My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 978 Accident, Zhao Kong

After the gifts from various sects and forces.

Chen Wudao also stepped forward again, looked at the crowd, and said loudly:

"Starting from today, the Xingchen Gate will be restored! In the future, there will be no so-called Yichan Palace in the world, only the Xingchen Gate Yichan Club!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone who had already heard the news still had extremely complicated expressions.

It is not too long to build a country for thousands of years, but it is not too short.

Yichan Palace, as the top first-class force in Daqian, has existed since the establishment of the dynasty, but it did not expect that from today onwards, it will become a strongman.

Chen Fan's expression was indifferent.

The eyes of Zhongli Haocang and his nephew next to him were twinkling.

Yichan Palace is also the most powerful force in Daqian. It has several elders who have achieved longevity. There are many disciples under the sect. Most of them are ascetic seekers, all of whom are elites.

The merger of Yichan Palace into the Star Gate will naturally help the Star Gate recover its strength faster.

Of course, the power of Yichan Palace is only a basic supplement, and the future growth of Star Gate still needs to recruit a large number of disciples.

It's just that with Chen Fan's name, he doesn't have to worry about the source of students at all. Not only Daqian, but also the geniuses of the two surrounding dynasties may rush to learn from him.

"Qiu Hong!" Chen Wudao turned his head and looked at a young man in the audience.

The man stepped forward excitedly, "The disciple is here!"

This person was Qiu Hong, who was sent by Xingchen Sect to go to Yichan Palace as an undercover agent. He hadn't seen him for decades, and this person had also reached the late tenth level cultivation level, and he was also one of the deputy palace masters of Yichan Palace!

Chen Wudao glanced at him with a complicated expression:

"Yichan Palace merged into Xingchenmen, and you will be the master of Yichanhui. You must not disappoint Chen Fanmen's expectations!"

Qiu Hong's eyes were extremely excited, but he looked at Chen Fan who was behind Chen Wudao with a calm face: "This subordinate will definitely live up to the sect master's trust!"

As soon as this remark came out, it caused a lot of discussion around.

Especially the masters of Yichan Palace, all of them have subtle expressions.

The reconstruction of the star gate is not a trivial matter.

Although the leader of the Yichan Society may not necessarily be the most powerful person in the Yichan Palace, but Qiu Hong in the late tenth stage is not only weak, but also not necessarily stronger than other people in the Yichan Palace. Why can he become this leader? ?

Qiu Hong's identity is still a secret, except for Chen Fan and Zhongli Haocang's uncle and nephew, no one else knows.

Even Chen Wudao was very surprised by Chen Fan's decision.

But he only regarded Chen Fan and Qiu Hong as close personal friends.

Amidst the discussions, Chen Wudao cleared his throat and let out a "hum": "Quiet! This matter was decided by Chen Fan himself, there is no doubt—"

After Chen Wudao's words fell, everyone's discussions came to an abrupt end.

Although he is domineering, it has to be said that Chen Fan's strength guarantees that he can be so domineering.

If he wanted to, he could easily destroy the entire Dagan by himself, and it was useless for other people to have opinions.

Chen Wudao also waved his hand, and the huge clock in the sky rang again, accompanied by the sound of bells, drums, and zithers, Chen Wudao invited Zhongli Haocang to speak.

In essence, it was Chen Fan who was supposed to speak, but Chen Fan rejected the scene in advance.

Although he is the head of the Xingchen Sect in name, in reality he doesn't intend to stay in Daqian. In essence, Uncle Zhongli Haocang is still in charge of the Xingchen Sect.

He is just a name.

As the ceremony continued, there was a sudden commotion from the outside world.

Chen Fan frowned.

Chen Wudao's face also changed slightly.

With such a grand ceremony, Yichan Palace has already completed the clearing and sealing of the field, because Chen Wudao has gathered the strongest local combat power in Daqian, but Chen Wudao did not expect any problems.

