My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 984 Joy and old acquaintance

Le Shaoyuan also had a subtle expression: "Chen came so fast!"

Chen Fan waved his hand and looked at Le Shaoyuan: "Senior Brother Le, you said that there is news of Dean Mao's whereabouts, but is it true?"

When Le Shaoyuan was rescued casually, he said he would help find Dean Mao's whereabouts.

But in fact, Chen Fan no longer had any expectations in his heart.

He also tried to push the occultation mirror deduction.

But he didn't have the corresponding token, but he couldn't meet the conditions of the deduction at all.

He also asked Chen Wudao to order to search for Dean Mao in various places in Dagan and the western wilderness around Dagan, but there was no trace of him.

In his heart, he basically believed that Dean Mao had passed away, but he didn't expect that Le Shaoyuan could really find the trace.

Le Shaoyuan nodded again and again, and then said:

"It was from this Tasang tribe that I heard about the dean. It is said that when the Tasang tribe was fleeing, a Tasang family discovered Dean Mao who appeared in the wild and was in a coma..."

"Because Dean Mao is a tenth-fold master after all, even if he is seriously injured and unconscious, his physique is still very strong. The Tasang tribe knew that Dean Mao was powerful and that he was not a common man, so they took him to escape together and waited for him to wake up... But later they met The monsters attacked, and the people of the Tasang tribe were scattered, and those who took care of Dean Mao disappeared..."

Chen Fan was also stunned when he heard the words: "No wonder..."

The reason why Chen Fan thinks that Dean Mao is probably dead is because he was transported away from Dagan through the "Ten Thousand Miles No Trace Talisman" when he was seriously injured.

In his opinion, if Dean Mao was still alive, it would be impossible for him not to show up for such a long time.

Now he finally knows why.

"That's right, Dean Mao is tenth level. If he is seriously injured and unconscious, he may be unconscious for a long time..."

Ten heavy masters have tenacious vitality, but it is quite normal for them to be seriously injured and comatose for several years!

There was a surprise in his heart, and then he immediately turned to look at the wizard of the Tasan clan:

"Do you know the specific situation, tell me, when did you encounter the monster beast attack, what strength is the monster beast, when did you get separated, and where are you?"

The wizard didn't dare to hide anything, and told Chen Fan everything.

It happened before Chen Fan returned to Dagan. It has been several years now. Although they have encountered many monsters, their overall strength is not strong, and the range they are in is already far away from Wanyao Ridge. It's far enough away. It stands to reason that unless luck is too bad, there shouldn't be an accident!

Chen Fan was even more delighted.

If this is the case, there is a real possibility that Dean Mao will still be alive!

"If Dean Mao can be found back, I will never treat you badly!"

Chen Fan left this sentence, but it immediately shot up into the sky.


Although a long time has passed, the members of the Tasang tribe fled to the southern region.

With a goal.

Starting from the place where they were separated, Chen Fan released his consciousness and headed towards the southern region.

With his current cultivation base, the scope of his consciousness is extremely exaggerated, and the search speed is also extremely fast.

However, it took only half a day to run to the edge of the southern region.

But he never found Dean Mao.

"Could it be that they really escaped into the Southern Region?" Chen Fan frowned deeply.

"I still don't believe it!" He entered the Southern Territory from east to west.

Pushing forward all the way, although Chen Fan did not find Dean Mao.

But in an independent city called Great Yancheng, he sensed a familiar soul breath.

His consciousness surged over, and when he saw the situation of that acquaintance clearly, Chen Fan also frowned deeply.

"How did this kid get into such a picture?"

Chen Fan's figure suddenly moved into a courtyard.

Dilapidated courtyard.

some dark room.

A young man with long black hair sat halfway on the bed, and there was a tea table on the bed.

There are no eyeballs in his eyes, only hideous scars, apparently someone had his eyes gouged out.

Not only the eyes, but also the two legs were amputated below the knee, and one arm and sleeve was also empty.

Only one of his limbs is intact!

With a long sword on his back, he sat on the bed and drank tea indifferently.

Chen Fan's figure suddenly appeared in the room.

Although the young man had no eyes, he waved his hand lightly, and the power of heaven and earth surged. On the tea table in front of him, a cup of tea floated up, but it floated leisurely towards Chen Fan's position.

"Which friend came uninvited, please drink me a cup of tea."

To be able to manipulate the power of heaven and earth so smoothly, this is at least a master master.

But under Chen Fan's induction, he is no longer an ordinary master, and should have reached the ninth level.

However, judging from his aura, it is not too mellow, it should be the Jiuzhong who has just broken through.

Chen Fan reached out to catch the tea, drank it in one gulp, then shook his head and said:

"Zaro, how did you make it look like this?"

That's right, this young man is exactly the Zha Luo that Chen Fan brought into the Kunwu Secret Realm when he went to the Kunwu Secret Realm for the first time.

Because of offending Kunwu City, after Chen Fan left Kunwu Secret Realm, he took Zhaluo to the Southern Region by the way.

Before leaving, Chen Fan also gave him a lot of spiritual tools and pills.

When Chen Fan's voice sounded, the teacup in the young man's hand slightly froze. A look of surprise flashed across his face, and the corners of his mouth curled up as he said with a smile:

"It turns out that an old friend has arrived, Senior Zhang Fan, we haven't seen each other for a long time."

As he said that, he laughed: "Look at me like this, we can't call it goodbye... It's just that you meet me face-to-face."

Chen Fan was speechless.

This Zaro put his mentality very well.

"My real name is Chen Fan, so you will call me by my real name in the future."

When he escaped from Dagan, he naturally didn't dare to reveal his real name, but now, in the whole world, there are very few people and forces who can threaten him and make him dare not reveal his real name, so he naturally won't have any more Fear.

As he spoke, he raised his eyebrows slightly:

"If I see it right, you also have the ninth level of cultivation now. The artistic conception you are cultivating should be sword intent, right? It shouldn't be difficult for a ninth-level master with perfect sword intent to get a heaven-level elixir to restore limbs?"

When he first met Zhaluo, he was just a boy who was a half-step master of the sixth level of martial arts. In just thirty or forty years, he had grown to the current level nine, and Chen Fan knew the artistic conception he had comprehended. A kind of sword intent!

This is quite rare!

Hear what Chen Fan said.

However, Zhaluo shook his head helplessly: "My injury was injured by a powerful special force in a special secret realm. Later, I also searched for healing pills to restore my limbs... but I never got it. worked."

"Oh?" Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and stepped forward, "Let me take a look."

He thrust his consciousness into Zha Luo's body in an instant, and then raised his eyebrows.

At the location of the wound, there was a force of destruction.

This kind of power is not just the power of pure artistic conception, but also contains some kind of terrifying power of "Tao".

No wonder it couldn't be recovered only by heaven-level pills.

"Could it be the way of destruction?"

Chen Fan has never really seen the power of this kind of Tao, but he can feel its strength.

However, although the Tao is powerful, it does not involve the Dao level.

Although it was scary, it was not difficult for Chen Fan to solve it.

"You're lucky, Zarro."

Chen Fan stepped forward.

Yuanzhu floated out of his body.

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