My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 969 Great Improvement in Strength

Although the repair is a breakthrough.

Chen Fan's strength will improve a lot.

But after all, what he broke through was not his own core swordsmanship.

The Dao of Thunder is also powerful, but for Chen Fan, it is more for supplementary and auxiliary abilities.

Therefore, the improvement of his personal strength is limited.

At this time, even if he sneak attack, it is impossible for him to kill the Demon Emperor.

"Since the cultivation base has broken through, let's try our opponents in the second round of the Battle Palace..."

Chen Fan's eyes flickered.

If he can break through the opponents in the second round of the Battle Hall, he will be able to get more opportunities in the Hall of Enlightenment.

If he can practice for a few more years, his own strength will naturally improve even more.

After consolidating his cultivation a bit, Chen Fan decisively left the Hall of Enlightenment, went to the Hall of Battle, and started to challenge his opponent in the second round of the Hall of Battle again.

Although compared to the beginning, dealing with opponents is no longer so one-sided, but it is still at a disadvantage.

The opponents of the Fenghou series, even if they are just phantoms, are not so easy to deal with.

"Cultivation breakthrough, at this time, I should be able to easily break through the ninth floor of Tongtian Tower, but without relying on foreign objects, there is still a certain distance from being a Marquis. It is easy to remain undefeated, but it is too difficult to win..."

Remaining undefeated in front of a master of Fenghou and defeating a strong Fenghou are two concepts.

Chen Fan's physical body is strong and his defense is amazing, especially after "Indestructible Vajra Body" broke through to the eighth level.

But his own hard power is still a lot worse.

Chen Fan tried several times in a row, using all means.

Even the power of Tianyuan was undisguised and failed to win.

"There is still a gap..."

Although he was unwilling to fight several battles, he also knew that some things could not be accomplished overnight.

After all, I have just broken through the fourth level of longevity.

He adjusted his state a little, but he did not continue to enter the Hall of Enlightenment to practice.

Instead, he got into the Immortal Mansion, and began to read the projection records left by Immortal Pengxuan for the second time, and began to practice "Picking the Stars".

His cultivation base has been promoted to one level, and his soul is naturally much stronger.

The browsing speed has been improved a lot.

After breaking through the fourth level of longevity, the efficiency of his hang-up of "Reaching for the Stars" has been greatly improved, and it only takes seven or eighty years to complete it.

In addition, looking through the projection of Immortal Pengxuan, his progress and efficiency of "Picking the Stars" have also improved again.

A month later, after watching all the projections for the second time, the progress of Chen Fan's "Reaching for the Stars" broke through 10%. At the same time, it only took him 40 or 50 years to complete it!

Chen Fan also didn't stop for a moment, and started to observe the fairy projection for the third time...

The more times he watches, the fewer times he can trigger the hang-up talent, which cannot be avoided.

But even if there is only one or two improvements, even if there is only a sporadic improvement in efficiency, it can save a lot of time for Chen Fan.

It took Chen Fan two years to watch the projections dozens of times in a row. His "Picking the Stars", in two years, the progress of his "Picking the Stars" has increased to more than 20%.

It's just that he has also passed his fastest improvement stage.

It is difficult for these projections to touch his comprehension, and the remaining progress will take at least 20 or 30 years to complete.

"In a short time, I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to improve."

He left the Immortal Mansion and returned to the Yuanshang Secret Realm, but immediately went to the Battle Palace again.

In the battle hall, there are no taboos, and it is convenient to test his "Star Reaching".

In the past two years, Chen Fan has hardly improved in other aspects.

There is only "Reaching for the Stars".

And "Reaching for the Stars" did not disappoint Chen Fan.

In the past, when the progress was low, Chen Fan pushed it once, and half of his body exploded directly, but now Chen Fan is finally able to barely use it in the state of the indestructible vajra body.

"I'm still a bit reluctant to use Star Reaching at this progress, whether it's the increase or the side effects on the body are still very big... If I hadn't broken through the eighth level of "Indestructible Vajra Body", I'm afraid I can't use it at this progress."

Although the progress of "Reaching for the Stars" is still not enough, the effect is already quite powerful.

