My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 986 See you at last

Accepting Zhaluo was just a coincidence and Chen Fan's whim.

The main purpose of Chen Fan coming to the Southern Region was to search for Mao Wangchen's whereabouts.

However, even with his strength, searching for people in this huge southern region still feels like looking for a needle in a haystack.

It's not that his consciousness is not strong enough.

But because the search in some special places is very troublesome.

But most of the similar martial arts sects and forces have set up formations in the base.

Even some cities and small countries may have formations.

It's okay to use some low-level formations, it's not a problem for Chen Fan to pass through the formations with a sweep of his consciousness.

However, it is difficult for Chen Fan's spiritual consciousness to cross any advanced formations.

In addition to formations.

There are also special places such as small worlds and secret realms, which Chen Fan cannot directly explore.

Of course, with his strength, he can find most of these places slowly.

The key problem is that there are too many places like this in the Southern Territory.

He wanted to search one by one, but it was a waste of time.

"If things go on like this, when will I find out? Why don't I just put these places aside for the time being, and I'll do a rough search first. If I can't find Dean Mao, I'll go back and check these places one by one..."

With an idea in his mind, he temporarily put aside some places that could not be explored by his spiritual sense, and began to search roughly.

It took several days for him and Fen Ling to travel all over the southern region and most of the wilderness, but he still couldn't sense Dean Mao's breath.

"Is Dean Mao's breath too weak, I missed it... Or did Dean Mao stray into a special place by mistake? I can't sense it?"

Of course, there is also a third possibility, that is, Dean Mao has encountered an accident, and this is also the possibility that Chen Fan does not want the most.

Chen Fan shook his head, but he searched carefully for Mao Wangchen's whereabouts again from west to east, from the west side of the Southern Territory.

This time his search was more detailed, and he also began to actively search in some places that could not be covered by spiritual consciousness.

In the blink of an eye, a month has passed, but Chen Fan has traveled almost all the forces in most of the southern region. He has gone to many secret realms and small worlds with the help of "space seeds", but he still has nothing to gain.

On the contrary, there are many other gains...

Of course, considering his current strength, ordinary secret realms and small worlds would hardly bring him much gain.

Just when Chen Fan himself didn't have much hope, Chen Fan received another letter from Le Shaoyuan——

Dean Mao has found it!

Chen Fan, who heard the news, was both surprised and delighted. He was extremely astonished, but he didn't stop for a moment, and rushed to the Great Wilderness, where the Tasang tribe was.


Tasang tribe.

In a building with a rather exotic style.

Chen Fan also finally saw Mao Wangchen who was sleeping and seriously injured again.

As a top ten master, Mao Wangchen has a long lifespan, and it is quite normal for him to sleep for several years.

Needless to say, Mao Wangchen's injury was naturally extremely serious.

Not only the body, but also the soul is almost dry. After such a long time, he is still alive, and he is already lucky.

Seeing Mao Wangchen again, Chen Fan was also pleasantly surprised and moved, a big stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

He turned his head and looked at Le Shaoyuan next to him with a delicate expression: "How did Brother Le find the dean?"

Le Shaoyuan also said:

"The news of the reconstruction of the Tasang tribe spread, but those lost tribesmen returned, and that's how they brought Dean Mao back together."

Chen Fan's expression was even more subtle: "Where did they go? I went west all the way and almost searched all over the Southern Region..."

He was very strange.

Le Shaoyuan "coughed": "According to what these Tasang tribesmen said, they lost their way in the wilderness, but they didn't go to the southwest region, but entered Nanyun by mistake. In the desert..."

The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched.

How could he have imagined this.

Shaking his head helplessly, "Anyway, it's a good thing to find Dean Mao!"

He went to the head of the bed.

Turning over his hand, he took out a Soul Accumulation Pill and fed it to Mao Wangchen.

With his strength, he can see through Mao Wangchen's current situation with a sweep of his consciousness.

The reason why Mao Wangchen has been sleeping deeply is because the damage to his soul is not small.

Not seen for decades, Mao Wangchen's cultivation base is still at the early stage of the tenth level, but he has not made any progress.

For this person, the potency of the Soul Accumulation Pill is too powerful, even if he is still awake, he cannot refine this pill.

Chen Fan's spiritual consciousness was agitated, and he helped him to disperse the medicinal power of Yunyun Pill and refine it slowly.

As he absorbed the power of the Soul Accumulating Pill, his spirit, which was almost dry, began to slowly nourish and recover.

at the same time.

Chen Fan also inspired the power of the source pearl again, and a large amount of source energy entered Mao Wangchen's body.

His physical injuries were completely recovered in the blink of an eye.

Not long after, Mao Wangchen woke up.

Seeing Mao Wangchen woke up.

"Dean!" Chen Fan's eyes flickered.


Le Shaoyuan was also quite excited.

Mao Wangchen's eyes flashed blankly, and his eyes vaguely swept over the two people in front of him, then shook his head, and patted his own head: "Am I dreaming? Chen Fan, why did I see you?"

Chen Fan smiled:

"Dean, you are not dreaming, I am back!"

Mao Wangchen froze for a moment, then sat up, glanced at Chen Fan, then at Le Shaoyuan, then looked around, and finally squeezed his palm to confirm that it was not a dream , and then looked at Chen Fan again.

His face was also full of relief: "I knew... I knew you would come back sooner or later since I heard the news that you participated in the Meihui more than ten years ago!"

Chen Fan also sighed: "I should have come back soon..."

Mao Wangchen shook his head:

"It doesn't matter if it's earlier or later, just come back."

"It's a pity that when I let you come back, I saw Dagan in such a mess, alas..."

Before Mao Wangchen was seriously injured and fell asleep, monsters and beasts were in full swing. He didn't know the situation at this time, he thought that Dagan was still in chaos!

Le Shaoyuan glanced at Chen Fan with a subtle expression, and shook his head:

"The Demon Emperor of Wanyao Ridge is dead, and the crisis of my great work no longer exists. Dean Mao, you can rest assured."

When Mao Wangchen heard Le Shaoyuan's words, he was stunned again, and then his expression changed slightly: "What year is it now, how long have I been in a coma?!"

Chen Fan couldn't help laughing out loud.


After returning to Dagan with Dean Mao.

Chen Fan was the Emperor of Elements who helped Dean Mao absorb a Yuanshang Secret Realm Exchange.

This Emperor of Elements is a special Emperor of Elements that has been specially modified in the Yuanshang Secret Realm, but it is extremely suitable for absorption.

In Yuanshang Secret Realm, Chen Fan exchanged for three Emperors of Elements at first, and then exchanged for two more after breaking through the battle hall assessment.

In fact, if it weren't for the five elemental emperors in the Yuanshang Secret Realm, he would still be able to exchange them.

He has five, but one left to Dean Mao is still rich.

After that, he also left a lot of other resources and treasures for Dean Mao, and then he returned to the secret realm of Yuanshang to continue his hard work.

But he spent all the three years of practicing in the Temple of Enlightenment before leaving the secret realm of Yuanshang.

It's a pity, except that he has finally stepped into the Dao series except for the Dao of Earth, but he has not made much progress in the Dao of Fire, Water, Wind and Thunder.

On the contrary, his Dao Fruit of Slaughter, after three years of practice, finally managed to pick it off!

Sorry for being a little late~

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