My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 970 Death of the Demon Emperor

After the cultivation base breakthrough, Chen Fan's "Hidden Void" concealment ability was naturally stronger.

When he hadn't made a breakthrough in cultivation before, the Demon Emperor didn't even notice him immediately, and he was still very confident in his "concealment" at this time.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Fan arrived at the Demon Palace in Wan Yao Ridge.

The demon emperor's palace has also been restored, restoring its original gorgeous appearance.

What made Chen Fan embarrassed was that compared to before, the Demon Emperor's Palace was surrounded by a large number of formations.

Although there is "Nixu", Chen Fan doesn't want to sneak in directly.

The Star God Seal is not complete, and its strength is not enough to break through the formation within it.

"With my level of strength, the Star God Seal has less and less effect on me. I have to find a way to gather the missing parts of the Star God Seal..."

The Star God Yinshouzijue and Pozijue are both limited in power, which may have a lot of effect on the third and fourth levels of ordinary longevity, but it doesn't have much effect on the current Chen Fan.

In addition to the fact that the Star God Palace can increase the soul, and the "Royal Word Art" has some effects, in other cases, he has rarely used the Star God Seal!

"When the Demon Emperor is resolved, I can bring Zhonglicheng and the Xingling back, and ask where Zhongli Haocang obtained the Star God Seal..."

The Star God Seal seems to be a treasure acquired by Zhongli Haocang by accident, not inherited from the Star Gate.

Knowing where he got it from, Chen Fan might be able to find some clues with the help of the "sun-covering mirror".

Although the power of the Star God Seal is much lower now, if its combination is complete, it is definitely not an ordinary Taoist artifact!

Not to mention anything else, just the scene of "Broken Star" in the Hall of Stars and the "Da Yan Shen Jue" are enough to see that this Taoist artifact is extraordinary.

Chen Fan shook his head, restrained his thoughts, and looked up at the palace with various formations in front of him.

In fact, with Chen Fan's strength, it is not difficult to forcibly break through the formation of the Demon Emperor's Palace if he is willing.

But the problem is, if he dares to break open, he will definitely be noticed by the Demon Emperor immediately, and he can't sneak attack, so the effect will naturally be greatly reduced.

"I have to find a way to take the initiative to force the Demon Emperor to leave..."

His mind turned, and soon he had an idea, but he took the initiative to separate a spirit to leave the sea of ​​consciousness, but took the sword pill, left through "spiritual action", and took the initiative to go to Dagan.

As time passed, about half an hour passed.

The spiritual light gathered in the palace, and a figure rushed out of the palace.

"Chen Fan!!"

Amidst the angry roar, the Demon Emperor flew into the air, glaring at the direction of Dagan.

"Chen Fan, I will definitely make you pay the price!"

His eyes were filled with murderous intent, but they turned into auras and moved towards the distance.

Chen Fan let the avatar go on a killing spree at Dagan, and once again killed a round of monsters in Wanyao Ridge.

This naturally violated the agreement with the Demon Emperor again.

It would be strange if he could bear it!

The speed of the Yaohuang was astonishingly fast, but the demon flew out of the range of Wanyao Ridge in the blink of an eye.

gallop between.

Suddenly a ripple flashed across the void, and then a surge of terrifying sword energy, accompanied by a huge eye of thunder, suddenly appeared beside the demon emperor!

The Demon Emperor's face changed in shock, but it was because the Thundering Eye froze in place, and he could only watch helplessly as the surging sword energy rushed towards him.

Chen Fan's whole body was filled with black evil aura, as the sword light passed, scales and tentacles spread in all directions.

This is the ninth Hongmeng Sword!

The enhancement of the White Emperor Armor, double rage, catching stars, indestructible vajra body, the power of the abyss, and the cold front sword are the blessings of the eighth level of Taoism.

The power of Chen Fan's sword has reached an extremely terrifying level!

