesn't have to worry about majoring in Kendo.

"Based on my conditions and my understanding of the Dao of Thunder, I can definitely break through earlier than the Dao of Sword. If I can break through first, I can use this to break through the fourth level of longevity..."

Chen Fan's thoughts turned and his eyes flickered.

The so-called sharpening the knife does not cut the firewood by mistake, for Chen Fan, the most important thing is to improve the cultivation level faster.

After all, with the improvement of cultivation base, Chen Fan will not only improve his strength, but also his mental world will be more complete, and his soul will also break through to a higher level.

At that time, Chen Fan's thinking speed and enlightenment efficiency will be greatly improved, and he can save a lot of time when he returns to continue practicing swordsmanship.

Chen Fan changed the order.

But left a sub-spirit to slowly comprehend in the secret realm of Tianjian, but the deity came to the secret realm to assist in the practice of the way of elements.

With the statue of Thunder Beast, Chen Fan's speed of practicing "Thunder Law" was frighteningly fast, and coupled with the cultivation of Thunder and Lightning's Secret Realm, his improvement speed was quite fast.

Of course, Chen Fan said that he could break through the realm of the Dao of Thunder and Lightning faster, but in fact, he could not break through overnight.

According to the prediction, Chen Fan reckoned that he would be able to break through the Lightning Avenue before the new decade, and be promoted to the Fourth Level of Longevity.

In fact, in just ten years, he was able to break through from the third level of longevity to the fourth level of longevity. Among the geniuses in the first order of the temple, this is also a rather exaggerated speed of progress.


Chen Fan who was cultivating hard today.

But suddenly received a letter from Yong Guan.

His eyes flashed, but he voluntarily left the cultivation secret realm.

Since returning to the Ten Realms Tower.

In order to get rid of the imprint left on him by King Yehua, he enlisted the help of many experts.

Including the magic sword Hou Chuanjiu.

It's a pity that even this master of Fenghou peak couldn't notice anything strange about Chen Fan's body.

In the past few years, Chen Fan also contacted a few acquaintances in the first sequence, asking them to help him find a master with a powerful soul, and wanted to remove the mark left by King Ye Hua, but unfortunately he never got anything.

Among them are even teachers who are at the level of the Holy Church King. Unfortunately, such a person can't see the traces left by King Yehua.

If Chen Fan hadn't used the sun-shading mirror to confirm that there was indeed something wrong with him, he would have wondered if he had made a mistake.

But this time Yong Guan contacted Chen Fan because he helped Chen Fan find a peerless master who is good at the power of the soul.

According to Yong Guan, this is also a king master, known as "King Yuheng". He is a disciple of Xingjun, who is good at the art of soul, and his soul is far more powerful than ordinary king masters.

It is also the teacher of the holy church, and is actually a member of the so-called zeroth sequence.

It's just that in the past period of time, he seems to have traveled in the Chaos Sea for business, and he just returned recently.

Because he is also a human race, and he has known human geniuses like Yong Guan a long time ago, and he is also very interested in Chen Fan, a new star human genius.


The tenth tower circle.

Between the Qiongtai pavilions like a fairyland.

a high platform.

Chen Fan followed Yong Guan, looking at the woman in gauze, floating like a fairy.

This King Yuheng is a woman.

"Are you Chen Fan from the first series of famous human twins?"

Gemini is the title given to Chen Fan and Zhou Bolan by some good-for-nothings in the Holy Church.

Both of them broke through the eighth-floor Tongtian Tower within ten years of entering the Holy Church, and their talents and strengths are really strong.

Chen Fan coughed: "Compared to many senior brothers and sisters, this achievement is nothing..."

Yuheng Wang Yanran smiled:

"You don't have to be humble. You can still catch up with me in a few thousand years if you can still make such a terrifying progress at this level of strength."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows.

Did not answer the call.

To him, thousands of years is quite a long time, but he can't think about the future after that long.

King Yuheng flicked his sleeves slightly, with a smile on his face:

"Yu Xuehou has already told me your needs, so it's not impossible for me to help you, but... I won't help for free."

Chen Fan's eyes narrowed slightly: "If you have any requirements, senior, please tell me."

Asking such a master to help, naturally it is impossible to be free.

But for the Thunder Beast Temple and his party, Chen Fan, who got the inheritance of eight masters, his wealth and assets at this time are not worse than ordinary kings, and he has a lot of high-star Taoism artifacts. of.

King Yuheng smiled: "If I can remove the special mark on your body, I don't want anything else, as long as you promise."

Chen Fan was startled.

"You don't need to fulfill this promise now."

King Yuheng said calmly: "In the future, I want you to agree to a request within your ability. Of course, if the request is too much, you can completely refuse."

As soon as these words came out, Chen Fan was also extremely subtle.

This is King Yuheng's recognition of his potential.

At this time, Chen Fan only had the combat strength of the sixth level of ordinary longevity.

For King Yuheng, no matter how precious the things and treasures can be, what is the use.

If Chen Fan becomes stronger, this condition will be more precious than any treasures Chen Fan presents at this time.

Chen Fan nodded decisively.

"I promise you."

"Okay." King Yuheng walked forward with a smile, then looked at Chen Fan with flickering eyes, then slightly lowered his eyebrows, but suddenly raised his hand to press Chen Fan's chest.

"Don't resist..."

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