My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 983 News about Le Shaoyuan

"If there is really no limit..." The corners of Chen Fan's mouth twitched.

Relying on millions of people to refine the magic casting pill, it can help longevity break through, and if it is tens of millions, billions, or even billions, tens of billions, or even hundreds of billions, trillions!

In the whole world, all the small worlds, strange lands, and all the living beings add up, there must be more than a trillion!

If all of them were used for alchemy, Chen Fan couldn't believe how exaggerated the effect would be.

Of course, for Chen Fan, who has already made the oath of heaven, it is impossible to explore the upper limit of the magic casting tripod.

And even so, for him, this magic casting cauldron can also play a miraculous effect under certain circumstances.

Anyone who can be his opponent is anyone.

Longevity above the sixth level, you can be named a prince or even a king.

Such a master, one person can be worth hundreds of millions of people, and any master can refine a very powerful "Magic Casting Pill"!

On the other hand, Jimo Zi, who helped Chen Fan refine the magic casting pill, was extremely pale, but he showed a relieved expression.

For him, this magic casting pill is not only useless, but also a great burden.

The Zhao family has harmed so many people, it is also a heavy psychological burden for Jimo Zi.

She would not take the blame on herself, but it would be a lie to say that there was no fluctuation in her heart.

And without the Magic Casting Cauldron, she will no longer have to bear these burdens in the future!

"Senior, please forgive my husband and wife for leaving temporarily—" Zhao Kong grabbed his wife's palm and looked at Chen Fan as well.

Chen Fan nodded: "Go."

For the two of them, it has also been a long period of torture and life and death.

As the two left, Chen Fan also turned his head to look at Chen Wudao: "Lord Chen, bring all the 'sinners' of the Zhao family here."

Chen Wudao also nodded decisively.

There are not too many beneficiaries of the Zhao family, maybe hundreds or thousands of people.

But these people, every strength progress is quite good.

Basically, they are all masters or above, and there are nearly a hundred of them in the tenth series. Although there is no third longevity, there are several Dao fruits.

"Except for the gap in the level of top experts, the Zhao family is already top-notch in other aspects..."

No wonder Zhao Yao would be so cruel, the benefits are too great.

Hundreds of people were brought here by Chen Wudao, and all of these people have been restrained.

When they saw Chen Fan and the Magic Forged Cauldron in front of Chen Fan, these people also showed despair, and many people kowtowed on the spot to beg for mercy.

Chen Fan's spiritual sense scanned them, and among these people, there were people Chen Fan had known in the past, but Zhao Tianhua, who was most familiar to him, was not among them.

He was also relieved.

If Zhao Tianhua was among them, he would naturally not let him go, but naturally there would be unavoidable fluctuations in his heart.

He didn't have any acquaintance with the rest of them, and he didn't feel any psychological burden on killing them.

"Since you know what this thing is, you should naturally understand what you are going to suffer..."

These people's current cultivation and strength are based on the fear and death of countless people, but they deserve to bear such a price.

In fact, the fear and negative emotions on these people were already quite exaggerated before Chen Fan brought them into the Magic Forge Cauldron.

With a thought, Chen Fan's majesty and generosity on the magic casting cauldron took all these people into it.

There is a huge space in the magic casting cauldron, but it is extremely easy to accommodate these people.

He was not in a hurry to activate the magic casting cauldron and started alchemy.

Because the negativity of these people is not enough.

And he doesn't have to do anything, just wait silently.

The feeling of waiting for death is the greatest torture.

Of course, he is always watching the movement in the magic casting cauldron, but he will never allow anyone to commit suicide in advance, or kill other people.

An hour later, Chen Fan activated the power of the magic casting cauldron.

The fluorescence was surging, but not even a quarter of an hour passed. Hundreds of thousands of masters in the magic casting cauldron were completely smelted, leaving only a black pill the size of a thumb in the cauldron.

It's just that this elixir didn't cause any changes in the world.

Because it is said to be a pill, but in fact, this thing is not a pill in the ordinary sense at all!

Chen Fan took out the pill and swallowed it in one gulp.

With the pure power, as the elixir spread to Chen Fan's limbs and bones, the speed of his "Origin Technique" also continued to increase.

In addition, his brain has also become much clearer, and he even feels that his perception of various Taos is clearer and more obvious.

However, considering Chen Fan's strength at this time, the improvement of this effect can be said to be quite small. Whether it is enlightenment or self-cultivation, the improvement is extremely slow, and it does not help him much.

"The level of this magic casting pill is still too low..."

It seems that there are quite a few of these people, but in fact, the total of nearly a thousand people is not as important as the two longevity of the Zhao family.

"If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't be in a hurry to kill them..."

Chen Fan shook his head, but soon he laughed, "Even if we don't kill them, with the strength of the two of them, they won't be able to practice any too advanced magic casting pills."

As far as Chen Fan is concerned, some of the sixth level of longevity, or even masters of Fenghou, are more helpful to him.

However, with his current strength, it is possible to defeat Fenghou, but it is too difficult to capture Fenghou alive.

As for masters whose strength has reached that level, even if they can be captured alive, it is not easy for them to feel fear.

Shaking his head, Chen Fan just left the Zhao family.


When Star Gate began to plan for reconstruction and recruit disciples again, Chen Fan quietly came to Yuanshang Secret Realm again.

At this time, the ten years agreed between him and Lan Ruo have arrived.

It's just that Lan Ruo didn't say exactly that Chen Fan must arrive within ten years, and until now, Lan Ruo didn't take the initiative to contact Chen Fan, so he didn't set off for the central region immediately.

Instead, he returned to the Yuanshang Secret Realm again and began to practice in the Temple of Enlightenment.

After passing the second assessment of the Battle Hall, Chen Fan also got three years of training time in the Hall of Enlightenment.

"Lan Ruo has been waiting for me for so long, so she doesn't mind waiting for me for three more years?"

Needless to say, his one-year comprehension in the Hall of Enlightenment was stronger than his ten years in the Holy Church.

His Dao of Earth has also stepped into the Dao series.

About two years later, Chen Fan received a summons that made him temporarily stop and continue his enlightenment.

The message is from Le Shaoyuan:

"Chen Fan, I found traces of Dean Mao in Xihuang, the location is..."

Chen Fan resolutely left the secret realm of Yuanshang, and under the "close distance to the end of the world", he arrived at the location indicated by Le Shaoyuan in the West Wilderness in an instant.

With a sweep of his consciousness, Le Shaoyuan, who is ten heavy, is naturally very conspicuous in his eyes.

At this moment, Le Shaoyuan is in a remote tribe in the Western Wilderness. This tribe is obviously also a tribe that has experienced the disaster of monsters and beasts, and it is currently undergoing reconstruction.

Chen Fan turned into a streamer and rushed into a room in an instant.

Le Shaoyuan was chatting with the warriors in the tribe.

"Who trespassed on our holy land?!"

The warriors of the tribe each looked alert and took up their weapons.

But Le Shaoyuan quickly waved his hands: "Stop! This is the person I was talking about!"

All the tribal warriors looked at each other and put down their weapons.

A master master dressed in bright clothes and dressed as a wizard respectfully bowed to Chen Fan: "Immortal Master Dagan, please forgive the recklessness of Tasang warriors..."

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