My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 972 Killing Intent

Ying Zisheng looked anxious.

Before Chen Fan, in order to seduce the Demon Emperor, he specially sent Fen Ling with a sword pill to slaughter the monsters sent by Wanyao Ridge again!

Ying Zisheng didn't know what happened in Wanyao Ridge at this time, so he was naturally worried that the Yaohuang would throw a mouse trick.

Chen Fan understood Ying Zisheng's worry, but he waved his hand and said lightly:

"Senior Ying, don't worry, from now on, the threat of Wan Yao Ridge will no longer exist..."

Ying Zisheng couldn't help being taken aback:

"what do you mean?"

Chen Fan's eyes were sharp: "The Demon Emperor is dead, and most of the monsters in Wanyao Ridge have been killed. There are a few monsters who escaped, but it's nothing to worry about."

Ying Zisheng's eyes widened: "You... the demon emperor is dead, is it you? What did you do?!"

Chen Fan nodded:

"I have mastered a special concealment method, a special magic weapon, deliberately lured him away from Wanyao Ridge, and then succeeded in a surprise attack in one fell swoop, killing him!"

But he simplified the process.

In fact, he had quite a lot of treasures in his hands, without the assistance of the White Emperor Armor and Leng Fengjian, he wouldn't be able to kill the Demon Emperor so easily.

The combination of his many means can achieve such a result, but it is indispensable for any side.

"Unexpectedly, unexpectedly..." Ying Zisheng also had an unbelievable expression on his face. He, together with many masters from hidden sects in the southeast region, could not stop a demon emperor, but he was suddenly killed by Chen Fan. feeling suprised.

And you know, a year ago, Chen Fan had nothing to do with the Demon Emperor.

In just one year, what magic weapon did Chen Fan get to directly kill the Demon Emperor?

Ying Zi Shengshi was also a little confused for a while.

"I'll go to Wan Yao Ridge first!"

What Chen Fan said was too shocking. Although he didn't think Chen Fan would be a person who talked big, it was hard to believe it so easily.

He bid farewell to Chen Fan immediately and disappeared as a streamer.

Chen Fan watched him leave, then shook his head, and took the initiative to go in the direction of Dagan.

When Chen Fan arrived in Qinghe County.

Chen Fan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Under his spiritual sense induction.

In the small Qinghe County.

However, many longevity masters have gathered together.

In addition to Daqian native longevity masters, there are also many longevity masters from Wuxiangzong, Lingshen Daozong, and other hidden sects.

These people are waiting in full battle, with serious expressions.

Among them, there are many masters of the fifth and sixth levels of longevity.

Obviously also worried about the demon emperor's attack again.

"Chen Fan is back!"

When he saw Chen Fan's figure.

Chen Wudao and other senior officials, as well as several immortals from the Lingshen Dao Sect, all had delicate expressions and were extremely embarrassed.

Chen Fan's eyes swept over everyone, but he felt a familiar atmosphere and figure.

His eyes shifted, and he looked at a middle-aged man dressed as a Taoist priest with a subtle expression.

"Senior, we meet again."

The Taoist also raised his eyebrows slightly, and nodded: "I never thought about the fate of the first meeting, Chen Fan, you still remember me..."

This Taoist priest was the Venerable from the Yuhua Sect when Chen Fan was attacked at the Meihui meeting place in Longyuan City more than ten years ago when he was going to the Lingshen Taoist resident.

It's just that he didn't show his real body at that time, but just turned into a big face.

Chen Fan smiled, but glanced at the other person behind the Taoist priest: "If it wasn't for this person, I might not be able to recognize the identity of the senior."

It was a man in black with an embarrassing expression.

This person is the second level of longevity sent by the Lingshen Taoist sect to attack Chen Fan...

Chen Fan still remembers that at that time, because of his sneak attack on him, the venerable directly took him down. Although he was spared the death penalty, he let him follow the venerable.

The man in black coughed: "Chen Fan is a genius, your lord has a lot, everything was a misunderstanding..."