Every time you activate "Reaching for the Stars", it can greatly increase the power of the move.

In the past, it was difficult for Chen Fan to use all his means to hurt his opponent in the second round, but now, even without using the power of Tianyuan, he can easily suppress the opponent!

It's just that in the first battle, before he could kill his opponent, he blew himself up and died under "Star Reaching" first!

With his progress at this time, but barely using "Reaching for the Stars", how can he use it too many times.

"Still not proficient enough."

His eyes flickered, but without hesitation, he entered the battle hall again and started the challenge.

At this time, he was already able to use "Reaching for the Stars", and he was able to greatly increase his strength.

Under "Picking the Stars", without relying on external objects, he can suppress the opponents of the rank of Marquis in the Battle Palace. As long as he can use "Picking the Stars" stably, his own strength will take a huge step forward. step!

Using "Picking the Stars" in actual combat, it may be difficult to increase the comprehension speed too much, but the real use can also increase the proficiency of "Picking the Stars".


Defeated again and again, continued to challenge again and again.

After Chen Fan made about a thousand challenges, several months passed.

He is more familiar with the use of "Reaching for the Stars", and he also has a better understanding of the limit state of his body, but under the premise of using all means by himself, before his body collapses, he finally succeeded in killing his opponent this once!

"If I were in the Holy Church, I would be able to break through the ten-story Tongtian Tower with "Reaching for the Stars"!"

Chen Fan was naturally extremely excited.

You know, this is in the battle hall.

He couldn't use the White Emperor Armor and Lengfeng Sword!

Before his breakthrough in cultivation, with the help of the White Emperor Armor and Leng Fengjian, he had already barely possessed the strength to be a Marquis.

Let alone now.

And after defeating the second opponent, he naturally obtained a lot of black bird feathers.


He still got an additional three years of training time in the Temple of Enlightenment.

Immediately afterwards, he also saw his opponent at the final level of the battle hall's immortality level.

The opponent has wings and golden light all over his body, he is the opponent of the Sun God Clan!

Needless to say, he is also a terrifying opponent of the King Conferring Rank. Chen Fan used all means when he came up, the double berserk, "Star Reaching", and the power of Tianyuan, but he was still killed by the instant kill.

To defeat an opponent of this level, it is not enough to be close to or at the same level, but to be stronger than a certain level.

"Even if I can use the White Emperor Armor and the Lengfeng Sword, it's impossible to defeat this kind of opponent...the gap is too great."

Chen Fan is still very self-aware.

With Baihuangjia around, he might be able to stop the attack of the master of the king, but it is impossible for him to be such an existing opponent.

He left the battle hall with a lot of black bird feathers.

Although there was a lot more practice time in the Hall of Enlightenment, Chen Fan did not continue to practice.

He knows his current situation.

It is impossible to make breakthroughs in the way of swordsmanship and the way of thunder and lightning in a short time.

In the remaining three years, even if Earth, Fire, Water, and Wind break through the Dao level, it will not be of much help to his strength improvement.

Instead, if he had to wait another twenty years and hang up "Picking the Stars" to perfection, his ability to display should have a considerable leap.

However, that was too long.

"Even if I don't have the White Emperor Armor and Leng Fengjian, I already have the strength of the rank of Marquis. If I am outside, my strength can be even more blessed... The Demon Emperor is only at the level of a Marquis, and it is absolutely impossible to block it." I can live now..."

His eyes flickered.

The killing intent surged in his heart.

Naturally, he was not reconciled and let the monsters continue to cause trouble outside.

Mao Wangchen is nowhere to be seen so far, and he may have died, but this hatred has always been in his chest.

Chen Fan immediately left the Yuanshang Secret Realm.

As for the outside world, as the past few years passed, Qinghe County was once again occupied by monsters.

Monsters are everywhere.

Chen Fan's eyes were cold, but he was not in a hurry to deal with these monsters.

Because he knows.

If the Demon Emperor is not dead, it doesn't matter how many monsters are killed.

He hid his figure and headed decisively towards Xihuang.

Within a quarter of an hour, Chen Fan came to Wan Yao Ridge again.

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