My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 974 Space Seed, Space Secret

In Daqian, apart from Chen Wudao's spatial supernatural powers, what Chen Fan is most interested in is the Vientiane Pot.

When Chen Wudao heard the words, he gave a wry smile:

"Well, I can't answer you... The Vientiane Pot is controlled by Yan Shoudao, the head of the Martial Academy, but in fact the Vientiane Pot is a property of the royal family. I promised Liu Gang to keep the Vientiane Pot for him..."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, and then asked: "What if... the emperor of Daqian also agrees to give me the Vientiane Pot?"

Chen Wudao was taken aback for a moment, then smiled wryly again:

"Then it has nothing to do with me."

Chen Fan's strength is here, Dagan is powerless to resist, if even the current emperor agrees, there is no need for Chen Wudao to refuse!

As he said that, there was a touch of subtlety on his face: "Chen Fan... If you get these two things, can I invite you to return to Daqian..."

Chen Fan sneered: "Didn't I go back to work?"

Chen Wudao sighed:

"Chen Fan, you should understand what I mean... the great power is weak, there was the Spiritual God Sect in the past, and these hidden world sects in the future, and I can't maintain the great foundation by myself... I only need your name... "

Chen Fan shook his head: "My two requests are what I deserve! If you want me to help again, okay, what reward are you willing to pay?"

At the beginning, I forced myself out of the big job, and now I want to ask myself to return, how could it be so cheap.

Chen Wudao couldn't help but hesitate when he heard the words.

He doesn't know what to do to impress Chen Fan...

Chen Fan's strength is too strong, and the things that can impress him are naturally very limited.

The most valuable treasure in Daqian is the Vientiane Pot, other than that, it is more than a star and a half short.

He gritted his teeth: "I still have a seven-star defense weapon in my hand..."

Chen Fan couldn't help being startled when he heard the words, and looked at Chen Wudao curiously.

He was only at the third level of longevity, but Chen Fan was a little surprised to have a high-star Taoist weapon.

However, thinking about the special nature of Daqian, Chen Fan also felt that it was normal.

With so many secret realms and relics, I was able to get the Nine-Star Dao Artifact White Emperor Armor when I was weak when I was young. It is normal for others to have adventures and gains.

However, Chen Fan shook his head: "Not enough."

He has more than one high-star Taoist weapon in his hand, and the defensive type of Taoist weapon has the White Emperor Armor, and the ordinary seven-star Taoist weapon, but he doesn't like it!

Chen Wudao smiled helplessly when he heard the words.

Even Gao Xing's Dao Artifact couldn't impress Chen Fan, and he didn't know what to take out.

"You definitely don't lack medicine pills..."

Chen Fan looked at him with a sneer.

Not to mention the relics he got from various masters, the annual quota issued by the Holy Church alone will also have holy-level pills.

He still has a lot in his hand, of various types and qualities.

Chen Wudao shook his head helplessly: "Then I really have nothing to do."

Seeing his attitude, Chen Fan just shook his head, but his heart suddenly moved.

One thing came to mind.

He looked at Chen Wudao:

"It's not impossible for me to go back to work... But there is one thing, I want to make it clear to you in advance..."

Chen Wudao was taken aback for a moment, and then his face showed ecstasy: "Chen Fan, tell me!"

Chen Fan is not only a peerless genius in the holy hall, but also a peerless master who is difficult to find in the southeast region, but the significance to Daqian is too great.

Chen Fan sneered: "At that time, I was working hard. The reason why I was able to improve my strength so quickly was because of my personal talent on the one hand, and on the other hand, I thought I had another identity..."

Chen Wudao couldn't help but startled: "What?"

A subtle smile appeared on Chen Fan's face: "I got the inheritance of the Star Gate by accident, so I am also the current head teacher of the Star Gate!"

As soon as these words came out, Chen Wudao's expression also became extremely exciting.

"Star Gate..."

At this time, he also realized why Chen Fan was able to grow so fast...

"You mean to say..."

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes:

"I want to re-establish the Star Gate in Dagan! I am a member of the Star Gate. If it is re-established in the Star Gate, it will naturally mean that I have returned to Dagan—"

Rather than saying that Chen Fan returned to Dagan in this capacity, it is better to say that he is helping the reconstruction of the Star Gate.

Protoss helped him a lot when he was still weak.

Especially the Star God Seal and Star Hall.

Although the effect on Chen Fan is greatly reduced now, it has helped him overcome many difficulties in the past.

In addition to Xingling, Zhonglichenghe also gave Chen Fan the Taoist Artifact of Hunyuan Magic Mirror back then, and also helped Chen Fan obtain the "Evil Killing Eye", a supernatural power that has had a great effect on Chen Fan so far.

Chen Wudao heard what Chen Fan said, but his eyes flickered: "No problem, I will fully cooperate with this matter—"

The decisiveness of Chen Wudao's agreement made Chen Fan feel a little subtle.

However, it has to be said that Chen Wudao is a courageous person.

Chen Fan nodded:

"You go back and explain clearly to Yan Shoudao about the Vientiane Pot, and now you will teach me the 'So Close and the End of the World'..."

He looked at Chen Wudao.

Chen Wudao nodded with a complicated expression upon hearing this.

"'So Far Away' is very special, this supernatural power cannot be learned just by practicing the method..."

His body was full of aura, and blood spurted from his mouth.

In the blink of an eye, a soybean-sized, seed-shaped object appeared in his palm.

It is dark on top of this thing, but it looks like a condensed black hole, and people can't take their eyes off when they look at it, and there are space ripples like water twisting around it.

"This object is called 'Space Seed', also known as 'Space Core', and it is the key to my ability to use space magic..."

"I have completely severed the connection with this space seed, Chen Fan, you are refining it with blood."

No wonder his expression was subtle before.

Its handing over this space seed is equivalent to cutting off the possibility of activating this supernatural power again after itself!

Chen Wudao handed the space seed to Chen Fan, and at the same time took out a simple treasure:

"Here is the practice method of 'Space Seed' corresponding to space supernatural powers, "The Secret Code of Space and Space"."

"There are special restrictions set in it, only the level of 'Space Seed', breaking through a new level, can see the content of the next level—"

"Follow-up promotion requires comprehension of the "Secret Code of Space and Space", and also needs to feed the space seeds with the power of telepathy. My talent is limited, and I have not been able to break through the fourth level of longevity, so I have not been able to break through the subsequent levels..."

Chen Wudao's "Spatial Seed" is only the lowest first level, and he can move tens of thousands of miles away by urging "Close to the End of the World", and he can move as he pleases, and he can go wherever he wants.

Chen Fan took the jade silk with sparkling eyes, and when his spiritual sense penetrated into it, he could feel a lot of information and complicated content pouring into his mind.

His complexion became more and more solemn.

Although it is not complete, Chen Fan can see that it is extraordinary.

Chen Fan has also practiced more than one immortal-level swordsmanship, so his knowledge is naturally extraordinary.

This "Secret Code of Space and Space" must at least be left by a master of the immortal series.

After all, the promotion of space seeds requires the power of mind. Generally speaking, one must reach the fourth level of longevity to practice, and it is extremely difficult to get started!

Among them, "The End of the World" is also an application of "The Secret Code of the Universe".

However, this "Space Secret Codex" requires space seeds to practice. Even if Chen Fan got the secret book, he still needs to refine the space seeds before he can start to practice!

Chen Fan's eyes flickered, and he put away the jade silk.

He was not in a hurry to absorb the space seeds immediately, although he didn't think Chen Wudao would lie to him, but this kind of thing is naturally sure that there is no danger, and it won't be too late to refine it.

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