My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 973 Chen Fan's Request

Lingshenzi was startled when he heard what Chen Fan said, raised his eyebrows slightly, then shook his head decisively and said:

"I can swear by the way of heaven. If I ever participated in the interception and killing of you in Meihui, I will immediately burst into pieces and die!"

Lingshenzi is also a master who has already entered the Dao.

As soon as the word "swear by the way of heaven" came out, Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly.

It wasn't Chen Tianqian who was intercepted by Lingshenzi, could it be the horned demon clan created by Rui Chi, or a master of the Liberty League?

"Rui Chi has died a long time ago. If I want to know the answer, maybe I can ask Yuhu when I have a chance..."

In fact, Chen Fan didn't take this matter too seriously.

After returning, he saw Lingshenzi, and he remembered it.

Seeing this situation, Lingshenzi made the oath of heaven, and the people around him also breathed a sigh of relief.

The venerable from the Yuhuamen also cleared his throat and acted like a good person:

"Since everything is a misunderstanding, let's leave this matter as it is for the time being... The demon has not been eliminated, and we human races in the southeast region should join hands and work together to resist the demon..."

It's just that before the person finished speaking, the sword in Chen Fan's hand fell towards Lingshenzi.


The turbulent sword light fell, and Lingshenzi's body burst instantly.

Even now, this old man is only at the fourth level of longevity, and he is at the fourth level of longevity, which is also the fourth level of longevity. Chen Fan can easily kill him in seconds without any increase or blessing!

When the sword fell, Chen Fan also put away the cold front sword, and he looked at the void coldly:

"Even though you didn't take part in the Mei Hui, your Ling Shen Dao Sect chased me several times in the past and wanted to take my life, but I had to take revenge..."

"However, my teacher Dong Guzhi was born in your spiritual Taoist sect, so I will destroy your physical body as punishment!"

"Of course, it's not enough to appease my anger..."

Chen Fan's eyes were piercing, and he waved his hand and put away the sword in his hand:

"Didn't you say that you would rather die in the battle with monsters? Well, then you need to swear to me that you will dedicate the rest of your life to the cause of 'eliminating monsters' and pay all your strength and price, including the souls under your control." The power of the Shinto Sect will be used until all the monsters that threaten the safety of the Southeast Region and the Great Wilderness are wiped out!"

Everyone around looked at each other in blank dismay, but everyone knew that Chen Fan possessed the strength of a feudal lord. No matter what the reason was, or what foreign objects he used, the people present didn't dare to control what they thought in their hearts.

"I am willing to bear this price." A illusory spirit in the sky condensed into the appearance of an old man, with a helpless face.

Especially when he heard what Chen Fan said to spare Dong Guzhi's life for his sake, his expression was also very strange.

But he couldn't help remembering that Chen Fan was not only old with Lingshen Dao Sect, but also almost joined Lingshen Dao Sect.

Even when Chen Fan became famous in Dagan, he didn't take this matter too seriously.

With the size and strength of the Lingshen Dao Sect, there are countless geniuses. At first, it seemed that missing a Chen Fan was nothing.

But looking at the past with the eyes of this moment, the soreness in his heart is indescribable.

Immediately, Lingshenzi made the oath of heaven.

He also has no choice at all.

Chen Fan also nodded.

Although he destroyed Wanyao Ridge, in fact, there are still many monsters who escaped and survived in Wanyao Ridge.

Perhaps the threat is far less than before, but it is still not a small threat to the human race in the Great Wilderness and the Southeast Region.

In fact, even if all the monsters in Wanyao Ridge were killed, it did not mean that the monsters would perish.

Wan Yao Ridge is just the largest gathering place of monsters in the southeast region, and is the most threatening. In fact, there are also monsters living in other places.

With the strength of the Lingshen Dao Sect, even with all his strength, it is still difficult to completely wipe out the follow-up evil troubles, but the rest of his life will depend on it.

For Chen Fan, killing Lingshenzi was easy, but it was too cheap for him.

Letting him make the oath of heaven can not only serve as a punishment for his people, but also benefit ordinary warriors and civilians in the southeast region.

And the Lingshen Taoist sect must continue to throw power to get rid of the monsters!

