My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 979: Magic Forged Cauldron

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and looked at Zhao Kong:

"I see that you forcibly broke into the Yichan Mountain Gate. It seems that you have some difficulties? And why did you betray the Zhao family, but because of your beautiful master?"

His master, Jimo Zi, is a disciple of Yuan Mozong.

It would be normal for the Zhao family to expel Zhao Kong if they found out that Zhao Kong was having an affair with someone from the Demon Sect!

Zhao Kong immediately fell to his knees with a thud: "Senior, please save Azi..."

Seeing his appearance, Chen Fan raised his brows slightly, and with a thought, his spiritual consciousness lifted him up: "A Zi you mentioned, but your master Jimo Zi?"

Zhao Kong nodded: "A Zi is indeed my master... Later we fell in love with each other, and we became husband and wife..."

Chen Fan's expression was subtle, but he had to say that he was not surprised by this result.

Although Jimo Zi is a disciple of the Demon Sect, he is kind and beautiful. Zhao Kong is young and vigorous, so it is normal to be attracted.

And this kid Zhao Kong is not only not low in talent, but also in good fortune, and he values ​​love and righteousness, so it is normal to get Jimo Zi's love.

On the other hand, Zhao Kong pointed at the ancestor of the Zhao family with glaring eyes: "It's all the villain Zhao Yao! For his own selfish desires, he overwhelmed me and took my wife away... If it wasn't for my own luck, I would have been killed by him long ago... ..."

"I have been waiting for an opportunity, an opportunity to meet the high-ranking officials, to make public the atrocities of this villain, and to save my wife from suffering!"

This statement is exported.

Zhao Yao, the patriarch of the Zhao family, was extremely angry, and there was a sharp spiritual light surging on his body again, and he rushed towards Zhao Kong in an instant, as if he was angry.

Chen Fan's eyes flickered, and he suddenly felt that the matter was not that simple. He took a false step, but his body suddenly appeared in front of Zhao Kong.

Zhao Yao's turbulent aura hit Chen Fan's body, but it didn't stir up any waves.

He snorted coldly, Zhao Yao's eyes flashed silently, and soon his face was shocked, with blood overflowing from his mouth and nose.

With Chen Fan's cultivation at the 4th level of longevity at this time, he can activate "Nightmare Prayer" again, but he can instantly kill Zhao Yao.

But he was deliberately merciful, but it was only a little punishment.

"Next time, I won't give you another chance to live."

He took a deep look at Zhao Yao.

Zhao Yao's face was shocked.

And the people around saw this scene with admiration and awe.

Chen Fan turned his head to look at Zhao Kong again: "Please explain clearly, what is the situation?"

There must be something hidden in this, the ancestor of the Zhao family obviously did something other than imprisoning Jimo Zi, which should not be done.

Zhao Kong took a deep breath and continued: "Senior, you should know that my master has a magic treasure in his hand, but it was the one that the Yuan Demon Sect was chasing..."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and nodded: "Go on."

This point is still fresh in Chen Fan's memory. Si Kongwei, the longevity master of the Yuan Demon Sect, sent many people to chase and kill Jimo Zi for such a treasure.

Chen Fan was able to take down Sikong Qing, and thus get the "Eye of Demon Killing", but it was also related to him!

It's just that Jimo Zi refused to tell what the treasure was in front of her at the beginning.

Although such a thing is powerful, it seems that using it will hurt the world.

Zhao Kong continued: "I only found out later that the treasure in Ah Zi's hand is called the Magic Casting Cauldron, but it can use the essence of flesh and blood as raw materials to forge a great cultivation pill, and it can even help immortal masters practice!"

Zhao Kong's words just fell.

Chen Fan saw that Zhao Yao's head was covered with cold sweat, and he was holding a hand in his sleeve, but he took out a "Escape Talisman".

Crushed decisively.

A phantom flickered on the person's body, but the body was not able to move away, but stayed in place.

A look of astonishment flashed across his face, but he saw Chen Fan sneering and looking at him playfully.

Compared with the masters of the same level in the temple, Chen Fan's spiritual realm is weak.

But in Daqian, Chen Fan's spiritual consciousness is unstoppable. It is impossible for a mere second level of longevity to make small movements under Chen Fan's spiritual consciousness!

Not to mention that Chen Fan has already refined the core of space, even if he didn't, relying on his own mental world alone is enough to easily lock the surrounding space.

Zhao Yao failed to escape, but suddenly rose from the sky again, but just as he flew out, he fell heavily to the ground with a muffled groan.

Before Chen Fan gave an order, Chen Wudao pointed at him coldly: "Take him down!"

Behind Chen Wudao, Yan Shoudao flew out immediately, and a golden rope in his hand danced and entwined, restraining him, and his aura immediately weakened. This rope obviously has a special "seal" power.

Chen Fan looked at this scene indifferently, turned his head again, and looked at Zhao Kong:

"Go ahead and say—"

Zhao Kong nodded: "Because of an accident, Azi exposed his identity, and both I and Azi were captured by the Zhao family. Zhao Yao searched Azi's soul, and thus learned the whereabouts and efficacy of the magic casting tripod... "

"For the sake of his own practice, Zhao Yao did not hesitate to let his confidantes hide their identities, pretending to be disciples of the Demon Sect, and constantly attacking and assassinating innocent warriors of mine, using it to condense the Demon Casting Pill!"

As soon as this remark came out, the faces of the people around were all strange.

Some members of Zhao's family looked uglier than each other.

Zhao Kong continued: "The worst time was five years ago when dozens of counties and towns under the jurisdiction of Wanye City in the north of Emperor County were attacked, and millions of people disappeared... At that time, it was regarded as a The Demon Sect's sacrifice and revenge are actually all done by Zhao Yao!"

As soon as Zhao Kong said this, there was a good round of uproar.

Obviously, this matter is not a trivial matter.

Chen Wudao also frowned deeply, but he took the initiative to ask:

"How did you know about this?"

Although he didn't think Zhao Kong was aimless, he naturally wanted to ask about the situation.

Zhao Kong said:

"Because the magic casting cauldron has recognized Azi as the owner, only Azi can activate the power of the magic casting cauldron. If Azi dies, it is impossible for Zhao Yao to get the approval of the magic casting cauldron again. Zhao Yao will take my life Threatening Azi and urging the Demon Casting Cauldron... Zhao Yao told me about it himself!"

Chen Wudao clenched his fists, obviously very angry, but he continued to ask:

"How did you escape from Zhao Yao as a ten-fold? After you escaped, why didn't you tell the world about it?"

On the other hand, Zhao Kong said: "The reason why I was able to escape was because of a special magical breakthrough in my hand. I was able to escape while Zhao Yao was not around."

"After escaping, I didn't dare to disclose this matter directly, because I know that if I rely on my strength alone, even if I disclose this matter, I will most likely be suppressed by the Zhao family, and it will harm Ah Zi because of it..."

"I have been looking for a master who can uphold justice for me, save Azi and make Zhao Yao pay the price. I have looked for Embroidered Clothes Building, Alien Blood Society, and Yichan Palace, but I haven't found it once. I have seen a real master..."

His words were full of anger and helplessness.

It also made the faces of the surrounding masters even uglier.

"Until a few days ago, I heard that the star gate was re-established, and the great immortal masters would gather together. I thought that I would meet the immortal masters to uphold justice for me this time, so I risked my life and ran here !"

Zhao Kong's words fell.

The people around all showed regrets, but nine out of ten believed what this person said.

Chen Fan glanced at Chen Wudao, and his voice was incomparably cold: "I'll leave it to Mr. Chen to solve the big things. I don't need to teach you how to do it?"

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