But he turned his head quickly and glanced at Yan Shoudao.

Yan Shoudao immediately nodded knowingly, but turned around immediately to deal with the corresponding matters.

Chen Fan suddenly raised his eyebrows and said, "You don't have to go..."

Yan Shoudao couldn't help being startled, but found that Chen Fan's expression was subtle, but he didn't see much anger, but rather subtle.

In fact, under Chen Fan's spiritual consciousness, he scanned the past and naturally discovered the reason for the chaos.

It was a tenth-layer youth who didn't know how to bypass the defense and blockade of the outside world. He wanted to rush into the venue, but was stopped by the surrounding guards, and the two sides fought into a ball.

As soon as Chen Fan's mind moved, under the control of his spiritual sense, he could only see the figure of Yi Dao flying towards him from a distance in an instant.

The man was dressed in black, his body was a little embarrassed, and his breath was a little unstable.

But when they saw this person, behind Chen Fan, the faces of the senior members of the Zhao family changed.

The contemporary Patriarch of the Zhao family, who is also the only immortal master of the Zhao family at this time, hastily stood up: "Master Chen Fan, this person is a defected son of my Zhao family, who dares to influence the Star Gate to re-establish the hall, but Death to death..."

As he spoke, his eyes flickered, and a huge aura of aura immediately condensed and his hands slapped down on him.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly: "What's the hurry?"

He flicked his finger, and a sword qi shot out from his fingertip.

The huge aura hand turned into countless light spots in an instant and collapsed.

The longevity of the Zhao family is also a master of the second level of longevity, but his aura is stronger than the ancestor of the Zhao family that Chen Fan plotted against in the past!

Following Chen Fan's move, the corners of the Zhao family patriarch's mouth twitched at this time, and his face was rather ugly.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and looked at the young man: "Zhao Kong, we meet again!"

That's right, this person is none other than Zhao Kong, a disciple of the Zhao family that Chen Fan had had some acquaintance with.

The first time he met him was at the auction with Tan Taiyue and others, but the second time he met him was in Daqian Heavenly Prison, when he went to rescue his demon master Jimo Zi.

He is a very lucky person. Chen Fan clearly remembers that this kid used to be a waste of martial arts. An accident in the ancient ruins opened his meridians, and then he showed amazing martial arts talent... …

Chen Fan won the White Emperor Armor precisely because he got the opportunity of the ancient ruins in his hands.

At the beginning, this kid was just a chance to be a certain longevity master of the Ancient Desolate Sect. In order to save his master, he handed over the chance to Chen Fan.

It was Chen Fan who obtained the nine-star Dao artifact like the White Emperor Armor when his cultivation base was still weak!

Although Chen Fan hadn't met him a few times, his impression was very deep!

Not only because of the fact that he got the White Emperor Armor in the end, but also because of the character of this kid.

For the sake of his master, he did not hesitate to take the risk to break into the heavenly prison with a cultivation base of the seventh level of martial arts, and then gave up his own chance, just to save his master for Chen Fan...

But over the past few decades, his person has changed a lot from the young man back then.

The cultivation base is even more exaggerated.

When Chen Fan saw him for the last time, he was only at the seventh level, but now he has advanced to the tenth level, and it is not the first time to enter the tenth level, but has reached the second level of Dao Domain.

Zhao Kong couldn't help being startled when he heard what Chen Fan said, with a blank expression on his face: "Senior, you recognize me..."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows, "Do you still remember how your master escaped from the Heavenly Prison?"

At that time, Chen Fan didn't show his true face, and Zhao Kong even suspected that Chen Fan was a master of the Tantai family.

Hearing Chen Fan's words at this time, he couldn't help being startled: "You, you...are you that senior?"

Chen Fan nodded lightly.

The surrounding people also looked at this scene with subtle expressions.

And the face of the ancestor of the Zhao family was even uglier...

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