Afterwards, Chen Fan's gaze shifted, but he turned to Chen Wudao and other senior officials.

His eyes were extremely cold.

Now that the threat from Wan Yao Ridge has been resolved, it is time for him to settle the vengeance with Chen Wudao and others.

Seeing Chen Fan's gaze sweeping towards them, these great immortals all looked more embarrassed and worried.

Chen Wudao sighed: "Chen Fan, Dagan is willing to pay any price to compensate you, even if you want to take my life, it doesn't matter... But I only ask you to let me die in the battle with the Wan Yaoling monster..."

Chen Fan sneered: "Wan Yao Ridge no longer exists!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned.

Chen Wudao was stunned and puzzled: "What does this mean?"

"Literally, the Demon Emperor is dead, and Wan Yao Ridge no longer exists." Chen Fan said indifferently.

The warriors around were astonished and amazed, but they still didn't understand what Chen Fan meant.

And at this moment.

But there was a flash of spiritual light in the sky, and amidst the loud laughter, Ying Zisheng fell ahead of the crowd.

"Hahahaha, Chen Fan, you are really the light of my human race in the southeast region, and Wanyao Ridge has been destroyed! All the human races in the southeast region and the Great Wilderness must thank you!"

When Ying Zisheng's voice fell, everyone around Changsheng was also shocked when they heard the words, and their faces were either pleasantly surprised or surprised.

Needless to say, Chen Wudao and other great warriors were all overjoyed.

Dagan, as the border of the Western Wilderness, can be said to be the dynasty most threatened by the Wanyao Ridge in the Southeast Region.

Wan Yao Ridge was destroyed, and the direct beneficiary was Da Qian.

Chen Wudao turned his head to look at Chen Fan, but he was pleasantly surprised and lonely: "Since the crisis of Daqian has been resolved, I don't care if you want to kill Chen Fan—"

It's not how fearless he really is, but because he knows that with Chen Fan's strength, if he wants to kill himself, he can't stop him at all.

Chen Fan sneered: "If I really wanted your life, I wouldn't wait until now..."

As early as a few years ago, the day Chen Fan returned to Dagan, he could kill Chen Tiangan at any time.

With Chen Wudao's strength, unless he has some strong defensive cards, Chen Fan can send him on the road with a single strike.

Chen Wudao heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the words.

It is ready to die calmly, but it does not mean that it is not afraid of death.

Chen Fan's eyes flickered:

"Dagan is my homeland after all. If I really disregarded my nostalgia, I wouldn't be so angry at the invasion of Wanyao Ridge monsters. It's just that I can't completely treat what you have done to me in the past as non-existent."

Chen Wudao looked at Chen Fan and nodded decisively: "Chen Fan, what request do you have, just say it is—"

Chen Fan didn't answer right away, but waved his hand, taking Chen Wudao into his mind world.

Some things, naturally, cannot be said to other people.

The highest level of Chen Wudao is only the Void Core Realm, and he has not yet realized the world of mind, but he has mastered the supernatural power of space. If he is willing, it is impossible for Chen Fan to easily include him in the world of mind. I am afraid that he is in front of Chen Fan. Deliberately gave up resistance.

After that, Chen Fan himself disappeared.


In the world of Chen Fan's mind.

Thunder flashes above the lavender sky, and above the empty, invisible red wilderness stands a long sword that looks like an illusion.

This is Chen Fan's mind world.

The mental world is the embodiment of the power of the Tao that a person understands.

Everyone's mental world is different.

Even for different people who comprehend the same way, the mental world may have their own differences.

Because of the way of the four basic elements of earth, fire, water, and wind, his mental world is extremely stable, which can be said to be quite stable compared to the ordinary fourfold longevity.

Chen Wudao is also Chen Fan's first guest in the world of mind.

His gaze narrowed slightly, and then he immediately retracted his gaze.

"Chen Fan, tell me... what request do you have?"

Chen Fan was also not polite to him at all: "First, I want you to pass on the supernatural power of 'So Far Away' to me."

When Chen Wudao heard this, his eyes flickered slightly, he hesitated slightly, and then nodded: "Yes."

Chen Fan also continued: "Second, I want the Vientiane Pot."

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