Chen Fan's incomplete nine-fold four-fold holy sword may not be as powerful as the fourth form of Beiming, but Chen Fan needs the special power of "Hongmeng Sword" to eliminate everything to break the powerful physique of the Demon Emperor.

The sword light swallowed the demon emperor's body violently!

And you must know that the Demon Emperor was extremely angry and defenseless, and was affected by the Lightning Eye and the Power of Heavenly Abyss successively. He had no time to defend against Chen Fan's sword, which he insisted on.

Amidst the roar that resounded throughout the world, Chen Fan could clearly see the body of the Demon Emperor peeling off inch by inch.

Chen Fan didn't know if the power of his sword could reach the level of being a king, but even if he couldn't reach it, it wouldn't be too far behind.

The violent impact whipped up heavy storms.

The sword light was exhausted, and the body of the Demon Emperor disappeared. Except for the golden core that was not destroyed by Chen Fan, there was still a black glass ball left.

The black glass ball was filled with aura, and it shot up into the sky suddenly, and it went to the distance at an extremely exaggerated speed.

"The Demon Emperor is still alive?" Chen Fan frowned.

It should be that his true spirit has not been completely annihilated by this sword.

It's just that he doesn't even want the golden elixir, and wants to take the black bead, but he doesn't know what it is.

Chen Fan took the initiative to grab the golden pill.

At the same time, Fluttershy was immediately summoned.

"We chase!"

The extreme speed of Xiaodie may not be as good as some of the kings who are good at speed, but compared with the general princes, they are much faster. Even Chen Fan, who has realized the current state of the Dao of Thunder, is far behind.

Although the black glass ball was fast, its speed was still slightly inferior to Xiaodie's.

Chen Fan stepped on Xiaodie, and chased after him in the blink of an eye. The sword in his hand was full of light, and the terrifying power continued.

The most powerful part of the Demon Emperor is his own body and the method of avatar, and when his body is destroyed, he also loses his greatest strength.

He also knew that he couldn't escape, but he stopped, and a illusory black figure floated on the black beads.

It was the human form of the demon emperor.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me! I surrender!"

Is this the true spirit of the Demon Emperor?

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly.

In general, the true spirits of foreign races will have the appearance of the main body, but Chen Fan did not expect that the true spirit of the Demon Emperor is still in human form.

"Could it be that the Demon Emperor is a human race?"

Just when he was puzzled, the demon emperor's eyes froze.


Chen Fan also suddenly felt a terrifying spiritual shock coming straight to his sea of ​​consciousness.

At the same time, the Demon Emperor also carried the beads and galloped away into the distance again!

"The Demon Emperor still knows how to attack with spirit?"

After all, he is a powerful feudal marquis with a powerful spirit. Although his spirit attack is rather rough and not powerful, relying on his powerful spirit, he still has quite terrifying power.

It's just that compared with his powerful fighting power, this soul attack is far behind.

For Chen Fan with the Thunder Beast statue, although his spirit attack is strong, it is not enough to affect Chen Fan at all!

Chen Fan sneered.

Lightning flashed on the sword in his hand, but he activated the "Thunder Law" on his own initiative. When he slashed out with a sword, he used the power of the thunder curse to catch up with the demon emperor who had just rushed out in an instant.


Only the true spirit is left of the demon king, but it is extremely fragile, how can it stop Chen Fan's swordsmanship against the true spirit with the thunder curse.

But it immediately screamed and stopped, and the spirit body was also quite illusory.

After losing his powerful body, he also lost his biggest support.

"Chen Fan, don't kill me, I am willing to be your slave!"

"Hmph, you thought you would still believe you!" The Demon Emperor was so powerful that Chen Fan couldn't control it at all, and he was deceived by him, how could Chen Fan still believe him.

However, he resolutely increased his strength and slashed out with several swords in a row.

Under the thunder curse, his true spirit quickly dispersed!

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