"Misunderstanding? You ask your head teacher, does he believe it?" Chen Fan sneered, his eyes shifted, and he turned around, but looked at an old man with a gray beard on the other side of the crowd.

He is the son of Lingshen who is in charge of the Lingshen Taoism sect.

The masters of the human race in the southeast region gathered together, and there was no such thing as the most powerful sect on the surface, the Lingshen Dao Sect.

Although the Hidden World Sect made a move, and the Southeast Region is no longer the only one of the Lingshen Dao Sect, but in fact, there are not many sects that can compare with his family.

Lingshenzi also had a delicate expression, and sighed: "This matter is indeed the fault of my Taoist sect..."

Lingshenzi also felt helpless in his heart.

But I regret it.

Back then, he shouldn't have promised to fight against the royal family, but insisted on chasing and killing Chen Fan.

Before Chen Fan defected to Daqian, his relationship with Lingshen Taoist Sect was not good.

But it's not really a deep hatred.

However, the death of one or two disciples may be related to Chen Fan.

But when Chen Fan defected, Lingshen Dao Sect sent Liu Hanyin and Chao Ri to hunt down Chen Fan, and after they failed, the enmity between Dao Sect and Chen Fan widened.

It wasn't until later in Longyuan City, at the Meihui, that Daozong sent people to try to assassinate Chen Fan again, that the conflict between Daozong and Chen Fan really reached an irreconcilable level.

Although later Lingshenzi showed weakness and asked Li Linliu to help turn it around, but the grievances that had already been forged could not be resolved so easily.


Chen Fan moved his hand forward, and Leng Fengjian appeared in his hand. He stared straight at him, with murderous intent gushing out from his body: "Your Ling Shen Dao Sect wants my life several times, but have you ever thought that there will be such a thing?" one day?"

In the past, Chen Fan was too lazy to come here to avenge these small things when he was practicing hard in the temple, but now that he has returned to the Southeast Region, Chen Fan doesn't care about giving him a sword.

"Chen Fan!"

"Chen Fan is a genius!" The longevity masters around him had subtle expressions, but they hurriedly persuaded them.

Chen Fan seemed to have never heard of it, the sword in his hand was raised forward, his face was cold: "Who dares to stop me?"

Chen Fan's voice fell, and everyone around him fell silent.

Although there are many masters around, even the fifth and sixth levels of longevity, Ying Zisheng, the strongest, has already gone to Wanyao Ridge to check the situation, and among the rest, the strongest is only the ordinary sixth level of longevity combat power.

As for Chen Fan, he had shown his Marquis-level combat power a few years ago.

Regardless of whether Chen Fan relied on foreign objects or not, the feudal power he achieved was the same for them.

None of the people present are Chen Fan's all-in-one enemy!

Lingshenzi smiled wryly, not to mention the current Chen Fan, even the Chen Fan who participated in the Meihui more than ten years ago, he would not be an opponent, and naturally he knew that there was no point in resisting.

"Chen Fan, what happened back then was indeed a problem with my Spiritual God Dao Sect. I would like to apologize for you and pay the price... However, the human race in the southeast region is at a critical juncture. Even if I die, please let me Died in the battle with the monster!"

What Lingshenzi said also made Chen Fan startled.

This old man can have this kind of awareness, but he did not expect it.

He raised his eyebrows slightly, but said:

"Let me ask you something. At the Mei Hui, someone lured me out of Longyuan City more than ten years ago, and intercepted and killed me... Did you participate in this matter?!"

At the beginning, Chen Fan wanted to deliberately seduce the warriors of the Blood God Cult, but he did not expect to attract Rui Chi and Yuhu from the horned demon clan. At that time, his master Chen Tianqian was intercepted by a mysterious fourth-level immortal master, whose identity was unknown.

Chen Fan suspected that it might be the Son of God.

Of course not sure.

According to the master, the master hid his identity, but the master did not recognize it.

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