Although the effect of the Hall of Enlightenment is excellent.

But Dao's breakthrough is too difficult.

Three years is too short a time.

The Dao of Earth and the Dao of Slaughter are powerful, but they have only just broken through after all, and the improvement in strength brought to Chen Fan is very small...

However, because of his breakthrough in the way of killing, his own Demon Killing Eye has finally taken a step forward, and he has also reached the ultimate form of Demon Killing Eye, and it is also the final form of the supernatural power he practiced "Devil Killing Eye". layer.

At this time, he can control the shutdown of the Demon Killing Eye at will.

It is more convenient to condense the demonic killing clone, and all the attacking powers of the demonic killing eye have been fully unlocked!

In the future, even if his way of killing improves, the Demon Killing Eye will no longer change in form.

Of course, although the Devil's Killing Eye has reached its ultimate form, the power of the Devil's Killing Eye will still increase with the improvement of the way of killing.

Of course, for Chen Fan, the attack effect of his Devil Eye is far inferior to the effect of being able to condense the clone.

With his level of killing method at this time, even if the Demon Killing Eye breaks through, it doesn't mean much to him.


After coming out, Chen Fan tried again to challenge his opponent in the third round of the Battle Hall. Facing the king master of the Sun God Clan, Chen Fan still had no strength to resist and failed again.

Although in the past few years, his "star-seeking" progress has improved a lot, both in power and in physical damage, but his basic strength has really been limited.

"time to go."

I have been working hard but I have stayed long enough.

All the old friends should be able to meet each other, and the conflicts in the past should be resolved, but without the time to practice in the "Enlightenment Hall", the meaning of staying here by oneself is not great.

In fact, he hasn't made another trip to the Blood Demon Secret Realm yet.

After careful consideration, he did not intend to go again.

When he took away the deformed blood beast, after all, he violated the wishes of its guardians. When he went back, his position was embarrassing, but what he could do was extremely limited.

It's nothing more than reminiscing with Simo, King Shentu and the guardians, and taking away some "foreign blood", but it doesn't make much sense.

"When I can really deduce the 'Blood Fusion Technique' to perfection, and the 'Hanging Sword' that can remove all the 'Blood Demons', then go to the Blood Demon Secret Realm."

Before leaving, he went to the Star Gate again to meet the star spirit.

Specifically ask the person about the past of the Star God Seal.

Xingling once said that the Star God Seal and the Star God Palace are treasures that Zhongli Haocang got by chance.

Even the names of the two were chosen by Zhongli Haocang himself later.

Chen Fan asked him exactly where he got the two things from.

His answer made Chen Fan's heart delicate.

The Star God Seal came from the Chaos Sea!

According to Zhongli Haocang, after he broke through to immortality, he once wandered in the sea of ​​chaos for a while.

Although in the Chaos Sea, ordinary longevity is not powerful, but keep a low profile, it is not too unlucky and it will not easily lose your life.

In the chaotic sea, there are many masters, but it doesn't mean that Changsheng is weak.

In terms of proportion, the ordinary longevity is still the existence at the very top of the pyramid, but there are other stronger existences above the ordinary longevity.

He obtained the Star God Seal and Star Palace in the ruins of a certain ancient clan, and encountered many dangers.

When he got it, the Star God Seal was incomplete.

Chen Fan asked Protoss to mark the exact location, but he raised his eyebrows. The location marked by Protoss is on the sea of ​​chaos, which is quite close to the Northern Territory.

Chen Fan was not surprised by this result.

Even before the great change of the world, the danger level of the Chaos Sea was far higher than that of the outside world.

With Zhongli Haocang's original strength, in the sea of ​​chaos full of dangers, he naturally didn't dare to go deeper easily.

"When I go back to the church, I can walk here. I don't know if I will gain something..."

For him, it is a good thing to be able to find the parts of the Star God Seal, but if he can't find it, he is not obsessed with it.

He has too many treasures in his hands now.

The Star God Seal is certainly extraordinary, but for him at this moment, it is not so inseparable.

On the other hand, for the occultation mirror, if other parts can be found, it will be more meaningful to him.

It's just that the solar occulting mirror is a fairy weapon after all. Until now, Chen Fan couldn't deduce the whereabouts of other parts, but he didn't know when he would have to wait until he could find the other parts of the mirror.


Afterwards, Chen Fan did not stay in Dagan for too long, but left Dagan, entered the Great Wilderness, and then went north from the Southern Territory, and entered the Nanyun Desert.

Going to Nanyunmo with Chen Fan's strength at this time is naturally a completely different feeling.

In fact, if Nanyunmo was not a jeopardy, the space was disordered, and its area was too large, Chen Fan could even skip Nanyunmo directly through "Close to the End of the World" and directly reach the Central Territory.

"Even if I complete the first level of the "Space Secret Codex", I can transfer tens of thousands of miles at most, but it is still far from directly crossing the Central and Southern Territories..."

Nagumo Mona is quite big.

It's just that even if you can't return to the Central Territory through 'Close to the End of the World', with Chen Fan's strength, it is still quite easy to pass through Nanyunmo.

The pressure and the suppression of the divine consciousness seemed to not exist.

Returning to the central domain, Chen Fan also had a feeling of a world away.

The middle domain is Shenzhou.

Consciousness scattered, Chen Fan looked at the map in his hand, then closed his eyes, as if sensing something.

After a while, his body suddenly disappeared in place.

Jianzong, inside the Jiange, Chen Tianqian, who was practicing with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes.

Then he frowned and left the room.

"Which master came to my sword sect, instead of going through the main entrance, came in secretly instead?"

Floating in the air, Chen Tianqian raised his eyebrows slightly.

But I saw a figure soaring into the sky and galloping towards him in the blink of an eye: "Master, it's me!"

When he saw him, Chen Tianqian couldn't help showing surprise on his face, and then said with some surprise: "You...Chen Fan? You're back?!"

Chen Fan smiled and nodded.

Chen Tianqian's spiritual consciousness was swept away, and then he couldn't help raising his eyebrows, a little shocked: "Your cultivation base..."

Although Chen Fan's fighting power was strong back then, his cultivation base was still poor. Chen Tianqian could see through Chen Fan's strength at a glance with his divine sense.

It's just that at this moment, he couldn't see through Chen Fan's cultivation at all.

What does this represent?

However, Chen Fan waved his hand: "In the holy hall, I have gained a little bit, and my cultivation has improved a little faster, and I have just broken through the fourth level of longevity..."

Chen Tianqian gave a wry smile, with an extremely complicated expression: "This is more than just one o'clock..."

"By the way, why do you want to return to Jianzong? I heard that the holy hall is in the sea of ​​chaos. It is not easy to come back. Don't delay your practice..."

Chen Fan cleared his throat: "I came back for another reason, master don't have to worry about me..."

In fact, staying in Dagan Enlightenment Hall for a few years made him improve faster than practicing in the temple for decades, and it doesn't matter if he delays his practice for a few days.

"I'm not here, is our Jianzong okay?" Chen Fan changed the topic.

Chen Tianqian said:

"Okay, how could it be bad. Since you got the top three places in the Meihui, I don't know how many forces and organizations have come to visit and give gifts, and there are even quite a few hidden sects..."

"Now the central region is in disarray. I don't know how many hidden sects have been born and seized the territory, but there are few who embarrass our Jianzong. It's all thanks to you!"

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