My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 971 Destruction

The demon emperor's true spirit collapsed.

The black bead lost the attachment of its true spirit, and also lost its strength, and fell straight to the ground.

Chen Fan rolled the power of heaven and earth and took the beads back.

"This thing can be intact under my full swordsmanship, it is definitely not an ordinary thing..."

Under Chen Fan's full attack, the power of the move even destroyed the body of such a powerful Demon Emperor directly. This thing is definitely not a mortal thing.

It's just that Chen Fan didn't rush to study this thing, but grabbed the sword and turned it into a spiritual light soaring into the sky.

Now that the Demon Emperor is dead, there will be no monsters in Wanyao Ridge to be Chen Fan's opponents.

Instead, he rushed directly to the location of the Demon Emperor's palace.

Under the induction of his spiritual sense, there are still a few powerful auras in the palace.

Most of the masters of the monsters in Wanyao Ridge are here.

Although compared with the human race in the southeast region, there is a big difference, but

The sword light roared down.

The formations and barriers outside the palace were broken layer by layer.

The earth trembled like an earthquake.

Immediately afterwards, one after another figures were seen soaring into the sky.

It is the powerful monster in the Demon Palace.

In the entire Wan Yao Ridge, the strongest monsters are these guys.

"Chen Fan, it's you again!"

A lion-masked man floated in the air, and was at the forefront of many monsters. His whole body was domineering, but his eyes were full of fear.

Chen Fan felt unclear about its strength, but judging from its aura, this lion demon must at least have the standard of the sixth level of longevity.

It's just that among the monsters in the Demon Palace, there is no second one that puts such a great pressure on Chen Fan.

Even monsters with four or five levels of longevity are rare.

"Ying Zisheng said that Wanyao Ridge is only as powerful as the Demon Emperor, and he doesn't have too many powerful monsters under his command..."

Chen Fan looked at these monsters with cold eyes.

"After today, Wan Yao Ridge will cease to exist!"

The cold voice spread around with the billowing air waves.

After saying this, the complexions of many monsters changed suddenly.

"Chen Fan, how dare you?!"

"How dare you! Lord Demon Emperor will not let you go!"

Chen Fan sneered, his eyes were icy cold, but his body suddenly turned into blood, aroused with violent power.


The tyrannical and bloodthirsty breath spread in the blink of an eye.

The surrounding monsters were terrified.

The lion-faced man roared and turned into a huge beast with a height of hundreds of feet, and other monsters followed suit.

"Is it useful?"

Chen Fan's eyes were cold, and the sword light in his hand suddenly fell.

"No Self Sword!"

The sword in Chen Fan's hand had just fallen, but the sword light swept out instantly.


Blood flowers bloomed in the sky.

The many monsters in the sky had no time to enter the world of mind, and died under Chen Fan's sword light.

Even the lion monster that also reached the sixth level of longevity had no time to hide in the world of mind.

Chen Fan's sword is too fast!

The third form of Wuwu Sword itself is a powerful supernatural power of the Dao of Swords series. With the blessing of Chen Fan's many powers, the power of this move is also extremely terrifying.

It's perfectly normal to kill an ordinary sixth-layer longevity.

As for other monsters, they are not as good as this lion monster when they are tied up, and they are all killed incidentally.

And to kill these strong men from the Demon Palace, Chen Fan picked up their corpses, then snorted coldly, and once again slashed his sword towards the Demon Palace.

After the roar, the huge Demon Palace was completely in ruins.

Tens of thousands of weak monsters inside it also perish.

After that, Chen Fan's spiritual consciousness was also stirred up.

Although his single-handed sword moves are fierce, Wanyao Ridge is too big, and its area is more exaggerated than that of a dynasty in Dagan. With his swordsmanship alone, the tens of billions of monsters in Wanyao Ridge are basically Kill endlessly.

He flew up, but looked into the distance.

Not long after, in the void between, his spirit came flying from a distance.

After reaching the fourth level of longevity, his spirit division has also become more and more powerful. Even without the "spiritual action", the spirit body can last forever outside, but under the blessing of the "spiritual action", it is almost invisible to the outside world. What discomfort.

This split spirit is just the bait used to lure the Demon Emperor away with the sword pill and go to kill the monsters.

After Jianwan returned, he also had the ability to quickly kill the remaining monsters.

With sharp eyes, he communicated with the Star God Seal first!


His soul immediately soared, and then above the sword pill, streamers of silver light flew out in an instant.

All the monsters in Wanyao Ridge are hundreds of times more than those who invaded before!

Where his flying sword passed, monsters died in droves.

Each of his flying swords is enough to kill the big monsters of the first and second levels of longevity. Ordinary monsters will die if they are rubbed by the sword energy!

Not only monsters, but also many other monsters.

Although the alien monsters used to be human beings, they have changed their species after all, and it is irreversible. Naturally, Chen Fan will not show any mercy.

With the increase of Chen Fan's spiritual consciousness, the flying sword is enough to fly to all places within Wanyao Ridge.

Although the flying sword kills enemies and flies very fast, but because there are too many monsters and the Wanyao Ridge is too large, it is impossible to kill these monsters for a while.

However, there are still certain powerful monsters around, and it was discovered in advance that the monsters in Wanyaoling are being wiped out continuously, and many big monsters fled with their groups.

Those below the third level of longevity are fine, and they can't take away too many monsters of the same family, but the big monsters of the fourth level of longevity can stimulate the mind world, and the number of monsters that can be taken away is greatly increased.

There are tens of billions of monsters, Chen Fan can't kill them at all, he can solve all the ones he can see, but he can't control the ones he can't see.

It's just that compared to the tens of billions of monsters, only a very small number escaped and missed, probably not even one percent, but it's nothing at all.

A full day passed before Wanqian Feijian flew back to Chen Fan from all directions.


Even for him, a look of fatigue flashed in his eyes.

It is also a considerable consumption for him to increase his consciousness for a long time and activate the "Ten Thousand Swords Code".

But his eyes were unusually bright.

At this moment, within the range of Wanyao Ridge, his spiritual sense sensed that there was not a single living monster left!

Of course, there must be some monsters raging in Wanyao Ridge in the wilderness, or escaped from Wanyao Ridge, but they are only a very small part, but they can't cause any storms.

If you want to solve them all, it will take a long time and the effect will be poor. Chen Fan has no energy and no need to kill them!

Accompanied by this killing, his Killing Triple Dao Domain has finally broken through to the Dao Fruit level, and he is not far from being completely enlightened.


After finishing the killing, Chen Fan did not leave immediately.

Instead, it was trimmed again, and the flying sword was shot in all directions again, this time not to kill the monsters, but to recover some monsters' corpses.

Chen Fanfei killed dozens of longevity monsters with his sword, let alone ten-fold series.

For Chen Fan, one or two corpses of ten-weight monsters are worthless, but the number is too large, and the total amount is exaggerated. Even if they are used as sacrifices for sun-shielding mirrors, they are quite good!

After recovering the corpse of the monster beast, he left Wanyao Ridge and headed towards Dagan.

Before he could return to Dagan, he sensed a powerful aura coming towards him without any disguise.

The man is Ying Zisheng.

"Chen Fan, you killed the monsters sent by Wanyao Ridge to invade Dagan again?!"

Ying Zisheng's face was also a little anxious: "Why are you so impulsive, are you really not afraid that the demon emperor will throw a mouse and die with us?"

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